(Redirected from GfSpine.js)
Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.
- Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
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- Opera: Press Ctrl-F5.
/*function Animation(){
this.animations = new Array();
this.animationframe = null;
Animation.prototype = {
start : function(){
this.animationframe = window.requestAnimationFrame((time) => {
animate : function(t){
this.animationframe = window.requestAnimationFrame((time) => {
for(var i = 0; i < this.animations.length; i++){
function Atlas(){};
Atlas.prototype = {
data : null,
getData : function(url, fun){
var s = this;
this.callback = fun;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
xhr.responseType = "text";
xhr.onload = function(e, n=s){
if(this.status==200 || this.status==0){
var data = this.responseText;
if(data){ = data;
function BaseLoader(path, data){
this.path = path; = data;
this.loader = new PIXI.loaders.Loader(this.path);
function SkeletonBinary(){ = null;
this.scale = 1;
this.json = {};
this.nextNum = 0;
this.chars = null;
SkeletonBinary.prototype = {
BlendMode : ["normal", "additive", "multiply", "screen"],
AttachmentType : ["region", "boundingbox", "mesh", "skinnedmesh"],
readByte : function(){
return this.nextNum < ?[this.nextNum++] : null;
readBoolean : function(){
return this.readByte() != 0;
readShort : function(){
return (this.readByte() << 8) | this.readByte();
readInt : function(optimizePositive){
if(typeof optimizePositive === 'undefined'){
return (this.readByte() << 24) | (this.readByte() << 16) | (this.readByte() << 8) | this.readByte();
var b = this.readByte();
var result = b & 0x7f;
if ((b & 0x80) != 0){
b = this.readByte();
result |= (b & 0x7F) << 7;
if ((b & 0x80) != 0){
b = this.readByte();
result |= (b & 0x7F) << 14;
if ((b & 0x80) != 0){
b = this.readByte();
result |= (b & 0x7F) << 21;
if ((b & 0x80) != 0){
b = this.readByte();
result |= (b & 0x7F) << 28;
return optimizePositive ? result : ((result >> 1) ^ -(result & 1));
bytes2Float32 : function(bytes){
var sign = (bytes & 0x80000000) ? -1 : 1;
var exponent = ((bytes >> 23) & 0xFF) - 127;
var significand = (bytes & ~(-1 << 23));
if (exponent == 128)
return sign * ((significand) ? Number.NaN : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
if (exponent == -127) {
if (significand == 0) return sign * 0.0;
exponent = -126;
significand /= (1 << 22);
} else significand = (significand | (1 << 23)) / (1 << 23);
return sign * significand * Math.pow(2, exponent);
readFloat : function(){
return this.bytes2Float32((this.readByte()<<24) + (this.readByte()<<16) + (this.readByte()<<8) + (this.readByte()<<0));
readFloatArray : function(){
var n = this.readInt(true);
var array = new Array(n);
if(this.scale == 1){
for(var i = 0; i < n; i++){
array[i] = this.readFloat();
for(var i = 0; i < n; i++){
array[i] = this.readFloat() * this.scale;
return array;
readShortArray : function(){
var n = this.readInt(true);
var array = new Array(n);
for(var i = 0; i < n; i++){
array[i] = this.readShort();
return array;
readIntArray : function(){
var n = this.readInt(true);
var array = new Array(n);
for(var i = 0; i < n; i++)
array[i] = this.readInt(true);
return array;
readHex : function(){
var hex = this.readByte().toString(16);
return hex.length == 2 ? hex : '0' + hex;
readColor : function(){
return this.readHex() + this.readHex() + this.readHex() + this.readHex();
readUtf8_slow : function(charCount, charIndex, b){
switch (b >> 4){
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
