| INTRODUCTION_EN = My design project started long before the war, but it was finally finished after the war by a comrade designer goes by the name "Stechkin", hence my name. Being the only standard issue assault handgun issued to the military, I and Makarov entered service together, service record continues even today.
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 和平的日常……最棒了。
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 和平的日常……最棒了。
| DIALOGUE1_JP =平和の日々…いいわ~。
| DIALOGUE1_JP = 平和の日々…いいわ~。
| DIALOGUE1_EN = These peaceful days... They're the best.
| DIALOGUE1_EN = These peaceful days... They're the best.
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 干嘛,长官?今天挺主动呢。
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 干嘛,长官?今天挺主动呢。
| DIALOGUE2_JP =なーに?指揮官。今日は特にアクテイブだね。
| DIALOGUE2_JP = なーに?指揮官。今日は特にアクテイブだね。
| DIALOGUE2_EN = What is it, commander? You're quite proactive today.
| DIALOGUE2_EN = What is it, commander? You're quite proactive today.
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 喂,你!没事乱碰什么!那么喜欢我,不如多捐点钱给我啊!
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 喂,你!没事乱碰什么!那么喜欢我,不如多捐点钱给我啊!
| DIALOGUE3_JP =ちょっと!変なとこ触んないで!お金取るよ!
| DIALOGUE3_JP = ちょっと!変なとこ触んないで!お金取るよ!
| DIALOGUE3_EN =Hey, you! You can't just touch me like that! If you really like me that much, then how about donating some money to me instead?
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Hey, you! You can't just touch me like that! If you really like me that much, then how about donating some money to me instead?
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN =Ah? What? Nothing is missing from the house!....... Oh, well, since we're family, you should offer some financial aid to my dream, hehe.....
| INTRODUCTION_EN = My design project started long before the war, but it was finally finished after the war by a comrade designer goes by the name "Stechkin", hence my name. Being the only standard issue assault handgun issued to the military, I and Makarov entered service together, service record continues even today.
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN =Ah? What? Nothing is missing from the house!....... Oh, well, since we're family, you should offer some financial aid to my dream, hehe.....
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = The costume day is here! Everyone do please behave yourselves with all the fancy costumes you're wearing.
| backgroundinfo = The Stechkin automatic pistol or APS (Avtomaticheskiy Pistolet Stechkina, Russian: Автоматический Пистолет Стечкина) is a Russian selective fire machine pistol. It bears the name of its developer, Igor Stechkin.
| backgroundinfo = The Stechkin automatic pistol or APS (Avtomaticheskiy Pistolet Stechkina, Russian: Автоматический Пистолет Стечкина) is a Russian selective fire machine pistol. It bears the name of its developer, Igor Stechkin.
My design project started long before the war, but it was finally finished after the war by a comrade designer goes by the name "Stechkin", hence my name. Being the only standard issue assault handgun issued to the military, I and Makarov entered service together, service record continues even today.