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| {{QuotesSubPage | | {{QuotesSubPage |
| | GAIN_CN = | | | GAIN_CN = Jatimatic——就是我的名字,你也可以叫我杰蒂,随你喜欢。 |
| | GAIN_JP = | | | GAIN_JP = |
| | GAIN_EN = Jatimatic — that's my name. You can also call me Jati. Whichever you prefer. | | | GAIN_EN = Jatimatic — that's my name. You can also call me Jati. Whichever you prefer. |
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| | INTRODUCTION_EN = <!-- Disregard this, its not being used --> | | | INTRODUCTION_EN = <!-- Disregard this, its not being used --> |
| | INTRODUCTION_KR = <!-- Disregard this, its not being used --> | | | INTRODUCTION_KR = <!-- Disregard this, its not being used --> |
| | DIALOGUE1_CN = | | | DIALOGUE1_CN = 希望我冲泡一杯咖啡?指挥官,人类科技发展至今,所为的正是解放人的双手,依我看,用咖啡机就可以了。啊,麻烦给我也来一杯,拜托咯。 |
| | DIALOGUE1_JP = | | | DIALOGUE1_JP = |
| | DIALOGUE1_EN = You want me to make you a coffee? Commander, humans have been developing technology for the purpose of freeing up their hands. I think we can leave the coffee-making to the coffee machine. Ah, please get me a cup too. Thanks. | | | DIALOGUE1_EN = You want me to make you a coffee? Commander, humans have been developing technology for the purpose of freeing up their hands. I think we can leave the coffee-making to the coffee machine. Ah, please get me a cup too. Thanks. |
| | DIALOGUE1_KR = | | | DIALOGUE1_KR = |
| | DIALOGUE2_CN = | | | DIALOGUE2_CN = M3……不在吗?M45也去忙了……那今天还是让MP5帮我跑腿吧,平时喂了那么多牛奶给她,也是时候报答我一下了。 |
| | DIALOGUE2_JP = | | | DIALOGUE2_JP = |
| | DIALOGUE2_EN = M3... isn't here? M45 is also busy... Then I guess MP5 will have to run some errands for me today. I've given her so much milk to drink, it's about time she repaid the favor. | | | DIALOGUE2_EN = M3... isn't here? M45 is also busy... Then I guess MP5 will have to run some errands for me today. I've given her so much milk to drink, it's about time she repaid the favor. |
| | DIALOGUE2_KR = | | | DIALOGUE2_KR = |
| | DIALOGUE3_CN = | | | DIALOGUE3_CN = 关于您安排我清扫敌方区域的任务?啊,在做了在做了……喂喂,是隔壁公司的火炮佣兵团吗?报答我救命之恩的时候到了,按既定坐标开始轰炸——呼,任务完成了~ |
| | DIALOGUE3_JP = | | | DIALOGUE3_JP = |
| | DIALOGUE3_EN = My mission of cleaning up enemy territories? Yeah, yeah, I'm on it... Hello? Am I speaking to the artillery mercs of the company next door? Here's your chance to pay me back for saving your life. Do a bombing run on these coordinates... Phew, mission accomplished~ | | | DIALOGUE3_EN = My mission of cleaning up enemy territories? Yeah, yeah, I'm on it... Hello? Am I speaking to the artillery mercs of the company next door? Here's your chance to pay me back for saving your life. Do a bombing run on these coordinates... Phew, mission accomplished~ |
| | DIALOGUE3_KR = | | | DIALOGUE3_KR = |
| | DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = | | | DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 哎呀,全自动做饭机坏掉了吗?唔,还想着有了它,我们就能躺着等饭自己完成呢……真没办法,今天的晚饭就拜托你了。 |
| | DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Oh? The fully-automatic meal-prep machine is broken? Hm, I was hoping I could just lie down while it prepared a meal all by itself... Can't be helped. You'll have to do something about dinner tonight. | | | DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Oh? The fully-automatic meal-prep machine is broken? Hm, I was hoping I could just lie down while it prepared a meal all by itself... Can't be helped. You'll have to do something about dinner tonight. |
| | SOULCONTRACT_CN = | | | SOULCONTRACT_CN = 嗯……有了这个,是不是就可以无限制地调动格里芬的所有资源了?不能吗?真可惜,还以为今后可以不用再努力了……不过,起码有你作为我的依靠,这么一想,好像比前者更让人感到高兴,那就这么定了~! |
| | SOULCONTRACT_EN = Hm... Does this give me complete access to all of Griffin's resources? No? That's a shame. And here I thought I wouldn't have to work so hard anymore... But at least I can rely on you now. This feels like an even better deal than the former... So it's decided then~! | | | SOULCONTRACT_EN = Hm... Does this give me complete access to all of Griffin's resources? No? That's a shame. And here I thought I wouldn't have to work so hard anymore... But at least I can rely on you now. This feels like an even better deal than the former... So it's decided then~! |
| |
| | HELLO_CN = | | | HELLO_CN = 欢迎欢迎,来看看今天的日程表吧——低头,就在你脚边的遥控机器人身上。 |
| | HELLO_JP = | | | HELLO_JP = |
| | HELLO_EN = Welcome, welcome. Have a look at your schedule for today. Look down. It's on the robot right by your feet. | | | HELLO_EN = Welcome, welcome. Have a look at your schedule for today. Look down. It's on the robot right by your feet. |
| | HELLO_KR = | | | HELLO_KR = |
| | BUILDOVER_CN = | | | BUILDOVER_CN = 新的劳动力上门了,哼哼。 |
| | FORMATION_CN = | | | FORMATION_CN = 哇,今天是咱们一起出勤吗? |
| | FORMATION_EN = Wow, are we going on duty together today? | | | FORMATION_EN = Wow, are we going on duty together today? |
| | FEED_CN = | | | FEED_CN = 更擅长使用工具也是一种变强的手段,信我没错。 |
| | FEED_JP = | | | FEED_JP = |
| | FEED_EN = Becoming more adept at using tools is also a way of getting stronger. Trust me on that. | | | FEED_EN = Becoming more adept at using tools is also a way of getting stronger. Trust me on that. |
| | FEED_KR = | | | FEED_KR = |
| | COMBINE_CN = | | | COMBINE_CN = 这下可以躺在宿舍,让她们替我干活了~! |
| | COMBINE_JP = | | | COMBINE_JP = |
| | COMBINE_EN = Now I can snooze at the dorm and leave all the work to them~! | | | COMBINE_EN = Now I can snooze at the dorm and leave all the work to them~! |
| | COMBINE_KR = | | | COMBINE_KR = |
| | OPERATIONBEGIN_CN = | | | OPERATIONBEGIN_CN = 出远门吗……总之,先找辆代步车吧。 |
| | OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = We're traveling somewhere far away...? Right, let me get my hands on a vehicle so we don't have to walk. | | | OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = We're traveling somewhere far away...? Right, let me get my hands on a vehicle so we don't have to walk. |
| | OPERATIONOVER_CN = | | | OPERATIONOVER_CN = 还好约了一辆货车,不然这么多东西可怎么带回来。 |
| | OPERATIONOVER_EN = Good thing I booked a truck. How else was I supposed to haul so much stuff back? | | | OPERATIONOVER_EN = Good thing I booked a truck. How else was I supposed to haul so much stuff back? |
| | BLACKACTION_CN = | | | BLACKACTION_CN = 那么,大家原地休息——哎呀,不行吗? |
