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M200/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
m HELLO_EN : translation fix, 確認 = changed from "approve" to "check". It's like "checking that everything is in order" but that's a mouthful
Line 32: Line 32:
| HELLO_CN =  
| HELLO_CN =  
| HELLO_JP = お帰りなさい。報告書は、全部まとめました。ご確認お願いします。
| HELLO_JP = お帰りなさい。報告書は、全部まとめました。ご確認お願いします。
| HELLO_EN = Welcome back, we've compiled all of the mission reward reports. Please approve them.
| HELLO_EN = Welcome back, we've compiled all of the mission reward reports. Please check them.
| HELLO_KR =  
| HELLO_KR =  

Latest revision as of 12:27, 2 May 2023

M200 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 你好,指挥官。我是M200,希望能用储备的知识帮上您的忙……不,不是精通,只是希望这样…… お世話になります、M200です。僕の知識が、お役に立てば嬉しいです。……あぁ、いいえ、だといいなぁって……Play Hello, Commander, I am M200. I hope I can be of some help to you with my knowledge… No, I'm not an expert at all. I just hope to help, that's all...
Secretary 我曾经学过吉他演奏,您如果觉得无聊,我可以弹给您听。 一応ギターをならったことがありますので。もし退屈だったら、一曲弾きましょうか?Play I have learned to play the guitar before. If you're bored, I can play a song for you.
指挥官,这里的安排我不太懂为什么,可以告诉我吗? ここの配置がよく分かりません。詳しく教えて頂けないでしょうか?Play Commander, I'm not too clear on this arrangement, can you explain why?
……不,就算那样也没必要夸我啊……糟糕……感觉……脑袋好热…… ……いえ、いくら何でもそこまで褒めなくてもいいのに……ダメ、なんか……熱い……頭がフラフラする……Play …No, you don't need to praise me for something like this… Oh my, my head feels really hot…
Secretary (post OATH)
Feeling tired? Please take a nap. I will have all the data organized for you when you wake up.
Is there anything you need help with this time, Commander? What are you saying… Despite your embarrassing question, I'm not trying to run away at all... I'm such an idiot. Commander, I will do my best to ensure that you've made the best choice in choosing me... All the way until death do us part...
Greeting お帰りなさい。報告書は、全部まとめました。ご確認お願いします。Play Welcome back, we've compiled all of the mission reward reports. Please check them.
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間、話が合うといいですねPlay I hope our new comrades enjoy chatting.
Joining an echelon こういうの編成の仕方も出来るんだ……勉強になりました、流石ですね。Play You could also arrange it in this way. I've seen it in a study, it's true.
Enhancement もっと遠くに行ける気がします。Play I feel as if I can go even further.
Dummy-linking 人数が増えれば、視野も広くなる。そうですよね?Play The more people we have, the wider our field of vision. Isn't that right?
Logistics (start) ご心配なく。全て指揮官の望むままに。Play Worry not, everything is as the Commander wills it.
Logistics (end) 後方支援の成果を確認してください。言いましたよね、全て指揮官の望むままにって。Play Have a look at the results of logistics support. It is as I said, everything is as the Commander wills it.
Autobattle サイレントキルぐらい、僕だって出来ますよ。Play I can pull off a silent kill.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 命令に従うべき。静かに行動すべき。脱落しないように。よし!行きます!Play Follow your orders. Move silently. Don't fall behind. Alright! Let's move!
Starting a battle ターゲット出現!攻撃開始!Play Target immobilized! Commence attack!
Skill activation 今さら後悔したって……もう遅いです!Play Even as I let it loose...it's already too late!
君たちよりボクの方が、ずっと先のことが見えています。Play I can see far ahead, much farther than you.
僕の前に現れたってことは、この後、修理で製造元に返される覚悟は出来てるってことですよね。Play After this, any of you that have appeared before me will need to get sent back to the manufacturer for reassembly.
Heavily damaged 壊れた……いいえ、まだ戦えます!Play It's been damaged...no, I can still fight!
Retreat やっぱり、僕はまだ半人前のようです。Play As I thought, I'm just like before.
MVP どうやら、お役立てましたね、よかった。Play Apparently, this was quite useful. I'm glad.
Restoration ごめんなさい、貴重な資源を無駄にしてしまいました。Play I'm sorry, I ended up wasting valuable resources.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween ハッピーハロウィン。今日は少し外が騒がしいかもしれません。念のため、ボディガードの代わりに僕を連れて行きませんか?Play Happy Halloween. It might get a bit noisy outside. Would you like to accompany you as a bodyguard just in case?
Christmas メリーくりすます。何をやってるかって?えっと…パーティーに小食の小物とか必要かもしれないと思って。それで……Play Merry Christmas. What are you doing? I...thought that a few little snacks should be in order for the party. So...
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとうございます。お正月に間する言い伝えば、実は色々あって、国ごと違うのでとっても面白いと思います。指揮官は興味ありますか?


Happy New Year. To tell the story of the New Year, there are actually many different things that happen from country to country, which I find to be extremely fascinating. Don't you find it interesting, Commander?
Valentine's day 指揮官のために作ったチョコです。多分、美味しいと思います。えっと……あまりじろじろ見ないでください、恥ずかしいから。それと……その……ハッピーバレンタイン。


A chocolate for the Commander. It'll taste great, I think. Um...please don't stare at it too much...it's embarrassing. And also...um...Happy Valentine's.
Tanabata 今日は七夕です。綾取りの手順を調べてきました。もし仕事が終わった後に、予定がないようでしたら、一緒に……どうですか?


Today is Tanabata. I've been studying on how to make a cat's cradle. If you don't have any plans after work, would you...like to go together.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play