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Sana/Assimilated: Difference between revisions

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Added stats and Aura.
Line 4: Line 4:
|tags= Armored, Humanoid, Ranged
Line 15: Line 15:

|cost= 10
|critrate= 20%
|critdmg= 150%
|armorpierce= 180
|mov= 10

|min_hp= 479
|max_hp= 1512
|min_dmg= 263
|max_dmg= 905
|min_acc= 110
|max_acc= 249
|min_eva= 38
|max_eva= 96
|min_rof= 27
|max_rof= 56
|min_armor= 13
|max_armor= 30

|ana1_max_hp= 1512
|ana2_max_hp= 1692
|ana3_max_hp= 1952
|ana4_max_hp= 1952
|ana1_max_dmg= 905
|ana2_max_dmg= 905
|ana3_max_dmg= 951
|ana4_max_dmg= 951
|ana1_max_acc= 249
|ana2_max_acc= 249
|ana3_max_acc= 249
|ana4_max_acc= 249
|ana1_max_eva= 96
|ana2_max_eva= 112
|ana3_max_eva= 112
|ana4_max_eva= 112
|ana1_max_rof= 56
|ana2_max_rof= 56
|ana3_max_rof= 56
|ana4_max_rof= 56
|ana1_max_armor= 30
|ana2_max_armor= 30
|ana3_max_armor= 30
|ana4_max_armor= 30

|ana1_desc= Formation Effect Increase
|ana1_desc= Increased Formation Effect  
|ana2_desc= Increased HP and Evasion
|ana4_desc= Active Skill Enhancement
|ana4_desc= Enhanced Active Skill  

Line 64: Line 70:

|aura1= Affects '''T-Doll''' units
|aura2= Increased Rate of Fire by 12%, Accuracy by 30%, and Critical Rate by 15%

|ana1_aura1= Affects '''T-Doll''' units
|ana1_aura2= Increased Rate of Fire by 20%, Accuracy by 50%, and Critical Rate by 30%


Revision as of 05:21, 26 November 2023

Sana Assimilated
Full name Sana
Affiliation Paradeus
Voice actor -TBA-
Artist Unknown
Initial Rarity 3
Tags Armored, Humanoid, Ranged
Released on CN (纱那), TW (), KR (사나)
Chibi animation
Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see Animations on the Wiki.

Ringleader type assimilated Paradeus unit.

How to obtain

ASSIMILATION See Protocol Assimilation for details.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward


Analysis Level 0 & Level 1
Deployment Cost 10
link= Health Health 479(x1)
link= Damage Damage 263 link= Evasion Evasion 38
link= Accuracy Accuracy 110 link= Rate of Fire Rate of Fire 27
Critical Hit Rate Crit. Rate 20% Critical Hit Damage Crit. Damage 150%
link= Movement Speed Move Speed 10 link= Armor Armor 13
link= Armor Penetration Armor Pen. 180 Range N/A

Analysis Level 1 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
link= Health Health 1512(x1)
link= Damage Damage 905 link= Evasion Evasion 96
link= Accuracy Accuracy 249 link= Rate of Fire Rate of Fire 56
Critical Hit Rate Crit. Rate 20% Critical Hit Damage Crit. Damage 150%
link= Movement Speed Move Speed 10 link= Armor Armor 30
link= Armor Penetration Armor Pen. 180 Range N/A
Increased Formation Effect

Analysis Level 2 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
link= Health Health 1692(x1)
link= Damage Damage 905 link= Evasion Evasion 112
link= Accuracy Accuracy 249 link= Rate of Fire Rate of Fire 56
Critical Hit Rate Crit. Rate 20% Critical Hit Damage Crit. Damage 150%
link= Movement Speed Move Speed 10 link= Armor Armor 30
link= Armor Penetration Armor Pen. 180 Range N/A
Increased HP and Evasion

Analysis Level 3 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
link= Health Health 1952(x1)
link= Damage Damage 951 link= Evasion Evasion 112
link= Accuracy Accuracy 249 link= Rate of Fire Rate of Fire 56
Critical Hit Rate Crit. Rate 20% Critical Hit Damage Crit. Damage 150%
link= Movement Speed Move Speed 10 link= Armor Armor 30
link= Armor Penetration Armor Pen. 180 Range N/A

Analysis Level 4 & Level 100
Deployment Cost 10
link= Health Health 1952(x1)
link= Damage Damage 951 link= Evasion Evasion 112
link= Accuracy Accuracy 249 link= Rate of Fire Rate of Fire 56
Critical Hit Rate Crit. Rate 20% Critical Hit Damage Crit. Damage 150%
link= Movement Speed Move Speed 10 link= Armor Armor 30
link= Armor Penetration Armor Pen. 180 Range N/A
Enhanced Active Skill

This unit does not receive new dummies when Analysis Level increases.


Tile buffs

  1. Upgrade Level 1
    • Affects T-Doll units
    • Increased Rate of Fire by 12%, Accuracy by 30%, and Critical Rate by 15%
  2. Upgrade Level 2
    • Affects T-Doll units
    • Increased Rate of Fire by 20%, Accuracy by 50%, and Critical Rate by 30%

