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| | GAIN_JP = FNP-9拳銃が華麗に登場よぉ。指揮官、応援お願いねっ。 | | | GAIN_JP = FNP-9拳銃が華麗に登場よぉ。指揮官、応援お願いねっ。 |
| | GAIN_EN = <!--TL:FNP-9 making a splendid entrance ! Commander, let me join you !-->It's time for FNP-9's... glorious...debut! Commander... please give me... your support from now on... | | | GAIN_EN = <!--TL:FNP-9 making a splendid entrance ! Commander, let me join you !-->It's time for FNP-9's... glorious...debut! Commander... please give me... your support from now on... |
| | | GAIN_KR = |
| | INTRODUCTION_CN = 我是FNP-9,在FNP系列手枪中,我可是最早的型号呢!为了摆脱勃朗宁系列成功的阴影,我们采用了很多时下流行的设计。另外,我还有各种衍生型号和不同的配色。不管市场如何,至少闪亮的外表还是挺受欢迎吧。 | | | INTRODUCTION_CN = 我是FNP-9,在FNP系列手枪中,我可是最早的型号呢!为了摆脱勃朗宁系列成功的阴影,我们采用了很多时下流行的设计。另外,我还有各种衍生型号和不同的配色。不管市场如何,至少闪亮的外表还是挺受欢迎吧。 |
| | INTRODUCTION_EN = I'm FNP-9, I was the earliest model amongst the whole FNP series of pistols! Due to Browning series' massive success, we used some less popular designs. Also I have many variations and customizable ability. Whatever the market demands are like, beautiful cosmetics and exteriors are still popular! | | | INTRODUCTION_EN = I'm FNP-9, I was the earliest model amongst the whole FNP series of pistols! Due to Browning series' massive success, we used some less popular designs. Also I have many variations and customizable ability. Whatever the market demands are like, beautiful cosmetics and exteriors are still popular! |
| | DIALOGUE1_CN = 嗯?指挥官,什么指示啊? | | | DIALOGUE1_CN = 嗯?指挥官,什么指示啊? |
| | DIALOGUE1_JP = 指揮官、今日はレッスン以外何がありますか? | | | DIALOGUE1_JP = 指揮官、今日はレッスン以外何がありますか? |
| | DIALOGUE1_EN = Commander, is there anything beside practice today? | | | DIALOGUE1_EN = Commander, is there anything beside practice today? |
| | | DIALOGUE1_KR = |
| | DIALOGUE2_CN = 制服的话,我可是有很多种呢,指挥官,要不要看一下? | | | DIALOGUE2_CN = 制服的话,我可是有很多种呢,指挥官,要不要看一下? |
| | DIALOGUE2_JP = 制服なら、いっぱい持ってます。どれも可愛いですよ~。 | | | DIALOGUE2_JP = 制服なら、いっぱい持ってます。どれも可愛いですよ~。 |
| | DIALOGUE2_EN = I brought plenty of clothes. They are all cute. | | | DIALOGUE2_EN = I brought plenty of clothes. They are all cute. |
| | | DIALOGUE2_KR = |
| | DIALOGUE3_CN = 一直这样看着我,指挥官,我果然还是有些闪光点的吧? | | | DIALOGUE3_CN = 一直这样看着我,指挥官,我果然还是有些闪光点的吧? |
| | DIALOGUE3_JP = 指揮官、いくらわたしが魅力的だと言っても、わたしをずっと見つめるのはやめてください、恥ずかしいですぅ…。 | | | DIALOGUE3_JP = 指揮官、いくらわたしが魅力的だと言っても、わたしをずっと見つめるのはやめてください、恥ずかしいですぅ…。 |
| | DIALOGUE3_EN = You've been looking at me like this the whole time, Commander. I am somewhat attractive right? | | | DIALOGUE3_EN = You've been looking at me like this the whole time, Commander. I am somewhat attractive right? |
| | | DIALOGUE3_KR = |
| | DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 嘿嘿,今天的我也很活跃哦,大家的评价越来越高涨了呢。这都多亏了您的指点,我会继续加油的! | | | DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 嘿嘿,今天的我也很活跃哦,大家的评价越来越高涨了呢。这都多亏了您的指点,我会继续加油的! |
| | DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Hehe, I'm super enthusiastic today too, getting more and more positive reviews from everyone. This is all because of your guidance, I will continue to work hard! | | | DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Hehe, I'm super enthusiastic today too, getting more and more positive reviews from everyone. This is all because of your guidance, I will continue to work hard! |