this.chars += String.fromCharCode(b);
case 12:
case 13:
this.chars += String.fromCharCode((b & 0x1F) << 6 | this.readByte() & 0x3F);
case 14:
this.chars += String.fromCharCode((b & 0x0F) << 12 | (this.readByte() & 0x3F) << 6 | this.readByte() & 0x3F);
if (++charIndex >= charCount) break;
b = this.readByte() & 0xFF;
var charCount = this.readInt(this, true);
case 0:
return null;
case 1:
return "";
this.chars = "";
var b = 0;
var charIndex = 0;
while (charIndex < charCount){
b = this.readByte();
if (b > 127)
this.chars += String.fromCharCode(b);
if (charIndex < charCount)
this.readUtf8_slow(charCount, charIndex, b);
return this.chars;
initJson : function(){
this.json.skeleton = {};
var skeleton = this.json.skeleton;
skeleton.hash = this.readString();
if(skeleton.hash.length == 0)
skeleton.hash = null;
skeleton.spine = this.readString();
if(skeleton.spine.length == 0)
skeleton.spine = null;
skeleton.width = this.readFloat();
skeleton.height = this.readFloat();
var nonessential = this.readBoolean();
skeleton.images = this.readString();
if(skeleton.images.length == 0)
skeleton.images = null;
this.json.bones = new Array(this.readInt(true));
var bones = this.json.bones;
for(var i = 0; i < bones.length; i++){
var boneData = {}; = this.readString();
boneData.parent = null;
var parentIndex = this.readInt(true) - 1;
if(parentIndex != -1)
boneData.parent = bones[parentIndex].name;
boneData.x = this.readFloat() * this.scale;
boneData.y = this.readFloat() * this.scale;
boneData.scaleX = this.readFloat();
boneData.scaleY = this.readFloat();
boneData.rotation = this.readFloat();
boneData.length = this.readFloat() * this.scale;
boneData.flipX = this.readBoolean();
boneData.flipY = this.readBoolean();
boneData.inheritScale = this.readBoolean();
boneData.inheritRotation = this.readBoolean();
boneData.color = this.readColor();
bones[i] = boneData;
// IK constraints.
var ikIndex = this.readInt(true);
if(ikIndex > 0){
this.json.ik = new Array(this.readInt(true));
var ik = this.json.ik;
for(var i = 0; i < ikIndex; i++){
var ikConstraints = {}; = this.readString();
ikConstraints.bones = new Array(this.readInt(true));
for(var j = 0; j < ikConstraints.bones.length; j++){
ikConstraints.bones[j] = this.json.bones[this.readInt(true)].name;
} = this.json.bones[this.readInt(true)].name;
ikConstraints.mix = this.readFloat();
ikConstraints.bendPositive = this.readBoolean();
// Maybe use ReadSByte();
ik[i] = ikConstraints;
// Slots.
this.json.slots = new Array(this.readInt(true));
var slots = this.json.slots;
for(var i = 0; i < slots.length; i++){
var slotData = {}; = this.readString();
var boneData = this.json.bones[this.readInt(true)];
slotData.bone =;
slotData.color = this.readColor();
slotData.attachment = this.readString();
slotData.blend = this.BlendMode[this.readInt(true)];
slots[i] = slotData;
// Default skin.
this.json.skins = {};
this.json.skinsName = new Array();
var skins = this.json.skins;
var defaultSkin = this.readSkin("default", nonessential);
if(defaultSkin != null){
skins["default"] = defaultSkin;
// Skin.
for(var i = 0, n = this.readInt(true); i < n; i++){
var skinName = this.readString();
var skin = this.readSkin(skinName, nonessential);
skins[skinName] = skin;
// Events. = [];
this.json.eventsName = [];
var events =;
for(var i = 0, n = this.readInt(true); i < n; i++){
var eventName = this.readString();
var event = {}; = this.readInt(false);
event.float = this.readFloat();
event.string = this.readString();
events[eventName] = event;
this.json.eventsName[i] = eventName;
// Animations.
