| INTRODUCTION_EN = SV-98, designed for counter-terrorist, rescuing hostages and other long distance sniping roles, in order to replace the frontline combat focused SVD. Accuracy and convertibility are my proud traits, but it does require regular and careful maintenances. But I believe that the Commander will look after me with care, please take care of me.
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 下次的目标,是什么呢?
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 下次的目标,是什么呢?
| DIALOGUE1_JP =次のターゲットは何でしょう。
| DIALOGUE1_JP =次のターゲットは何でしょう。
Line 53:
Line 55:
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Today's workload is a bit more than expected... Whatever, no matter how hard it gets, I'll be with you!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Today's workload is a bit more than expected... Whatever, no matter how hard it gets, I'll be with you!
| INTRODUCTION_EN = SV-98, designed for counter-terrorist, rescuing hostages and other long distance sniping roles, in order to replace the frontline combat focused SVD. Accuracy and convertibility are my proud traits, but it does require regular and careful maintenances. But I believe that the Commander will look after me with care, please take care of me.
| SOULCONTRACT_EN =Eh? This...this is beyond my expectations. But, I won't need to note this down right? Because once is more than enough. Commander, I'll never forget this moment.
| SOULCONTRACT_EN =Eh? This...this is beyond my expectations. But, I won't need to note this down right? Because once is more than enough. Commander, I'll never forget this moment.
| BLACKACTION_CN = 掩护行动就请交给在当地的我吧。
| HELLO_CN = 欢迎回来。
| BLACKACTION_JP = 援護作戦は、当区にいる私に任せてください。
| HELLO_JP = お帰りなさい。
| BLACKACTION_EN = Covering operation? Leave it to me.
| HELLO_EN = welcome back.
| BUILDOVER_CN = 新装备制造完成。
| BUILDOVER_JP = 新規装備の建造が完了しました。
| BUILDOVER_EN = New equipment finished construction.
| FORMATION_CN = 我一定不会辜负您的期望的!
| FORMATION_JP = あなた様の期待に、必ず応えて見せます。
| FORMATION_EN = I won't disappoint you!
| FEED_CN = 谢谢您,我会继续努力的。
| FEED_CN = 谢谢您,我会继续努力的。
| FEED_JP = ありがとうございます。この調子で努力します。
| FEED_JP = ありがとうございます。この調子で努力します。
Line 67:
Line 73:
| COMBINE_JP = 編成拡大完了。皆、照準器の準備をしてくださいね。
| COMBINE_JP = 編成拡大完了。皆、照準器の準備をしてくださいね。
| COMBINE_EN = Linking complete. Everyone check your optics.
| COMBINE_EN = Linking complete. Everyone check your optics.
| BUILDOVER_CN = 新装备制造完成。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_CN = 指挥官,我出发了。在我不在时也请照顾好自己。
| BUILDOVER_JP = 新規装備の建造が完了しました。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP =指揮官、行ってきます。私の留守中もお気を付けて
| BUILDOVER_EN = New equipment finished construction.
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = Commander I'm going. Look after yourself while I'm away.
The SV-98 (Snaiperskaya Vintovka Model 1998) is a Russian bolt-action sniper rifle designed by Vladimir Stronskiy. In 2003 special operations troops were armed with the 7.62 mm 6S11 sniper system comprising the SV-98 sniper rifle (index 6V10) and 7N14 sniper enhanced penetration round. The rifle has been used in combat during operations in Chechnya[1]
SV-98, designed for counter-terrorist, rescuing hostages and other long distance sniping roles, in order to replace the frontline combat focused SVD. Accuracy and convertibility are my proud traits, but it does require regular and careful maintenances. But I believe that the Commander will look after me with care, please take care of me.
Eh? This...this is beyond my expectations. But, I won't need to note this down right? Because once is more than enough. Commander, I'll never forget this moment.