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Story/Normal 1-2 (Part2)/Script: Difference between revisions

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Scene 1-2-3
[We succesfully crushed the Sangvis squad and destroyed the communication system in their command post.]<br>
Our forces have successfully defeated SANGVIS FERRI robot troops, and destroy comm equipment in their command post. <hr/>
Helian: A successful operation, you’ve done well, commander…<hr/>
Helian: The operation went smoothly, you did quite well, Commander…<br>
Helian: Rather … your combat performance against SANGVIS FERRI was well beyond my expectation.<hr/>
No I must say, your permormance against the Sangvis forces far exceeded my expectations.<br>
Helian: Huh? Is there anything about SANGVIS FERRI you don’t know about?<hr/>
Hmm? Is there something you're not clear on Sangvis Ferri?<br>
Helian: right … the recruitment was a bit rush, and you haven’t got the chance to learn more information.<hr/>
True. Your enlistment was a bit rushed so you haven't had much chance to acquire more information.<br>
Scene 1-2-4<hr/>
Helian: Sangvis Ferri Manifacture is an industrial producer specializing in Tactical Dolls.<br>
Helian: “SANGVIS FERRI”, is an industrial manufacture whose main business is to construct T-dolls.<hr/>
Due to their possession of some undisclosed technology, Sangvis T-Dolls have extremely high battle efficiency.<br>
Helian: SANGVIS FERRI controls some secret technology, making their T-dolls extremely efficient during combat.<hr/>
However, not long ago, their T-dolls suddenly went rogue and launched indiscriminate attack against all humans within their factory.<br>
Helian: However, not long ago, T-dolls from this factory suddenly lost their control, and indiscriminately attack human in that factory.<hr/>
They are now occupying a vast area of human settlements, and strategically expanding their territory.<br>
Helian: They are now occupying vast human habitats, and are expanding their territory according to a systematic plan.<hr/>
Helian: These Sangvis T-Doll are, without a doubt, enemies of humanity.<br>
Scene 1-2-5<hr/>
As their territory borders areas under Griffin jurisdiction, we have been recruiting suitable candidates to assume command and coordinate our operations.<br>
Helian: There is no doubt that, T-dolls from SANGVIS FERRI are now enemy to humanity.<hr/>
And so, Commander, once again I welcome you to Grifon.<br>
Helian: Due to the fact that Grifon protects areas neighboring SANGVIS FERRI territory, we called up emergency service among suitable people to assist commanding combat.<hr/>
No matter what the future has in store for us, I thank you for being here today.<br>
Helian: Therefore, commander, again welcome to Grifon.<hr/>
Helian: No matter what happens in the future, we thank you for being here.<hr/>
… Beep<hr/>
[An incoming call request from HQ pinged in the channel.]<br>
Communication request from HQ coming through channel.<hr/>
Helian: Excuse me for a sec …<hr/>
Helian: Sorry, give me a second …<br>
Helian turned around to talk with HQ.<hr/>
Helian: Yes … affirmative.<hr/>
[Helian turns and corresponds with HQ.]<br>
Helian: What? We found those T-dolls? … That’s great news. (sigh with relief)<hr/>
Helian: Yes, I have spare forces and we can assist with the pick-up.<hr/>
Helian: Yes … yes.<br>
Helian: Yes, let me handle this, Mr. Gluck.<hr/>
Hmm? Those T-Dolls have been found? … Thank goodness. (sigh of relief)<br>
Helian: … Sorry to keep you waiting, Commander.<hr/>
That can be arranged. I have someone here who can provide aid.<br>
Helian: I just received contact from HQ. We have an important mission for you.<hr/>
Sure. Leave it to me, Mr. Kryuger.<br>
Helian: I’m going to validate mission Intel. We will meet again later.<hr/>
… Sorry for the wait, Commander.<br>
I just received a call from HQ. I'll be giving you an important mission.<br>
Let me confirm the Intel first. See you in a bit.

Latest revision as of 20:11, 21 May 2022

[… We succesfully crushed the Sangvis squad and destroyed the communication system in their command post.]

Helian: The operation went smoothly, you did quite well, Commander…
No … I must say, your permormance against the Sangvis forces far exceeded my expectations.
Hmm? Is there something you're not clear on Sangvis Ferri?
… True. Your enlistment was a bit rushed so you haven't had much chance to acquire more information.

Helian: Sangvis Ferri Manifacture is an industrial producer specializing in Tactical Dolls.
Due to their possession of some undisclosed technology, Sangvis T-Dolls have extremely high battle efficiency.
However, not long ago, their T-dolls suddenly went rogue and launched indiscriminate attack against all humans within their factory.
They are now occupying a vast area of human settlements, and strategically expanding their territory.

Helian: These Sangvis T-Doll are, without a doubt, enemies of humanity.
As their territory borders areas under Griffin jurisdiction, we have been recruiting suitable candidates to assume command and coordinate our operations.
And so, Commander, once again I welcome you to Grifon.
No matter what the future has in store for us, I thank you for being here today.

[An incoming call request from HQ pinged in the channel.]

Helian: Sorry, give me a second …

[Helian turns and corresponds with HQ.]

Helian: Yes … yes.
Hmm? Those T-Dolls have been found? … Thank goodness. (sigh of relief)
… That can be arranged. I have someone here who can provide aid.
Sure. Leave it to me, Mr. Kryuger.
… Sorry for the wait, Commander.
I just received a call from HQ. I'll be giving you an important mission.
Let me confirm the Intel first. See you in a bit.