this.json.animations = {};
var animations = this.json.animations;
for(var i = 0, n = this.readInt(true); i < n; i++){
var animationName = this.readString();
var animation = this.readAnimation(animationName);
animations[animationName] = animation;
readSkin(skinName, nonessential){
var slotCount = this.readInt(true);
if(slotCount == 0)
return null;
var skin = {};
for(var i = 0; i < slotCount; i++){
var slotIndex = this.readInt(true);
var slot = {};
for(var j = 0, n = this.readInt(true); j < n; j++){
var name = this.readString();
var attachment = this.readAttachment(name, nonessential);
slot[name] = attachment;
skin[this.json.slots[slotIndex].name] = slot;
return skin;
readAttachment(attachmentName, nonessential){
var name = this.readString();
if(name == null)
name = attachmentName;
case "region":
var path = this.readString();
if(path == null)
path = name;
var region = {};
region.type = "region"; = name;
region.path = path;
region.x = this.readFloat() * this.scale;
region.y = this.readFloat() * this.scale;
region.scaleX = this.readFloat();
region.scaleY = this.readFloat();
region.rotation = this.readFloat();
region.width = this.readFloat() * this.scale;
region.height = this.readFloat() * this.scale;
region.color = this.readColor();
// Maybe need UpdateOffset()
return region;
case "boundingbox":
var box = {};
box.type = "boundingbox"; = name;
box.vertices = this.readFloatArray();
// Maybe need vertexCount or color
return box;
case "mesh":
var path = this.readString();
if(path == null)
path = name;
var mesh = {};
mesh.type = "mesh"; = name;
mesh.path = path;
mesh.uvs = this.readFloatArray();
// Maybe need updateUVs()
mesh.triangles = this.readShortArray();
mesh.vertices = this.readFloatArray();
mesh.color = this.readColor();
mesh.hull = this.readInt(true);
// Maybe need * 2
mesh.edges = this.readIntArray();
mesh.width = this.readFloat();
mesh.height = this.readFloat();
// Maybe need * scale
return mesh;
case "skinnedmesh":
var path = this.readString();
if(path == null)
path = name;
var skinnedmesh = {};
skinnedmesh.type = "skinnedmesh"; = name;
skinnedmesh.path = path;
skinnedmesh.uvs = this.readFloatArray();
skinnedmesh.triangles = this.readShortArray();
skinnedmesh.vertices = new Array();
var vertexCount = this.readInt(true);
for(var i = 0; i < vertexCount;){
var boneCount = Math.floor(this.readFloat());
skinnedmesh.vertices[i++] = boneCount;
for(var nn = i + boneCount * 4; i < nn; i += 4){
skinnedmesh.vertices[i] = Math.floor(this.readFloat());
skinnedmesh.vertices[i + 1] = this.readFloat();
skinnedmesh.vertices[i + 2] = this.readFloat();
skinnedmesh.vertices[i + 3] = this.readFloat();
skinnedmesh.color = this.readColor();
skinnedmesh.hull = this.readInt(true);
// Maybe need * 2
skinnedmesh.edges = this.readIntArray();
skinnedmesh.width = this.readFloat();
skinnedmesh.height = this.readFloat();
// Maybe need * scale
return skinnedmesh;
return null;
readCurve(frameIndex, timeline){
timeline[frameIndex].curve = "stepped";
case 2: //CURVE_BEZIER
var cx1 = this.readFloat();
var cy1 = this.readFloat();
var cx2 = this.readFloat();
var cy2 = this.readFloat();
timeline[frameIndex].curve = [cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2];
var animation = {};
var scale = this.scale;
var duration = 0;
// Slot timelines.
var slots = {};
for(var i = 0, n = this.readInt(true); i < n; i++){
var slotIndex = this.readInt(true);
var slotMap = {};
var timeCount = this.readInt(true);
for(var ii = 0; ii < timeCount; ii++){
var timelineType = this.readByte();
var frameCount = this.readInt(true);
var timeline = new Array(frameCount);
for(var frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++){
var time = this.readFloat();
var color = this.readColor();
timeline[frameIndex] = {};
timeline[frameIndex].time = time;
timeline[frameIndex].color = color;
if(frameIndex < frameCount - 1){
var str = this.readCurve(frameIndex, timeline);
slotMap.color = timeline;
duration = Math.max(duration, timeline[frameCount - 1].time);
var timeline = new Array(frameCount);
for(var frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++){
var time = this.readFloat();
var attachmentName = this.readString();
timeline[frameIndex] = {};
timeline[frameIndex].time = time;
timeline[frameIndex].name = attachmentName;
slotMap.attachment = timeline;
duration = Math.max(duration, timeline[frameCount - 1].time);
slots[this.json.slots[slotIndex].name] = slotMap;
animation.slots = slots;
//// Bone timelines.
