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Panakeia Profile Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Morning Play Good morning, Professor... I wish you a safe and uneventful day.
Afternoon Play You smell something strange...? I just came from the pharma lab and haven't got the chance to change. Please excuse me.
Evening Play It brings me incredible joy just being able to have a proper dinner together with my friends.
Night Play I'm really tired... But there are more drug tests to be completed today; I've got to keep going.
Main Interface Voice Play To save lives from being lost needlessly... I'm just doing what I should; I'm far from a hero. Though frankly speaking, nothing is worth more than life.
Play What's wrong... Professor? If you are not feeling well, I'll do what I can to help.
Play Why is the Professor so still and quiet...? Never mind, I'd better not disturb them.
Play This is a new formulation that I created yesterday, but it hasn't been tested yet. Could you test it out for me, please?
Interactive Voice Play Hehe...
Play This feels surprisingly nice...
Play Hmm... It feels a bit weird.
Relationship Dialogues Play The drug failed another test... Every failure delays the launch of a medicine, which means more people losing their lives to sickness... This has happened time and time again, but there is nothing we can do.
Play Being a pharmaceutical researcher is not an easy job. We conduct thousands of tests in the lab every day. Every slip-up could lead to failure, which results in the delay of our research progress... Not to mention, the smell is atrocious.
Play As a pharmaceutical researcher, I have witnessed too many similar cases. A patient struggles in great pain, begging for relief, but there is no effective medication that can cure them. Even the most ingenious pharmaceutical researcher can't conjure up a panacea overnight.
Play Do you have any lofty aspirations, Professor? Me...? I dream of ending all war, strife and bloodshed in the world one day. Then no one will get hurt, suffer, or die. When that day comes, my mission will be over, I suppose... But until then, I must keep performing my duty.
Play I once considered staying in this place forever... I wouldn't have to face all those bloody and grisly stories of misfortune. But that would just be running away, which does nothing to improve the situation. In the end, I made a resolution. When I get back to the real world, I will keep reaching for my dream until the day it comes true...
Moods Play
Accept Play
Agree Play
Appreciate Play
Feeling Play
Oath Play Since you have chosen me out of all the stars, then... let us learn more about each other's feelings and beliefs, and protect one another.
Obtain Play I am Panakeia... Let's fight together for peace and everyone's well-being.

Neural Cloud


Neural Cloud

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Potential Breakthrough Play With enough power, I can save more people from pain and suffering.
Neural Expansion Play Save more people and prolong their lives... This is my calling.
Max Neural Expansion
Play Since I have chosen this path, I will not give up easily... Let's work hard together.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Join Team Play I'm all set.
Battle Start Play Let me help you.
Ultimate Skill Play It's my turn!
MVP1 Play We're all safe!
MVP2 Play Victory is our only option.


But... I won't regret this...


Leave this shift to me. I'll do my duty.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Christmas Play I won't miss the date this time. Merry Christmas, Professor. Let's head out into the streets and drink in the wonder of peace with our eyes and heart...
Halloween Play To prepare for Halloween, I added some pumpkin juice to today's dessert for some festive flavor, plus a serum that significantly boosts the sweetness. Don't worry, there aren't any side effects. Except it might make you drowsy, I suppose.
New Year Play It's New Year's Day. It makes me happy and relieved to see everyone enjoying the festive season.
Tanabata Play Is everybody out to watch the fireworks...? I wish I could enjoy this lovely and joyous occasion, but sadly, I'm too busy with my experiment...
Valentine Play Valentine's Day? I've never really experienced it, and I haven't prepared any gifts... Now that I think about it, I roasted some marshmallows yesterday. I don't know if you like them, but please have a taste.
Player's Birthday Play Happy Birthday. ... Say, is this too weird for a birthday present? Red and blue candies in a bottle...