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Nanaka Story Profile Quotes

"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

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Heartfelt House of Chocolate (Valentines)[edit]

Rare Memory (Oath story)[edit]

Melodious Macrocosm[edit]

Nanaka continued her role as the "Demon Manager Nana-P", first by coaching 4You's idols during a practice and then preparing for a concert tour after Riko attempted to rile them up by shilling merchandise for the Wish Orchestra. Nanaka revealed that an alleged fan from the Cyclopes Sector had invited 4You to perform at the sector, but 4You was suspicious that the sender was not using an official Cyclopes email. However, Clukay overrule their concerns stating that it was their duty as idols to respond to the invitation.

Summertime Rhythm[edit]