var bones = {};
for(var i = 0, n = this.readInt(true); i < n; i++){
var boneIndex = this.readInt(true);
var boneMap = {};
for(var ii = 0, nn = this.readInt(true); ii < nn; ii++){
var timelineType = this.readByte();
var frameCount = this.readInt(true);
var timeline = new Array(frameCount);
for(var frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++){
var tltime = this.readFloat();
var tlangle = this.readFloat();
timeline[frameIndex] = {};
timeline[frameIndex].time = tltime;
timeline[frameIndex].angle = tlangle;
if(frameIndex < frameCount - 1){
this.readCurve(frameIndex, timeline);
boneMap.rotate = timeline;
duration = Math.max(duration, timeline[frameCount - 1].time);
var timeline = new Array(frameCount);
var timelineScale = 1;
if(timelineType == 2){
timelineScale = scale;
for(var frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++){
var tltime = this.readFloat();
var tlx = this.readFloat();
var tly = this.readFloat();
timeline[frameIndex] = {};
timeline[frameIndex].time = tltime;
timeline[frameIndex].x = tlx;
timeline[frameIndex].y = tly;
if(frameIndex < frameCount - 1){
this.readCurve(frameIndex, timeline);
if(timelineType == 0){
boneMap.scale = timeline;
boneMap.translate = timeline;
duration = Math.max(duration, timeline[frameCount - 1].time);
var timeline = new Array(frameCount);
for(var frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++){
var tltime = this.readFloat();
var tlflip = this.readBoolean();
timeline[frameIndex] = {};
timeline[frameIndex].time = tltime;
if(timelineType == 5)
timeline[frameIndex].x = tlflip;
timeline[frameIndex].y = tlflip;
if(timelineType == 5)
boneMap.flipX = timeline;
boneMap.flipY = timeline;
duration = Math.max(duration, timeline[frameCount - 1].time);
bones[this.json.bones[boneIndex].name] = boneMap;
animation.bones = bones;
// IK timelines.
var ik = {};
for(var i = 0, n = this.readInt(true); i < n; i++){
var ikIndex = this.readInt(true);
var frameCount = this.readInt(true);
var timeline = new Array(frameCount);
for(var frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++){
var time = this.readFloat();
var mix = this.readFloat();
var bendPositive = this.readBoolean();
// Maybe use ReadSByte()
timeline[frameIndex].time = time;
timeline[frameIndex].mix = mix;
timeline[frameIndex].bendPositive = bendPositive;
if(frameIndex < frameCount - 1)
this.readCurve(frameIndex, timeline);
ik[this.json.ik[ikIndex]] = timeline;
animation.ik = ik;
// FFD timelines.
var ffd = {};
for(var i = 0, n = this.readInt(true); i < n; i++){
var skinIndex = this.readInt(true);
var slotMap = {};
for(var ii = 0, nn = this.readInt(true); ii < nn; ii++){
var slotIndex = this.readInt(true);
var meshMap = {};
for(var iii = 0, nnn = this.readInt(true); iii < nnn; iii++){
var meshName = this.readString();
var frameCount = this.readInt(true);
var attachment;
var attachments = this.json.skins[this.json.skinsName[skinIndex]][this.json.slots[slotIndex].name];
for(var attachmentName in attachments){
if(attachments[attachmentName].name == meshName)
attachment = attachments[attachmentName];
console.log("FFD attachment not found: " + meshName);
var timeline = new Array(frameCount);
for(var frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++){
var time = this.readFloat();
var vertexCount;
if(attachment.type == "mesh"){
vertexCount = attachment.vertices.length;
vertexCount = attachment.uvs.length * 3 * 3;
// This maybe wrong
var vertices = new Array(vertexCount);
for (var verticeIdx = 0; verticeIdx < vertexCount; verticeIdx++){
vertices[verticeIdx] = 0.0;
// ToDo: I have no idea why we need this
var bugFixMultiplicator = 0.1;
var end = this.readInt(true);
if (end == 0) {
if (attachment.type == "mesh") {
for (var verticeIdx = 0; verticeIdx < vertexCount; verticeIdx++){
vertices[verticeIdx] += attachment.vertices[verticeIdx] * bugFixMultiplicator;
} else {
var start = this.readInt(true);
end += start;
for(var v = start; v < end; v++){
vertices[v] = this.readFloat() * scale;
if(attachment.type == "mesh"){
var meshVertices = attachment.vertices;
for(var v = 0, vn = vertices.length; v < vn; v++){
vertices[v] += meshVertices[v] * bugFixMultiplicator;
timeline[frameIndex] = {};
timeline[frameIndex].time = time;
timeline[frameIndex].vertices = vertices;
if(frameIndex < frameCount - 1)
this.readCurve(frameIndex, timeline);
meshMap[meshName] = timeline;
duration = Math.max(duration, timeline[frameCount - 1].time);
slotMap[this.json.slots[slotIndex].name] = meshMap;
ffd[this.json.skinsName[skinIndex]] = slotMap;
animation.ffd = ffd;
// Draw order timeline.
