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Glock 17/Quotes

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Glock 17 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 格洛克17式,报到。BOSS,看您的嘴角,明明应该更开心一点吧? グロック17、到着!口元笑ってますよね。Play 글록 17, 도착! 지금 웃고 계신 건가요? G17, reporting! Hey...at least smile a little huh?
Introduction 格洛克17式,轻便、简易,以及大容量的弹夹,在那个和平的年代被广泛使用。这就是关于我的情报,BOSS,如果连我都没听过,是不是该感到惭愧呢?……不,只是想记下您的表情罢了。 글록 17식. 가볍고, 간단하고, 대용량의 탄창으로 평화로운 시대에서도 광범위하게 사용됐어요. 이게 저에 관한 정보예요. 보스...? 저에 대해서 한 번도 들어본 적이 없다고요? ...부끄럽지도 않으신가요? ...아니요. 보스의 표정을 기록하고 싶었을 뿐이에요.
Secretary 您的瞳孔一直在闪烁,直觉上我还是离远点吧。 ボスの目、あやしく光ってますね。ひとまず離れてください。Play 보스...그렇게 수상한 눈빛을 하시면...일단 좀 떨어지세요. Boss, your eyes got a strange gleam in them. Please take them off me for the time being.
请不要一直张着嘴,BOSS,很傻的。 口開かないで、バカっぽいです。Play 입 벌리지 마세요. 바보처럼 보여요. Please close your mouth, Boss, you look dumb.
特技,人类观察,目标,BOSS!别捂着脸,这次您是逃不掉的! 特技、人間観察。目標、ボス。もう逃げられないよ!Play 특기, 인간 관찰. 목표, 보스. 이제 도망칠 수 없어요! Secret Technique: human observation! Target: Boss! You're not escaping this time!
Secretary (post OATH)
보스. 제가 이번에 새로운 최면마술을 배웠는데 보실래요? 진짜로 잠드는데, 그 다음이 정말 위험하더라구요...
Commander, I learned a new hypnosis trick, want to try it? You'll fall deep asleep, then it'll get really dangerous……
보스. 어쩐지 수상한 얼굴을...어? 잠깐만! 어째서 나를? ...그래도 조금...기쁠지도. 후훗. 이제부터는 보스의 곁에서 계~속 관찰할 테니까요!
Boss, what a strange expression... huh? Wait a sec! Why is it me? But, I'm kinda glad. Tee-hee, from now on, by Boss's side, I'll get to observe a whole lot more!
Greeting ボス、今週のスケジュールが大変なようなら、わたしが手伝ってあげますよ?Play 보스, 이번주 스케쥴이 뻑뻑하면... 좀 도와줄까? Boss, if this week's schedule seems to be too tough, I can help you?
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間。どんな子か楽しみ~。Play 새로운 동료, 어떤 아이일지 궁금해~ A new ally. I'm looking forward to find out what kinda gal she is!
Joining an echelon グロック17、参戦!Play 글록 17, 참전! Glock 17, ready for war!
Enhancement 勘(かん)が鋭くなりました。感謝します、ボス。Play 감이 예리해졌다. 감사합니다, 보스. My intuition has sharpened. You have my gratitude, Boss.
Dummy-linking 緊張しないで。全員見てるから。Play 긴장하지 마, 전부 보고 있으니까. Don't be nervous. Because everyone is watching.
Logistics (start) 行ってきます。なにが待ってるかな?Play 다녀오겠습니다. 뭐가 기다리고 있을까? Going out. What should I bring?
Logistics (end) ただいま、相変わらず静かね。Play 다녀왔어요. 변함없이 조용하네요. It's quiet as usual.
Autobattle まだ間に合う!Play 아직 늦지 않았어! It's not too late yet!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission グロック17、行きます!Play 글록 17, 갑니다! Glock 17, going out!
Starting a battle ファイア!Play Fire! Fire!
Skill activation 怯(おび)えろ!Play 떨어라! Don't be scared!
最期(さいご)の表情が楽しみ。Play 최후의 표정이 기대되는군. I'll enjoy until you last expression.
ひざ、震えてますよ。Play 무릎, 떨리고 있어요. Your knees are shaking.
Heavily damaged ひどい!わたしが一番モテたのに!Play 너무해! 내가 제일 인기있었는데! Terrible! Even though I was the best!
Retreat この結果・・・わたしの観察不足のせいね…。Play 이 결과... 제 관찰 부족 탓이네요... As a result ... It is due to my lack of observation ....
MVP 戦闘は直感で十分…。頭脳?そんなものはいらないの。Play 전투는 직감으로 충분해... 두뇌? 그런건 필요 없다구. Intuition is enough on battle. Brain? I don't need that.
Restoration わたしを観察しないで!Play 날 관찰하지마! Don't observe me!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 万圣节啊,BOSS,我来告诉您吧……究竟有谁只是想打扮一下,而谁真的想吓你一跳。 ハロウィンですね。誰がボスにいたずらしに来るか教えてあげましょうか。Play 핼러윈이네요. 누가 보스에게 장난칠지 알려드릴까요? It's halloween huh. Let's give a lesson to anyone who dare to prank to you boss.
Christmas メリークリスマス!ボスは仕事で忙しそうで、それどころじゃ無さそうですね。私がお付き合いしますよ。Play 할로윈이네요. 누가 보스에게 장난을 걸지 알려드릴까요? Merry Christmas! You look so busy, that's not good. I'll accompany you.
New Year's Day ボス、明けましておめでとうございます。ボスも私と新年は迎えられて嬉しそうですね。顔を書いてありますよ。


보스, 새해 복 많이 받으세요. 같이 새해를 맞으니 흐뭇하네요. 얼굴에 그렇게 쓰여 있어요. Happy New Year. You look so happy welcoming new year with me. It's written in your face.
Valentine's day ボス、なんだか頭が痛そうね。そんなにチョコレートをもらったの?それなら、私が食べるの手伝って上げますよ。


보스, 왠지 머리가 좀 아픈 것 같아요. 그렇게 초콜렛을 많이 받은 거야? 먹는 거.. 좀 도와줄까? Boss, do you get headache? You got so many chocolate? Well then, I'll help you to dig it.
Tanabata 今日はみんなの顔からどんな願いを持っているかすぐに分かってしまう日ですね。待って…私の願いは開けないで!


Today you can guess what kind of wish everyone wrote just from looking at their face. Wait, don't look at mine!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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