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SPR A3G/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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General EN translations. Certain translations reworked grammar/flow.
Line 27: Line 27:
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = まさか、指揮官も私のことを見てくれていたとはな。それならお互い遠慮せずにもっと歩み「…」じゃないか。今は、二人だけの世界を居住しよう。
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = まさか、指揮官も私のことを見てくれていたとはな。それならお互い遠慮せずにもっと歩み「…」じゃないか。今は、二人だけの世界を居住しよう。
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Unbelievable, in the end it was the Commander who was watching me. If that's how it's going to be, then let's not hesitate to walk to each other from now on. Right now, I feel as if I'm living in a world of only two people.

| HELLO_CN =  
| HELLO_CN =  
| HELLO_JP = 来る時に視線を感じた?ああ、なれだろうな~。
| HELLO_JP = 来る時に視線を感じた?ああ、なれだろうな~。
| HELLO_EN =  
| HELLO_EN = You felt a gaze when you walked in? Aah, that would be me~.
| HELLO_KR =  
| HELLO_KR =  
Line 40: Line 40:
| FORMATION_JP = 見晴らしのいいポシションだと嬉しい。
| FORMATION_JP = 見晴らしのいいポシションだと嬉しい。
| FORMATION_EN = I'm glad that this position has a decent view.
| FEED_CN =  
| FEED_CN =  
| FEED_JP = この私が愛おしくてたまらないんじゃないか?
| FEED_JP = この私が愛おしくてたまらないんじゃないか?
| FEED_EN =  
| FEED_EN = Is this not proof of my love for you?
| FEED_KR =  
| FEED_KR =  
Line 60: Line 60:
| BLACKACTION_JP = 奴らには前々から目を付けていたさ。早い所片づけるぞ!
| BLACKACTION_JP = 奴らには前々から目を付けていたさ。早い所片づけるぞ!
| BLACKACTION_EN = Those guys have always been on the lookout. I'll clear them out soon!

Line 114: Line 114:
| VALENTINE_JP = 指揮官、私のチョコも忘れずに食べてくれよ。いつでも見てるからな、あはは!
| VALENTINE_JP = 指揮官、私のチョコも忘れずに食べてくれよ。いつでも見てるからな、あはは!
| VALENTINE_EN = Commander, don't forget to eat my chocolate. Because I always watching on you, ahaha!
| VALENTINE_EN = Commander, don't forget to eat my chocolate. Because I'm always watching you, ahaha!
| TANABATA_JP = 指揮官の願い事は…きっとあれなんだろうな?あはは!指揮官の事ならなんでもお見とうしさ!
| TANABATA_JP = 指揮官の願い事は…きっとあれなんだろうな?あはは!指揮官の事ならなんでもお見とうしさ!
| TANABATA_EN = I bet your wish is 'that' thing, am I right? Ahaha! You know that I always watching on you!
| TANABATA_EN = I bet your wish is 'that' thing, am I right? Ahaha! You know that I'm always watching you!

Revision as of 00:28, 17 October 2019

SPR A3G Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 失礼了指挥官,我来之前监视了您三天三夜,只是一些个人调查,希望您别太介意哦。 失礼した、指揮官。実を言うと、ここに来る以前より、あなたのことを三日三晩監視続けていた。ただこれは護持的な調査だから、あまり気にしないでくれ。Play Apologies Commander, I've supervised you for three days and nights before arriving here, just some personal investigations, hope you won't mind it too much.
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 做副官对我来说最大的好处,就是能像这样光明正大地“监视”着指挥官吧。 副官の一番いい所は、こうして堂々と指揮官を監視出来ることかな。Play The greatest benefit being a secretary brings for me, is that I can openly "supervise" the Commander, like this.
毕竟指挥官要负担不少工作,什么都依赖您的命令可不行呢,有时候还得靠自己。 指揮官は仕事が多いし、全てを頼るわけにはいかない。時には事故解決「…」なればな。Play The Commander have so much work on your shoulders after all, can't rely on your orders for everything, sometimes I have to handle it myself.
哎呀,帽子可不能随便碰,要是暴露了会很麻烦的。 おいおい、帽子は勝手に触らないでくれ。ばれたら面倒だぞ。Play Ooohh, can't touch my hat randomly like that, it'd be troublesome if it's exposed.
Secretary (post OATH)
Worry not, I won't go anywhere. Because I will always look at you, ahahaha!
Unbelievable, in the end it was the Commander who was watching me. If that's how it's going to be, then let's not hesitate to walk to each other from now on. Right now, I feel as if I'm living in a world of only two people.
Greeting 来る時に視線を感じた?ああ、なれだろうな~。Play You felt a gaze when you walked in? Aah, that would be me~.
T-Doll Produced 指揮官、新人を任せるのはあまり良くないぞ~。Play Commander, I'll leave the new recruit to you. I'm not good for it.
Joining an echelon 見晴らしのいいポシションだと嬉しい。Play I'm glad that this position has a decent view.
Enhancement この私が愛おしくてたまらないんじゃないか?Play Is this not proof of my love for you?
Dummy-linking これで監視出来る「…」も広くなったな。Play
Logistics (start) 使いぱしりはあまり好きじゃないが…たまに出かけるのも悪くないか。Play I don't like running an errand, but going out once in a while isn't bad.
Logistics (end) 思っていたより遠かったぞ。流石に疲れた…。Play It's further than I thought. I'm beat...
Autobattle 奴らには前々から目を付けていたさ。早い所片づけるぞ!Play Those guys have always been on the lookout. I'll clear them out soon!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission まずターゲット探そうか。Play Let's start by finding the target.
Starting a battle とっくに見えているぞ!Play I can see you anywhere!
Skill activation ちょっとしたプレゼントだ!Play Here is a little gift for you!
Heavily damaged くっそ…こんなの所定害だ!Play Damn it... this injury!
Retreat うぐ…悔しいな…。Play Ugh... how vexing...
MVP 勝利が見えたら、あとはいつ掴むか。タイミングの問題だ!Play When you can see the victory, what's left is when will you take it. It's all about timing!
Restoration 銃に大した問題ないはずだ。それより、私の身体を検査してくれ~。Play There should be no problem with the gun. Moreover, please examine my body~
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween お菓子は殆どチョコのやつに持ってかれた。今から追ってももう間に合わないぞ。Play All the sweets were taken by that choco brat. We won't make it
Christmas メリークリスマスだ!ところで、サンタクロースのどこを掴んだのだが見に行くか?Play Merry Christmas! By the way, want to come and catch Santa Claus?
New Year's Day 指揮官もこの一年で随分と成長したようだな。自分では気づいてないかも知れないが、私にはよく分かるぞ。


You have grow considerably for the past year, Commander. You may not notice it, but I know it very well.
Valentine's day 指揮官、私のチョコも忘れずに食べてくれよ。いつでも見てるからな、あはは!


Commander, don't forget to eat my chocolate. Because I'm always watching you, ahaha!
Tanabata 指揮官の願い事は…きっとあれなんだろうな?あはは!指揮官の事ならなんでもお見とうしさ!


I bet your wish is 'that' thing, am I right? Ahaha! You know that I'm always watching you!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play