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Revision as of 19:03, 16 September 2019 by American Ronin (talk | contribs) (dailogue 2 EN updated: She's clearly upset about this, but I am using neutral wording to give a more direct translation rather than put any emotional flair to it/ Hello EN: Changed second phrase to past tense)
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CZ75 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 是吗……你就是传闻中的那个长官啊。这里是CZ75,可别让我闲着哦? なるほど、あんたが噂の指揮官か。あたしはチェコ75(ななごう)、あんま暇にさせんなよ。Play So... You are that officer they rumoured. This is CZ75, hope you have something to keep me busy with.
Introduction 是吗……你就是传闻中的那个长官啊。这里是CZ75,可别让我闲着哦? ditto
Secretary 长官,最近手头宽裕吗?……啊,还是算了。 指揮官、ちょっとお金貸し……やっぱいいや、やめとく。Play Sir, how are you doing financially lately?... Ahh, nevermind, I'd better leave it alone.
……外面太吵了?大家开心才是最重要的,不是吗? うるさい!みんなが楽しくやれるのがいちばん大事なんだよ!Play You're so noisy! It's like you think everyone's everyone's enjoyment to be the most important thing.
什,什么?!手感不好?……什么意思!要被打吗! なっなに?!使い心地が良くない?……それってどういう意味?!殴られたいのか!Play Wh...What?! Not ergonomic enough?... What do you mean! I will hit you!
Secretary (post OATH)
It was such an occasion that you weren't late for our date last time? I can consider rewarding you~
Huh? Commander, this order is...I got it.. I have been waiting for this order for a long time.. So you need to stay with me to make up for the time lost.
Greeting っち、やっと来たか、もう待ちくたびれたよ!Play Tch, you're finally here. I was getting sick of waiting!
T-Doll Produced 新人か?規則はちゃんと守れよ。Play New girl? Keep following the rule okay.
Joining an echelon どきな!そこ、あたしの席。Play Move aside! That's my seat.
Enhancement 悪くないじゃん!もっとほしいね!Play Not bad! I want more!
Dummy-linking ふふん、これであたしは誰も手が出せないほど強いやつになった!Play
Logistics (start) 行こう、外を見てみよう。Play Let's go. We'll see what the outside looks like.
Logistics (end) 戻ってきた!また何か用があるのか?Play We've returned! Do you still want something else?
Autobattle あとは任せな!Play Just leave it to me later!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission もたもたすんな!出発だ!Play Stop dawdling around! We're heading out!
Starting a battle よく来たな!Play Good job for coming here!
Skill activation 遅い!Play You're slow!
どこ見てんだ!Play Where are you looking!
ぶった切る!Play I'll chop you!
Heavily damaged ふん!なかなかやるじゃん!Play Hmph! Not so bad!
Retreat っち、覚えてろう、これで済むと思うな!Play Tch, I'll remember this. Don't think this is the end!
MVP よくやった!これであたしたちにちょっかい出すやつはいなくなった!Play Good job! With this nobody will dare to meddle with me!
Restoration っち、ちょっと不覚を取っただけ。Play Tch, this is not a big deal....
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween わぁ…キモイはこの変装道具。指揮官は触って見?Play Wha... this disguise is just disgusting. Try touching it, Commander.
Christmas 見て見てサンタさんのひげもぎ取った、あははは!マジ受ける!Play Look at this! I took Santa's beard! Ahahaha, I really did it!
New Year's Day 指揮官あけおめ!正月だからって着込み過ぎじゃない?ホントか弱いね。


Commander, Happy New Year! Even for new year, don't you think you're wearing too many clothes? How weak you are.
Valentine's day 指揮官テブルのおいたチョコまだ食べてないのか?全く…焦れたい。


Commander, you haven't eat chocolate on top of that table? Geez, you're making me impatience.
Tanabata あたしの願い?じゃあ、今晩あたにし付き合って!パーティでも開かないか?


My wish? Then, accompany me for tonight! Will you held a party?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Tip Play
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