Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | Ciao……我是ARX-160,新世纪的新星哦……嗯,不像吗?差不多就可以了哦。 | チャオ!わたしは次世代武器、ARX-160だよー。え、らしくない?ふぅん…そのぐらいでいいじゃん? | Ciao.. I'm ARX-160, a next generation weapon... Emmm, I don't look like one? Close enough though right? | |
Introduction | 为了取代AR-70小姐,ARX-160是在她的基础上改进的突击步枪,改进后的版本更加轻便舒适,并很快出口到各国市场。最开始的样枪为了配合军方的计划,外形十分有科幻味呢,不过定型时都改掉了。唉……时髦是赶不得的呀…… | To replace Ms AR-70 from service, an assault rifle based on her was developed called ARX-160, the latter is both lighter and more ergonomic, swiftly exported to other countries' markets. The original prototypes were to cooperate with the military projects, it had quite the sci-fi looks to it in the shapes. But all of that was changed after project finalized. Ahh... Can't be chasing the popular fashions... | ||
Secretary | 不同种类的弹匣……指挥官,用哪个比较好呢? | 違う種類のマガジン… どれがつかえばいいのかな? | Different types of magazines... Commander, which one is better? | |
武器的结构,必须用起来舒服才行呢…… | 武器は人に合わせないといけないよね。 | A weapon's structure needs to made it be comfortable usage. | ||
诶……为什么躲那么远啊,我不会伤到指挥官的……大概吧。 | そんなに遠くに逃げないで。指揮官に怪我はさせないから。…たぶん。 | Ah... Why are you staying so far away from me, I won't harm you, Commander... Probably. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,今天很累了吧?一起躺下吧,没关系的,偶尔和我一起变懒吧……
Commander are you tired today? Come lay down with me. Don't worry, you can be lazy with me together sometimes.
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OATH | 指挥官,真的……要和我在一起了?嗯,没什么……我会变得更加勤奋,直到不再让您失望为止,请您期待吧。
Commander, will you really be together with me? Hmm, nothing... I will be less lazy and work harder from now, until your satisfactions, please watch me.
| |
Greeting | 快点关上门吧ー...不然会哭哦。 | 早くドアを閉めてー…乾燥しちゃうから。 | Hurry up and close the door... I'm all dried up. | |
T-Doll Produced | 新的伙伴?(如果)是个成熟些的孩子就好了—— | 新しい仲間?大人しい子がいいなー | A new comrade? Hope she is a more mature type... | |
Joining an echelon | 战斗经验是有的啦。肯定没问题! | 戦闘の経験があるから。きっと大丈夫!うん! | I've got some combat experience, not a problem! | |
Enhancement | 又变强了!得感谢她们才行。 | また強くなった!あの子たちに感謝しなきゃ。 | I'm even stronger now, thanks to them. | |
Dummy-linking | 呜嗯,增加了一个心灵相通的同伴耶! | うん、心が通じ合う仲間が一人増えたよ! | Alright, another companion with hearts aligned. | |
Logistics (start) | 啊、...又要让我出发吗。 | あっ、またわたしの番か。じゃあ行くね。 | Aww... Me again? Well, here I go. | |
Logistics (end) | 总算回来了...真是麻烦的要死的工作呐... | ようやく帰ってきたぁ…面倒くさい仕事だったな… | Finally back... That work was such a hassle... | |
Autobattle | 按约定说的来支援了。感谢我哦! | 約束通り支援にきた。感謝しなさいよ! | I came to support as promised, be grateful to me ok? | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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