| | SOULCONTRACT_CN =什……什么!指挥官,我活跃的样子,终于被您注视到了吗!太好啦!不管将来会不会受欢迎,但是指挥官,现在的我,最——喜欢你啦! | | | SOULCONTRACT_CN =什……什么!指挥官,我活跃的样子,终于被您注视到了吗!太好啦!不管将来会不会受欢迎,但是指挥官,现在的我,最——喜欢你啦! |
| | SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官、わたしのどこがいいですか?…やはり笑顔ですか?笑顔なら誰にも負けませんよ。わたし、これからも笑顔のままで頑張ります。え、えへへぇ〜。嬉しい… | | | SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官、わたしのどこがいいですか?…やはり笑顔ですか?笑顔なら誰にも負けませんよ。わたし、これからも笑顔のままで頑張ります。え、えへへ。嬉しい… |
| | SOULCONTRACT_EN = Wh... What! Commander, you've finally taken notice of my activeness! Yes! No matter how popular I become in the future, I really love you right now Commander! | | | SOULCONTRACT_EN = Wh... What! Commander, you've finally taken notice of my activeness! Yes! No matter how popular I become in the future, I really love you right now Commander! |
| | |
| | | HELLO_CN = |
| | HELLO_JP = おはようございます、指揮官。今日も何人ものファンが増えて、嬉しいです。 | | | HELLO_JP = おはようございます、指揮官。今日も何人ものファンが増えて、嬉しいです。 |
| | HELLO_EN = Good morning, commander. I'm happy because number of my fans have increased. | | | HELLO_EN = Good morning, commander. Yet again, today I've gotten a lot more fans. I'm happy. |
| | | HELLO_KR = |
| | | BUILDOVER_CN = |
| | BUILDOVER_JP = 新しいメンバーですか? | | | BUILDOVER_JP = 新しいメンバーですか? |
| | BUILDOVER_EN = Is it new member? | | | BUILDOVER_EN = Is it new member? |
| | | BUILDOVER_KR = |
| | | FORMATION_CN = |
| | FORMATION_JP = わぁい、わたしがセンター?精一杯頑張ります! | | | FORMATION_JP = わぁい、わたしがセンター?精一杯頑張ります! |
| | FORMATION_EN = Aah, i'm center? I'll give my all! | | | FORMATION_EN = Aah, I'm center? I'll give my all! |
| | | FORMATION_KR = |
| | | FEED_CN = |
| | FEED_JP = 仲間と手を取り合って、精一杯頑張りますね。 | | | FEED_JP = 仲間と手を取り合って、精一杯頑張りますね。 |
| | FEED_EN = Together with comrade, and giving our best. | | | FEED_EN = Hand in hand with comrades, let's give it our best. |
| | | FEED_KR = |
| | | COMBINE_CN = |
| | COMBINE_JP = うぉお、ファンのために腕を磨いて、もっと輝きたいです! | | | COMBINE_JP = うぉお、ファンのために腕を磨いて、もっと輝きたいです! |
| | COMBINE_EN = Wah, refining my ability for the sake of my fans, I want to shine more! | | | COMBINE_EN = Wah, refining my ability for the sake of my fans, I want to shine more! |
| | | COMBINE_KR = |
| | OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = 遠征の時間ですね。行ってまいります! | | | OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = 遠征の時間ですね。行ってまいります! |
| | OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = It's expedition time, I will go! | | | OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = It's expedition time, I will go! |
| | OPERATIONOVER_JP = 戻りました。わたしのファンと会えなかったのはちょっと残念です、えへへへ…。 | | | OPERATIONOVER_JP = 戻りました。わたしのファンと会えなかったのはちょっと残念です、えへへへ…。 |
| | OPERATIONOVER_EN = I'm back. Unable to meet with the fans is disappointing, ehehe. | | | OPERATIONOVER_EN = I'm back. Unable to meet with the fans is disappointing, ehehe. |
| | BLACKACTION_JP = どんなライブでも頑張りますよ。私はよく見てくださいね、指揮官。 | | | BLACKACTION_JP = どんなライブでも頑張りますよ。私はよく見てくださいね、指揮官。 |
| | BLACKACTION_EN = | | | BLACKACTION_EN = I'll keep giving my best, regardless of what kind of live performance it is. Make sure to look at me, commander. |
| | |
| | | GOATTACK_CN - |
| | GOATTACK_JP = ステージに立つ機会がきましたね。 | | | GOATTACK_JP = ステージに立つ機会がきましたね。 |
| | GOATTACK_EN = The chance to stand on the stage has come. | | | GOATTACK_EN = The chance to stand on the stage has come. |
| | | GOATTACK_KR = |
| | | MEET_CN = |