| | BLACKACTION_EN = Then let's all stay in position and get some rest... Oh, we can't? | | | BLACKACTION_EN = Then let's all stay in position and get some rest... Oh, we can't? |
| |
| | GOATTACK_CN = | | | GOATTACK_CN = 有劳大家了~! |
| | GOATTACK_EN = Thanks for your hard work in advance~! | | | GOATTACK_EN = Thanks for your hard work in advance~! |
| | MEET_CN = | | | MEET_CN = 敌人还真有干劲啊…… |
| | MEET_JP = | | | MEET_JP = |
| | MEET_EN = The enemies sure are motivated... | | | MEET_EN = The enemies sure are motivated... |
| | MEET_KR = | | | MEET_KR = |
| | SKILL1_CN = | | | SKILL1_CN = 要上咯。 |
| | SKILL1_JP = | | | SKILL1_JP = |
| | SKILL1_EN = Here I go. | | | SKILL1_EN = Here I go. |
| | SKILL1_KR = | | | SKILL1_KR = |
| | SKILL2_CN = | | | SKILL2_CN = 早结束,早休息。 |
| | SKILL2_JP = | | | SKILL2_JP = |
| | SKILL2_EN = The sooner we get this done, the sooner I get to rest. | | | SKILL2_EN = The sooner we get this done, the sooner I get to rest. |
| | SKILL2_KR = | | | SKILL2_KR = |
| | SKILL3_CN = | | | SKILL3_CN = 这就把能用的都用上! |
| | SKILL3_JP = | | | SKILL3_JP = |
| | SKILL3_EN = Use everything we've got! | | | SKILL3_EN = Use everything we've got! |
| | SKILL3_KR = | | | SKILL3_KR = |
| | BREAK_CN = | | | BREAK_CN = 为了减小被弹面积,我先躺一会儿,敌人来了提醒我挪位置…… |
| | BREAK_JP = | | | BREAK_JP = |
| | BREAK_EN = To make myself a smaller target, I'm just gonna lie down for a bit. Tell me to move when the enemy is here... | | | BREAK_EN = To make myself a smaller target, I'm just gonna lie down for a bit. Tell me to move when the enemy is here... |
| | BREAK_KR = | | | BREAK_KR = |
| | RETREAT_CN = | | | RETREAT_CN = 硬抗是没有好结果的,再想点别的办法吧。 |
| | RETREAT_JP = | | | RETREAT_JP = |
| | RETREAT_EN = Taking it head-on isn't the way to go. Let's think of something else. | | | RETREAT_EN = Taking it head-on isn't the way to go. Let's think of something else. |
| | RETREAT_KR = | | | RETREAT_KR = |
| | WIN_CN = | | | WIN_CN = 不管手段怎么样,反正赢了就好。 |
| | WIN_JP = | | | WIN_JP = |
| | WIN_EN = Doesn't matter how we did it. The bottom line is we won. | | | WIN_EN = Doesn't matter how we did it. The bottom line is we won. |
| | WIN_KR = | | | WIN_KR = |
| | FIX_CN = | | | FIX_CN = 反正还有时间,小睡一会吧…… |
| | FIX_JP = | | | FIX_JP = |
| | FIX_EN = There's still some time left. Guess I'll take a short nap... | | | FIX_EN = There's still some time left. Guess I'll take a short nap... |
| | FIX_KR = | | | FIX_KR = |
| |
| | ALLHALLOWS_CN = | | | ALLHALLOWS_CN = 唉,真不想打扮成鬼怪折腾一整晚……有谁愿意代劳的话,我愿意把我珍藏的糖果全部给她。 |
| | ALLHALLOWS_EN = Ugh, I really don't feel like messing around the whole night dressed as a monster... If anyone is willing to take my place, I'll happily give her all my sweets. | | | ALLHALLOWS_EN = Ugh, I really don't feel like messing around the whole night dressed as a monster... If anyone is willing to take my place, I'll happily give her all my sweets. |
| | CHRISTMAS_CN = | | | CHRISTMAS_CN = 如果圣诞老人愿意送我一架无人轰炸机,我就能一劳永逸地解决各种高风险攻坚任务,可惜,他老人家并没有想象中那么慷慨。 |
