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Template:EnemyUnit: Difference between revisions

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m Added dummy animation for testing
No edit summary
(37 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{| class="floatright profiletable {{#ifeq:{{{classification|}}}|boss|boss}}" style="color:white;border-style:none;width:350px;margin-left:10px;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
{| class="floatright" style="color:white;border-style:none;width:350px;margin-left:10px;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
|- [[EXTRAstar2.png|90px]]
|- [[EXTRAstar2.png|90px]]
| colspan= 2 style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);text-align:center"| <div style="width:256px;height:356px;padding:10px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;position:relative"><img src="{{filepath:{{#ifexist:Media:{{BASEPAGENAME}}_S.png|{{BASEPAGENAME}}|backup}}_S.png}}" id="fullart_S" style="border: 2px solid white;"/></div>
| colspan= 2 style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);text-align:center"| <div style="max-width:256px;max-height:356px;padding:10px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;position:relative"><div id="fullart_S" style="border: 2px solid white; max-width: 250px">[[File:{{#ifexist:Media:{{BASEPAGENAME}}_S.png|{{BASEPAGENAME}}|backup}}_S.png|232px|frameless|link=]]</div></div>
! colspan= 2 style="font-size:125%;background-color:#f0b000"|Information
! colspan= 2 style="font-size:125%;background-color:#f0b000"|Information
|- style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"
|- style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"
! Full name  
! Full name  
| {{{fullname_t|Unknown}}}
| {{{fullname|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}
|- style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"
{{#if:{{{artist|}}}|{{!}}- style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"
! {{#ifeq:{{{rarity_t|}}}|EXTRA|Origin|Country of Origin}}
| {{{nationality_t|Unknown}}}
|- style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"
! Artist  
! Artist  
| {{{artist_t|Unknown}}}
{{!}} {{{artist|Unknown}}}}}
|- style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"
|- style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"
! Affiliation
! Affiliation
| {{{affiliation|Unknown/Multiple}}}
| {{{affiliation|Unknown/Multiple}}}
{{#if:{{{voiceactor|}}}|{{!}}- style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"
! Voice actor
{{!}} {{{voiceactor|}}}
|- style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"
|- style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"
! Voice actor
! Released on
| {{{cv|Unknown/None}}}
| {{{releasedon|Not released yet}}}
! colspan=2 style="font-size:125%;background-color:#f0b000"{{!}}Chibi animation
! colspan=2 style="font-size:125%;background-color:#f0b000"{{!}}Chibi animation
{{!}}- style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"
{{!}}- style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);"
{{!}}colspan=2{{!}}<div style="height: 300px; width: 300px;" data-tdoll-id="Dinergate" class="tdoll_chibi"></div>
<span class="notification">Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see [[Animations on the Wiki]].</span>
<div id="enemyChibiAnimation" class="chibiAnimationContainer" data-chibi-scale="{{{chibiScale|1.0}}}" data-tdoll-id="{{BASEPAGENAME}}" data-tdoll-hidedormbutton="true"></div>
{{#if:{{{stats|}}}|== Stats / Data ==
== Lore / Story involvement ==
{{#if:{{{appearences|}}}|== Appearances ==
== Gallery ==
{{#if:{{{gameplay|}}}|== Gameplay ==
Insert some images here.
{{#if:{{{lore|}}}|== Lore / Story involvement ==
== Quotes ==
{{#if:{{{gallery|}}}|== Gallery ==
== Trivia ==
{{#if:{{{quotes|}}}|== Quotes ==
{{#if:{{{trivia|}}}|== Trivia ==
<div class="references-section">
== References ==
== References ==
<references />
<references />
{{#ifexist:{{ROOTPAGENAME}}/Assimilated|[[Category:Assimilable Units]]}}
|affiliation=[[Sangvis Ferri]]
|cv=Some Fancy CV
|summary=Some short summary about the page. (2-3 sentences)
=== Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ===
Consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent id accumsan nulla. Aenean justo elit, lacinia a ipsum vitae, placerat mollis mauris. Nam libero neque, lobortis a urna quis, vehicula dignissim est. Praesent ut mi id nunc efficitur pellentesque nec vel augue. Curabitur et consectetur massa. Cras vitae ex sed erat hendrerit vehicula. Duis fermentum eros vulputate feugiat gravida. Pellentesque et malesuada ante, sed cursus sapien. Quisque lacinia laoreet lacus, ac vehicula neque sagittis at. Phasellus id odio quis magna posuere porta ac sit amet felis. Nullam ornare porttitor magna nec gravida. Mauris a ex sed ex dapibus vulputate sed in tortor<ref>[[IDW|Best reference]]</ref>. Phasellus sed mollis tellus. Nunc rutrum sem vehicula, placerat ipsum non, tempor augue. Maecenas vestibulum imperdiet bibendum.
Integer euismod, risus ac posuere sagittis, risus dui tincidunt erat, ac egestas mi eros vitae lectus. Nunc non iaculis tortor. Vestibulum vitae mattis tellus. Pellentesque nec lacus quis purus commodo sollicitudin. Etiam rutrum blandit sodales. Pellentesque tincidunt venenatis facilisis. Donec dictum enim at nibh sodales, ut egestas mauris scelerisque. Quisque tincidunt nisl odio, ac ullamcorper nulla iaculis ut. Pellentesque tempor at magna non ornare. Sed sed efficitur odio, in rhoncus massa. Donec ac metus ut nisi aliquam euismod et in tellus.
=== Pellentesque mauris tortor ===
Tempus vitae porta sed, pulvinar aliquam enim. Maecenas ullamcorper leo ligula, et ultrices orci scelerisque in. Sed varius felis a velit varius, ut congue nibh volutpat. Nullam sit amet elit sollicitudin, ultricies neque blandit, tristique tellus. Donec non imperdiet nibh, sit amet faucibus velit. Curabitur fermentum ipsum at odio bibendum, vitae elementum elit vestibulum. In ut euismod arcu. Ut enim lacus, facilisis sit amet nibh quis, posuere volutpat tellus. Mauris rhoncus nec ipsum nec euismod. Mauris sapien tellus, vestibulum id condimentum eget, finibus a mi. Suspendisse vel lacus vel ipsum feugiat faucibus sagittis vel ante. Donec dictum urna et orci consequat, in laoreet justo malesuada. Cras arcu enim, scelerisque nec tempus in, venenatis eget orci. Ut vehicula massa non felis porttitor, quis vestibulum dolor pellentesque. Phasellus ullamcorper sagittis felis, sit amet accumsan enim aliquet sit amet.
Fusce pharetra, dolor in aliquet tempor, massa sapien mattis mauris, eget malesuada est turpis non quam. Duis luctus placerat facilisis. Curabitur a sapien nec nulla venenatis fringilla eu ut enim. Nullam et orci tincidunt, maximus risus id, gravida eros. Duis id massa a odio rhoncus scelerisque. Nam nisi quam, rhoncus vitae turpis quis, blandit placerat nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas ultrices neque quis ornare consectetur. Integer sagittis quam eget mi rhoncus, at vehicula lorem ultricies. Sed rhoncus dignissim lacinia. Morbi sed euismod est, et venenatis libero. Integer in dolor nunc. Maecenas sed nibh ac nisl maximus vestibulum<ref>[[M1897|This one is cute]]</ref>. Phasellus metus ligula, volutpat in posuere sit amet, accumsan eget odio. Maecenas venenatis augue et sem bibendum pharetra. Nulla porta euismod rhoncus.
===Nulla facilisi===
Etiam quis ante vel massa accumsan ornare ut sit amet urna. Aenean est lorem, pellentesque sit amet magna et, vestibulum mollis magna. Maecenas non felis volutpat, ullamcorper tortor non, congue mi. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris vehicula orci in quam tristique accumsan. Suspendisse eu enim sed orci rhoncus commodo.
|quotes=* O RLY?
|trivia=* This page is a boring sample.
* And this is a boring sentence.

