| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Eh? Becoming the team center, don't make fun of me. This is not commander-like at all! Why you said? W-wait, this is too sudden. Is it fine for me to be by your side?
| HELLO_JP = 待ってましたよ、えへ!
| HELLO_EN = I was waiting for you ! Tehee~♪
| HELLO_EN = I was waiting for you ! Tehee~♪
| BUILDOVER_JP = 製造が完了しました!
| BUILDOVER_EN = Assembling is completed !
| BUILDOVER_EN = Assembling is completed !
| FORMATION_JP = ステージが私を呼んでいます!
| FORMATION_EN = The stage is calling me!
| FEED_JP = 今ならセンターに、立てそうな気がします!
| FEED_EN = I feel like I can stand in the center now!
| COMBINE_JP = 編成拡大?そろそろ総選挙しませんか?
| COMBINE_EN = Dummy linking ? Isn't it time to go to battle yet ?!
| COMBINE_EN = Dummy linking ? Isn't it time to go to battle yet ?!
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = P38、体調万全で、行ってきます~
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = P38, team leader. I'm going !
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = P38, team leader. I'm going !
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = P38、ただいま戻りました!って、あれ、誰もいないの?
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = P38, is back !... Huh ? There is nobody home ?
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = P38, is back !... Huh ? There is nobody home ?
| GOATTACK_JP = これからは本番、ですね!
| GOATTACK_EN = From this point, it is my turn ! Right ?
| GOATTACK_EN = From this point, it is my turn ! Right ?
| MEET_JP = ふぅ......大、大丈夫!リハーサル通りにやれば、きっと!
| MEET_EN = Haa... I- It's fine! Just do it like rehearsal!
| SKILL1_JP = 撃って、撃つのよ!
| SKILL1_EN = Fire ! Shoot them !
| SKILL1_EN = Fire ! Shoot them !
| SKILL2_JP = ファンのためにも、撃ち負けるようなことなど、ありません!
| SKILL2_EN = For our fans, we can't afford to accept defeat !
| SKILL2_EN = For our fans, we can't afford to accept defeat !
| SKILL3_EN = Team members.. isn't it time you use your weapons already ?
| SKILL3_JP = チームのセンターとして、そろそろ注目してくれてもいいんじゃない?
| SKILL3_EN = Team members... isn't it time you use your weapons already ?
| BREAK_JP = へっ!ステージ、交番ですね......ううう......
| BREAK_EN = ehh.. My stage is ruined. buhuuu~
| BREAK_EN = ehh.. My stage is ruined. buhuuu~
| RETREAT_JP = へっ......まだまだ、練習不足、ですね......
| RETREAT_EN = Awww.. Again... I have to repeat my moves...
| RETREAT_EN = Awww.. Again... I have to repeat my moves...
| WIN_JP = ファン、増えたでしょうか?
| WIN_EN = I wonder if my fans got pleased !
| WIN_EN = I wonder if my fans got pleased !
| FIX_JP = ううう......誰か、肩を貸してくれる人はいないの?
| FIX_EN = Buhuuu~ Isn't there anyone to give me a blanket ...?
| FIX_EN = Buhuuu~ Isn't there anyone to give me a blanket ...?
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 啦啦~,今天变装成了女巫~可爱吧?
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 啦啦~,今天变装成了女巫~可爱吧?
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = じゃんじゃん!今日はウイッチに変身してみました、可愛いですか?
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = じゃんじゃん!今日はウイッチに変身してみました、可愛いですか?
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Tadaaa ! Today i'm transforming into a witch !... Am i cute ?
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Tadaaa ! Today i'm transforming into a witch !... Am i cute ?
| VALENTINE_EN = Idols is prohibited from having romantic relationship. So, endure with this obligatory chocolate, kyaaaha~♪
| backgroundinfo =The Walther P38 (also known as a Pistole 38) is a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol that was developed by Walther arms as the service pistol of the Wehrmacht shortly before World War II. It was intended to replace the costly Luger P08, the production of which was scheduled to end in 1942<ref name="WaltherP38"></ref>.
| backgroundinfo =The Walther P38 (also known as a Pistole 38) is a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol that was developed by Walther arms as the service pistol of the Wehrmacht shortly before World War II. It was intended to replace the costly Luger P08, the production of which was scheduled to end in 1942<ref name="WaltherP38"></ref>.
Eh? Becoming the team center, don't make fun of me. This is not commander-like at all! Why you said? W-wait, this is too sudden. Is it fine for me to be by your side?