| | CHRISTMAS_EN = If Santa would give me a UAV, I'd be able to take care of all kinds of high-risk assault missions once and for all. Unfortunately, the old geezer isn't as generous as I'd hoped. | | | CHRISTMAS_EN = If Santa would give me a UAV, I'd be able to take care of all kinds of high-risk assault missions once and for all. Unfortunately, the old geezer isn't as generous as I'd hoped. |
| | NEWYEAR_CN = | | | NEWYEAR_CN = 哎呀,是给我的红包吗?多谢多谢,有了这些钱,我就能买张折叠床用来午睡了~! |
| | NEWYEAR_JP = | | | NEWYEAR_JP = |
| | NEWYEAR_EN = Oh, a red packet for me? Thanks! With this money, I can buy a foldable bed for my afternoon naps~! | | | NEWYEAR_EN = Oh, a red packet for me? Thanks! With this money, I can buy a foldable bed for my afternoon naps~! |
| | NEWYEAR_KR = | | | NEWYEAR_KR = |
| | VALENTINE_CN = | | | VALENTINE_CN = 情人节快乐~来尝尝巧克力吧。这里有黑巧白巧,还有各种口味的夹心……您好奇为什么种类那么丰富?啊哈,毕竟大家送我那么多,我一个人吃不下…… |
| | VALENTINE_EN = Happy Valentine's Day~ Try this chocolate. I've got dark ones, white ones, and ones with different fillings... You're wondering why there are so many different kinds? Ha, I've been given so many I can't eat them all myself... | | | VALENTINE_EN = Happy Valentine's Day~ Try this chocolate. I've got dark ones, white ones, and ones with different fillings... You're wondering why there are so many different kinds? Ha, I've been given so many I can't eat them all myself... |
| | TANABATA_CN = | | | TANABATA_CN = 我希望自己能掌握更多工具的使用技巧,只有熟练使用它们,才能真正提升我的工作效率~! |
| | TANABATA_EN = I hope I'll master the technique of using more tools. Only by using tools well will my work efficiency increase~! | | | TANABATA_EN = I hope I'll master the technique of using more tools. Only by using tools well will my work efficiency increase~! |
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| <!-- Misc lines are below --> | | <!-- Misc lines are below --> |
| | ATTACK_CN = | | | ATTACK_CN = 先来一次炮火覆盖的话,效果会更好吧? |
| | ATTACK_JP = | | | ATTACK_JP = |
| | ATTACK_EN = It'd probably work to our advantage if we start with an artillery strike? | | | ATTACK_EN = It'd probably work to our advantage if we start with an artillery strike? |
| | ATTACK_KR = | | | ATTACK_KR = |
| | DEFENSE_CN = | | | DEFENSE_CN = 还蛮有挑战性的,试着抵挡看看吧。 |
| | DEFENSE_JP = | | | DEFENSE_JP = |
| | DEFENSE_EN = This is quite challenging. Let me try blocking that. | | | DEFENSE_EN = This is quite challenging. Let me try blocking that. |
| | DEFENSE_KR = | | | DEFENSE_KR = |
| | PHRASE_CN = | | | PHRASE_CN = 工具是进步的阶梯~! |
| | PHRASE_JP = | | | PHRASE_JP = |
| | PHRASE_EN = Tools are what leads to improvement~! | | | PHRASE_EN = Tools are what leads to improvement~! |
| | PHRASE_KR = | | | PHRASE_KR = |
| | TIP_CN = | | | TIP_CN = 喜欢我衣服上的花花?哼哼,它们其实是一种伪装型防弹护甲,比看上去的要实用哦。 |
| | TIP_JP = | | | TIP_JP = |
| | TIP_EN = You like the flowers on my clothes? Heheh, they're actually camouflaged bulletproof armor – they're more useful than they look. | | | TIP_EN = You like the flowers on my clothes? Heheh, they're actually camouflaged bulletproof armor – they're more useful than they look. |
| | TIP_KR = | | | TIP_KR = |
| | LOADING_CN = | | | LOADING_CN = 可以多休息一会儿,不是挺好嘛。 |
| | LOADING_JP = | | | LOADING_JP = |
| | LOADING_EN = We get more rest, isn't that nice? | | | LOADING_EN = We get more rest, isn't that nice? |