Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 老板好——我是新来的员工91式!我可是什么都会一点的万能人形,你可以叫我的外号小万! | てんちょーこんちわ!あたいは新入りのQSB-91、なんでもちょっとだけできる万能人形だよ!ワンちゃんって呼んでねっ! | Good sir--I'm the new employee, Type-91! I'm an almighty doll who knows everything! Please, call me Puppy! | |
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 老板,你在不开心吗?小万给你扯个面吧!诶,还在沮丧吗?那我给你表演个倒立开酒!这、这还不起效吗?看来只好跟罪魁祸首打一架了…… | てんちょー?落ち込んでるの?ならワンちゃんがラーメン茹でたげるね!ん~?まだしょげてるの?なら秘儀・逆立ち王冠飛ばしを見せたげる!えぇ?!これでもダメなの?やっぱり元凶をとっちめてやるしかなさそうだね…… | Manager, are you happy? Let Puppy tell you a story! Huh, are you still depressed? How about I show you a handstand aperitif? Still no good? Looks like I'll need to duke it out with the culprit.. | |
老板,我们基地附近的餐馆服务态度太差了!原来服务员只要坐椅子上玩手机就可以吗?这也太爽了吧! | てんちょー!基地の近くのレストラン、どこも接客がサイアクだよ!店員って椅子でケータイいじってていいもんだったんだ?ホント、いい商売してるよね! | Manager, the service attitude of the restaurants near the base are terrible! Are the waiters allowed to simply sit there and play on their phones? How nice is that! | ||
天灵灵,地灵灵,南瓜南瓜快长大!蒸一个!炒一个!还有一个——咳咳,春田姐你听我解释,我就是看看,没想动手…… | ちちんぷいぷい、カボチャよカボチャよおっきくなれ~!こっちは炒めてこっちは蒸して、それからそれから――ちょ、ちょっと待って春田姉!あたいの話を聞いて!見てただけだから、盗ろうなんて思ってないから~~! | Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo, pumpkin, o pumpkin, grow big~! This one is fried! This one is steamed! And then- W-Wait a minute big sis Springfield! Hear me out! I was only looking at it, I totally wasn't going to steal it~! | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 不要用这样的眼神看着我啦,老板!说好要给你升级服务,当然会好好做到啊!这一桌南瓜宴可都是我亲手培育出来的南瓜做的……
Don't look at me like that, Manager! When you say that you're going to upgrade the level of service, it needs to be done properly! This pumpkin feast was made from pumpkins that I cultivated personally...
| ||
OATH | 老板,你是不是发不出薪水,想用这个充当工资了?嘿诶——不是吗?突然送给我这么贵重的东西……那我就为你升级一下服务好了♪
Manager, are you unable to pay me a salary, and are wanting to pay me this instead? Huh, that's mot it? Suddenly giving me such a valuable thing... Then I shall upgrade my services for you ~♪
| ||
Greeting | 老!板!好!今天也是活力满满的小万为你服务哦♪ | て!ん!ちょー!こんちわ!元気いっぱいワンちゃんが今日も君にサービスするよ♪ | Ma-na-ger! Hello! This energetic Puppy shall serve you today as well! ♪ | |
T-Doll Produced | 老板,新员工的入职手续已经办好了! | てんちょー!新入りの入職手続き、もう済んでるよ! | Manager! New recruitment procedures have already been completed! | |
Joining an echelon | 来吧,让我们一起为格里芬的明天奋斗吧! | さっ、グリフィンの明日のため、一致団結、がんばろー! | Now then, let's unite and do our best for Griffin's future! | |
Enhancement | 这种暖暖的感觉……让我想起了以前偷喝店里白酒的时候! | このポカポカする感じ……昔屋台でこっそりパイチューを飲んだ時にそっくり! | This warm, tingly feeling... It feels like that one time I drank some strong liquor at a food stall a long time ago! | |
Dummy-linking | 诶嘿,又多了一个小万,服务水平上升! | イェイ!ワンちゃんが一人増えたから、接客もその分よくなるよ! | Yay! Since the number of Puppies has increased by one, customer service shall improve accordingly! | |
Logistics (start) | 要离开基地这么久吗?老板,记得帮我照看我的蔬菜们…… | そんなに長い間基地を離れるの?てんちょー、あたいの野菜の水やり、頼んだよ…… | Will I be gone from the base for a while? Manager, may I ask you to look after my vegetables while I'm away...? | |
Logistics (end) | 老板,我回来了!快来看看我捡到了什么好东西! | てんちょー、ただいまー!あたいがどんないいものをゲットしてきたのか、はやく見においでよ! | Manager, I'm back! Come and take a look at all of the stuff I brought back! | |
Autobattle | 放心交给小万吧! | 大船に乗ったつもりでワンちゃんに任せて! | Leave it all to Puppy to handle! | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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