var drawOrderCount = this.readInt(true);
if(drawOrderCount > 0){
var drawOrders = new Array(drawOrderCount);
// var timeline = new Array(drawOrderCount);
var slotCount = this.json.slots.length;
for(var i = 0; i < drawOrderCount; i++){
var drawOrderMap = {};
var offsetCount = this.readInt(true);
// var drawOrder = new Array(slotCount);
// for(var ii = slotCount - 1; ii >= 0; ii--){
// drawOrder[ii] = -1;
// }
// var unchanged = new Array(slotCount - offsetCount);
// var originalIndex = 0, unchangedIndex = 0;
var offsets = new Array(offsetCount);
for(var ii = 0; ii < offsetCount; ii++){
var offsetMap = {};
var slotIndex = this.readInt(true);
offsetMap.slot = this.json.slots[slotIndex].name;
// while (originalIndex != slotIndex)
// unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++;
var dooffset = this.readInt(true);
offsetMap.offset = dooffset;
// drawOrder[originalIndex + dooffset] = originalIndex++;
offsets[ii] = offsetMap;
drawOrderMap.offsets = offsets;
// while(originalIndex < slotCount)
// unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++;
// for (var ii = slotCount - 1; ii >= 0; ii--){
// if (drawOrder[ii] == -1)
// drawOrder[ii] = unchanged[--unchangedIndex];
var tltime = this.readFloat();
drawOrderMap.time = tltime;
drawOrders[i] = drawOrderMap;
duration = Math.max(duration, drawOrders[drawOrderCount - 1].time);
animation.drawOrder = drawOrders;
// Event timeline.
var eventCount = this.readInt(true);
if(eventCount > 0){
var events = new Array(eventCount);
for(var i = 0; i < eventCount; i++){
var time = this.readFloat();
var name = this.json.eventsName[this.readInt(true)];
var eventData =[name];
var e = {}; = name; = this.readInt(true);
e.float = this.readFloat();
e.string = this.readBoolean() ? this.readString() : eventData.string;
e.time = time;
events[i] = e;
duration = Math.max(duration, events[eventCount - 1].time); = events;
return animation;
function SkeletonLoader(path, data){
this.path = path;
this.basedata = data;
this.resources = {};
this.loader = new PIXI.loaders.Loader(this.path);
SkeletonLoader.prototype = {
log : function(l){
console.log(l + " : SkeletonLoader");
getfullpath : function(genus, name, type){
var full_path = '';
// full_path = genus + '-' + this.basedata[genus][name][type] + '.' + type;
// full_path = genus + '-' + name + '.' + type;
if (type == "png")
full_path = genus + "_chibi_" + "spritemap.png";
else if (type == "atlas")
full_path = genus + "_chibi_" + "atlas";
else if (type == "skel")
full_path = genus + "_chibi_" + "skel.skel";
return full_path;
RES_PATH : ['skel', 'json', 'atlas', 'png'],
load : function(genus, name, callback){
if(!genus || !name){
return ;
var res_name = genus + '-' + name;
if(!this.basedata[genus] || !this.basedata[genus][name]){
log('????' + res_name);
return ;
if(this.resources[genus] && this.resources[genus][name]){
return ;
var info = this.basedata[genus][name];
var res_paths = {};
for(var i = 0; i < this.RES_PATH.length; i++){
res_paths[this.RES_PATH[i]] = this.getfullpath(genus, name, this.RES_PATH[i]);
this.loader.add(res_name + '-json', res_paths.json, { 'xhrType' : 'text' });
this.loader.add(res_name + '-skel', res_paths.skel, { 'xhrType' : 'arraybuffer' });
this.loader.add(res_name + '-atlas', res_paths.atlas + '.txt', { 'xhrTypr' : 'text' });
this.loader.add(res_name + '-png', res_paths.png, { 'xhrTypr' : 'png' });
this.loader.load((loader, resources) => {
var rawSkeletonData, rawAtlasData, rawPngData;
if(resources[res_name + '-json']){
rawSkeletonData = JSON.parse(resources[res_name + '-json'].data);
var skel_bin = new SkeletonBinary(); = new Uint8Array(resources[res_name + '-skel'].data);
rawSkeletonData = skel_bin.json;
rawAtlasData = resources[res_name + '-atlas'].data;
rawPngData = resources[res_name + '-png'].data;
var spineAtlas = new PIXI.spine.SpineRuntime.Atlas(rawAtlasData, function(line, callback, pngData = rawPngData) {
callback(new PIXI.BaseTexture(pngData));
var spineAtlasParser = new PIXI.spine.SpineRuntime.AtlasAttachmentParser(spineAtlas);