Latest revision as of 17:25, 16 November 2024

Documentation icon Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Page template for enemy units of Girls' Frontline.

Template parameters[Edit template data]

This template prefers block formatting of parameters.


A short summary about this enemy unit.


The classification of this enemy. Usually left empty. Sangvis Ferri Ringleaders get the classification "boss".


The artist who drew this unit. Multiple artist may be named with additional information about who drew which design.

Voice actor/actressvoiceactor

The name (and link) of the voice actor/actress responsible for this unit.

With Animation?hasChibiAnimation

Does this enemy unit have a chibi animation? (1 for yes, empty for no)

Auto value
Change chibi display scalechibiScale

Change the display size of the chibi. Use for big units that don't fit into the infobox by default.

Auto value

Where does this enemy unit usually appear? Where can the player find this unit?

Auto value

A description of the enemy unit's stats. Stats change per map so a rough estimate of what to expect is enough (like "high armor")


A description of the enemy's behaviour and how to beat it.

Auto value

A gallery of all artworks for this unit. Ususally artworks extracted from the game will be shown here. If available, concept arts from the artist may be used, too (with proper referencing).

Auto value

Detailled lore about this character. Please make sure to add proper references.


Quotes read or heard from the enemy unit. Usually used for lines found in story chapters.

"You think that was all?" - Speaking to M4 in Ch. 4 M. 3

Trivial information regarding this unit. Make sure you stay to the truth and do not add speculations.

Costume 1 namecostume1

The name of the costume/skin. (1)

April fools

no description


no description


no description


no description


no description


no description


no description


no description



Enemy units should have two images at minimum:

  • One titled ""<Article name>_I.png" for use in the Enemy Index. These miniatures can be found in the resourceiconenemy file.
  • Another titled "<Article name>_S.png" for use in the infobox. These can (with the enemy's main artwork, if available) in the unit's file.

See the template's testcases:


See also