| | MEET_JP = ここはファンサービスですねぇ、頑張っちゃいます~ | | | MEET_JP = ここはファンサービスですねぇ、頑張っちゃいます~ |
| | MEET_EN = We are doing fan service here, let's do our best~ | | | MEET_EN = We are doing fan service here, let's do our best~ |
| | | MEET_KR = |
| | | SKILL1_CN = |
| | SKILL1_JP = 笑顔、笑顔です! | | | SKILL1_JP = 笑顔、笑顔です! |
| | SKILL1_EN = Smile, smile! | | | SKILL1_EN = Smile, smile! |
| | | SKILL1_KR = |
| | | SKILL2_CN = |
| | SKILL2_JP = もっと輝きたいです! | | | SKILL2_JP = もっと輝きたいです! |
| | SKILL2_EN = I want to shine more! | | | SKILL2_EN = I want to shine more! |
| | | SKILL2_KR = |
| | | SKILL3_CN = |
| | SKILL3_JP = これが、アイドルの実力です! | | | SKILL3_JP = これが、アイドルの実力です! |
| | SKILL3_EN = This is the ability of an idol! | | | SKILL3_EN = This is the true power of an idol! |
| | | SKILL3_KR = |
| | | BREAK_CN = |
| | BREAK_JP = …こんなことではアイドルになどなれません! | | | BREAK_JP = …こんなことではアイドルになどなれません! |
| | BREAK_EN = With this I can't be an idol | | | BREAK_EN = With this I can't be an idol |
| | | BREAK_KR = |
| | | RETREAT_CN = |
| | RETREAT_JP = 頑張るだけじゃ、無理みたい…。 | | | RETREAT_JP = 頑張るだけじゃ、無理みたい…。 |
| | RETREAT_EN = Just by trying hard, seems impossible... | | | RETREAT_EN = Just by trying hard, seems impossible... |
| | | RETREAT_KR = |
| | | WIN_CN = |
| | WIN_JP = ステージは大成功、わたしの努力が実を結びました! | | | WIN_JP = ステージは大成功、わたしの努力が実を結びました! |
| | WIN_EN = The stage great success, my effort is paid! | | | WIN_EN = The stage great success, my effort is paid! |
| | | WIN_KR = |
| | | FIX_CN = |
| | FIX_JP = 修理の間は自主練してもいいですか?もっと頑張りたいです。 | | | FIX_JP = 修理の間は自主練してもいいですか?もっと頑張りたいです。 |
| | FIX_EN = Can I do self training during repair? I want to work harder | | | FIX_EN = Can I do self training during repair? I want to work harder. |
| | | FIX_KR = |
| | |
| | ALLHALLOWS_CN = 唔哦!这次要糖活动,就由我来带路吧!诶,大家已经出发了?! | | | ALLHALLOWS_CN = 唔哦!这次要糖活动,就由我来带路吧!诶,大家已经出发了?! |
| | ALLHALLOWS_JP = おおお、今日はお菓子イベントですね | | | ALLHALLOWS_JP = おおお、{{ruby|今日|きょう}}はお{{ruby|菓子|おかし}}のイベントですね。 |
| | ALLHALLOWS_EN = Ooohhh! I will lead this candy event! Eh, everyone has already left?! | | | ALLHALLOWS_EN = Ooohhh! Today is a sweets festival, eh?| |
| | CHRISTMAS_JP = 指揮官…私のサンタさんの帽子似会ってますか?えへへ | | | ALLHALLOWS_KR = |
| | NEWYEAR_JP = 指揮官、明けましておめでとうございます。今年はもっと輝けたらいいなって思います。 | | | CHRISTMAS_JP = {{ruby|指揮官|しきかん}}…{{ruby|私|わたし}}のサンタさんの{{ruby|帽子|ぼうし}}{{ruby|似合|にあ}}ってますか?えへへ |
| | NEWYEAR_EN = | | | CHRISTMAS_EN = Commander, does this santa hat suit me? Ehehe |
| | VALENTINE_JP = 指揮官、ファンからバレンタインチョコをもらえると嬉しいですね。 | | | CHRISTMAS_KR = |
| | TANABATA_JP = お願い事はもっと大きの人気。いや…それはずるいですね。もっと大きな制服なら… | | | NEWYEAR_JP = {{ruby|指揮官|しきかん}}、{{ruby|明|あ}}けましておめでとうございます。{{ruby|今年|ことし}}はもっと{{ruby|輝|かがや}}けたらいいなと{{ruby|思|おも}}います。 |
| | | NEWYEAR_EN = Commander, Happy New Year. I hope I can shine even more this year. |
| | | NEWYEAR_KR = |
| | | VALENTINE_CN = |
| | | VALENTINE_JP = {{ruby|指揮官|しきかん}}、ファンからバレンタインチョコをもらえると{{ruby|嬉|うれ}}しいですね。 |
| | | VALENTINE_EN = Commander, I'm happy to receive valentine chocolate from my fans. |
| | | VALENTINE_KR = |
| | | TANABATA_CN = |
| | | TANABATA_JP = お{{ruby|願|ねが}}い{{ruby|事|ごと}}はもっと{{ruby|多|おお}}くの{{ruby|人気|にんき}}。いや…それはずるいわね。うーん…あっ!もっと{{ruby|多|おお}}くの{{ruby|制服|せいふく}}なら… |
| | | TANABATA_EN = My wish is to get more famous. Eh, I don't think that's fair. If I had more uniforms... |
| | | TANABATA_KR = |
| }} | | }} |