var spineJsonParser = new PIXI.spine.SpineRuntime.SkeletonJsonParser(spineAtlasParser);
var skeletonData = spineJsonParser.readSkeletonData(rawSkeletonData, name);
this.resources[genus] = this.resources[genus] || {};
this.resources[genus][name] = skeletonData;
function BaseView(w, h){
this.width = w || 400;
this.height = h || 400;
this.last_time = 0;
this.now_time = 0;
this.isUpdate = true;
this.animationframe = null;
this.animations = new Array();
this.player = new Array();
this.stage = new PIXI.Container;
this.renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(this.width, this.height, { transparent : true });
BaseView.prototype = {
clean : function(){
this.player = new Array();
addSpinePlayer : function(skeletonData){
var spineplayer = new PIXI.spine.Spine(skeletonData);
var animations = spineplayer.spineData.animations;
spineplayer.position.set(this.width / 2, this.height * 0.60);
spineplayer.animation_num = animations.length-1;
spineplayer.state.setAnimationByName(0, animations[spineplayer.animation_num].name, true);
spineplayer.autoUpdate = false;
spineplayer.isupdate = true;
var num;
num = this.player.push(spineplayer);
return num;
nextAnimation : function(num){
if(this.player[num] && this.player[num].spineData && this.player[num].spineData.animations){
var animations = this.player[num].spineData.animations;
this.player[num].animation_num = (this.player[num].animation_num + 1) % animations.length;
var animationName = animations[this.player[num].animation_num].name;
var hasVictoryLoop = this.hasVictoryLoop(animations);
var isVictoryAnimation = animationName == "victory";
// Generally it should be repeatet
var repeat = true;
repeat &= animationName != "die"; // except on "die" animations
repeat &= !isVictoryAnimation || isVictoryAnimation && !hasVictoryLoop; // victory should repeat except if it has victoryloop
this.player[num].state.setAnimationByName(0, animationName, repeat);
// if there is a victoryloop animation and victory is now showing, chain them up
if (isVictoryAnimation && hasVictoryLoop) {
this.player[num].state.addAnimationByName(0, "victoryloop", true, 0);
// We skip on animations without movement and on victoryloop (which is already chained to another animation)
if (animations[this.player[num].animation_num].duration == 0.0 || (hasVictoryLoop && animationName == "victoryloop")) {
hasVictoryLoop: function(anims) {
for (var idx = 0; idx < anims.length; idx++) {
if (anims[idx].name == "victoryloop") {
return true;
return false;
changeupdate : function(num){
this.player[num].isupdate = !this.player[num].isupdate;
return this.player[num].isupdate;
upplayer : function(num){
if(num <= 0){
return null;
var now = this.stage.getChildIndex(this.player[num]);
var next = this.stage.getChildIndex(this.player[num - 1]);
var p = this.player[num];
this.player[num] = this.player[num - 1];
this.player[num - 1] = p;
this.stage.addChildAt(this.player[num], now);
this.stage.addChildAt(this.player[num - 1], next);
return num - 1;
downplayer : function(num){
if(num >= this.player.length - 1){
return null;
var now = this.stage.getChildIndex(this.player[num]);
var next = this.stage.getChildIndex(this.player[num + 1]);
var p = this.player[num];
this.player[num] = this.player[num + 1];
this.player[num + 1] = p;
this.stage.addChildAt(this.player[num], now);
this.stage.addChildAt(this.player[num + 1], next);
return num + 1;
addImagePlayer : function(texture){
var imageplayer = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);
imageplayer.position.set(this.width / 2, this.height / 2);
start : function(){
this.animationframe = window.requestAnimationFrame((time) => {
animate : function(t){
this.animationframe = window.requestAnimationFrame((time) => {
this.last_time = this.now_time;
this.now_time = t;
var time_diff = this.now_time - this.last_time;
for(var i = 0; i < this.player.length; i++){
if(this.player[i].update && this.player[i].isupdate){
this.player[i].update(time_diff / 1000);
for(var i = 0; i < this.animations.length; i++){