Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 是指挥官吗,说起来……您喜欢木锯的声音嘛? | 初めまして、指揮官様、布を切り裂くような音を聞いてみませんか。 | Nice to meet you commander. Would you like to hear cloth ripping sound? | |
Introduction | MG34的改良型产品,MG42通用机枪,原本是计划用来取代姐姐的,不过还是一起服役到战争结束了。身为那个时代射速最高的机枪,只要有足够的子弹,就能在撕裂布匹一样的枪声中,轻松地压制敌人啦。 | Improved product based on MG34, MG42 general purpose MG. Originally designed to replace sister but in the end we served together until the end of the war. As the fastest firing MG of the time, as long as there are enough bullets, I can easily suppress all the enemies. | ||
Secretary | 指挥官,不好好瞄准可不行哦。 | 指揮官様、間違って射っちゃったら大変なんだから。 | Commander, if you misfire that would be bad. | |
因为34姐一直在教我,您就放心交给我吧。 | お姉しゃまをいつも見てましゅから、銃の扱いは任せてくだしゃい! | Since 34 sis had been teaching me all this time, you can entrust everything with me. | ||
指挥官,有什么作战计划吗? | 指揮官様、これは何の作戦でしゅか? | Commander, what kind of mission is this? | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,要不要唱点歌给你听呢?这个待遇,只有34姐和您才有资格享用哦。
Would you like me to sing for you Commander? Be grateful, only 34 sis gets this kind of treatments.
| ||
OATH | 嗯?您是说……我吗?……哈哈,指挥官,来抱一个!顺便把34姐叫来,三个人一起庆祝吧!好吗好吗?
Eh? You... choose me, commander? Then... I'll give you a hug. Next call MG34 sis and the three of us can celebrate it together. It's okay isn't it?
| |
Greeting | 呼呼~指挥官,早安。 | ふぁ~~っんん...指揮官様、おはようございましゅう。 | Hoaaammm... Good morning Commander. | |
T-Doll Produced | 指挥官,人形制造完成了。 | 指揮官様、製造が終わったでしゅよう。 | Commander, T-Doll construction completed. | |
Joining an echelon | 没问题,放心交给我来表现吧。 | 大丈夫、絶対活躍しましゅから、見ててくだしゃいね。 | No worries, you can bare witness to my performance. | |
Enhancement | 哦~这样装备就万无一失了。 | おお~これで装備がばっちりでしゅね。 | Alright, all prepared! | |
Dummy-linking | 编队扩大,这样就离姐姐更近一步啦~ | 拡大でしゅか、MG34お姉しゃまに早く追いつきたいな~ | Formation expanded, now I'm one step closer to my sister~ | |
Logistics (start) | 我出发了,但我的心永远在姐姐身边~ | 行ってきましゅ~でも、心はMG34お姉しゃまと一緒~ | I'm going now, but my heart is always with 34 sis~ | |
Logistics (end) | 我回来啦~MG34姐姐有没有来接我? | ただいま~MG34お姉しゃまは迎えに来てましゅか? | I'm back~ is MG34 sis here to pick me up? | |
Autobattle | MG34姐姐,偶尔也给我次机会啊! | MG34お姉しゃま、偶にはチャンスを譲ってくだしゃい! | MG34 sis, give me a chance sometime! | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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