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UMP45 Story Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition UMP45,来了哦。指挥官,你是想和我好好相处的,对吗♪ UMP45が来ました。指揮官、仲良くやりましょう~。Play UMP45 is here. Commander, you want to get along with me, right♪
Introduction 随着前线战争减少,特种作战与日俱增,我,UMP45,全称为“.45口径通用冲锋枪”便随之诞生了。性能出色,连发后坐力小,易于分解,很适合特种部队和特警队使用,前提是真的想保住人质的时候,哼哼…… Due to the reducing amount frontline battles and increasing amount of special operations, I, UMP45, full name ".45 Calibre Universal Submachine Gun" is born. Spectacular performance, low recoil during continuous fire and easily assembled, very suitable for services such as special forces and special police... Under the condition that we do actually want to protect the hostages, hehe...
Secretary 指挥官,你知道我在等什么吧? 待ってたよ指揮官。Play Commander, you know what I'm waiting for, right?
有“9”在的话,就不需要我提供什么了,对吗? 「9」がいればもう十分でしょ?Play If "9" is here, then you won't need anything from me, right?
好吧,请对我温柔一点,这对您的鼻子有好处哦,嘻嘻♪ やさしくしてね指揮官~。Play All right then, please be a bit gentler with me, it'll be good for your nose, hehe♪
Secretary (post OATH)
Did I go out for long? Missed me? Then can't you make a more honest expression...... That's right, it's because of this silly expression that I can relax, hehe......
Knowing I'm like this, you still want to accept me? Want to change me? Don't be delusional. Being with me, you had better worry about the future, haha♪
Greeting 哎呀,准备好好工作了吗?希望来得及呢,嘻嘻♪ あら、お仕事ですか?まだ間に合うのかな…。Play Preparing to work hard? Hope you can still make it in time hehe...♪
T-Doll Produced 有了新人,你就会把我忘了吧? あら、新人?わたしのことなんてどうでもよくなっちゃった?Play New recruit? Will you still remember me?
Joining an echelon 嘻嘻♪又要让我去死了吗? また戦場に向かうんだね?Play Sending me to my death again? hehe.
Enhancement 给我的?要怎么使用才好呢…… これ、どう使えばいいんだろう?Play For me? Hmm, how can I make use of this?
Dummy-linking 又多了一个?嗯……多了就多了吧…… また増やしたの?まぁ、いいけど…。Play One more? Oh well... One more it is...
Logistics (start) 我知道的,您就是不想让我休息呢。 はいはい、休ませてくれないのね。分かりましたよ。Play I know, you just don't want me to have a break.
Logistics (end) 我回来了哦,之后呢? ただいま。余裕よ。Play Oh I'm back, what's next?
Autobattle 诸位,还能再多活一会儿吧? もう少し長生きしてよね。Play Can everyone stay alive for a bit longer?
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 好啦好啦,我们快走吧。 いいから、行きますよ。Play Alright alright, lets go already.
Starting a battle 要开始了,"9",注意看哦。 始まるよ、「9」、ちゃんと見ててね。Play We're starting 9, watch for them.
Skill activation 再见了,鼻涕虫! 虫けらが!Play Goodbye bugs!
你的罪行,就是太自以为是呢。 うぬぼれないで!Play Think you're tough huh!
不想求饶的话,也可以站着死哦。 立ったまま死ね!Play Don't want to fall, you can die standing!
Heavily damaged 哼,终于遇到了……真正想抹杀掉的家伙。 フフン、やっと会えた…本当に殺したいやつ…。Play Hmm, finally met someone... I really want to wipe out.
Retreat 这……似乎也不是常有的事呢,对吧……嘻嘻♪ こんなこと・・・めったにないことだからね・・・Play Ehh, this doesn't happen very often, right...?
MVP 嘻嘻♪马马虎虎的结果吧,能继续前进了吗? まあまあね、これで良かった?Play Hehe, wasn't even trying, can we push on?
Restoration 嘻嘻♪偶尔也让我放个假嘛。 たまには休ませてよ、指揮官。Play Give me a break sometimes Commander, hehe.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 万圣节到了,指挥官喜欢这节日吗?……我?不算讨厌吧,毕竟很“热闹”呢。 Play Halloween is here, Does Commander like this festival? ……Me? I don't hate it, after all, it's "lively".
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day 指挥官,这是我做的巧克力。当然了,我给大家也准备了……我干得还不错吧? 指揮官、これ、私からのチョコレート。もちろん、ちゃんとみんなにも作って来たんだから、やるでしょ?


Commander, this is the chocolate I made. Of course, I have also prepared enough for everybody…… not bad right?


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play