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AS Val

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AS Val60<img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/81/Infobox_name_4star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-top:355px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/9/93/Icon_AR_4star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:1px;margin-top:1px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:225px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:200px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:175px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:150px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/2/2c/Infobox_border.png" style="position:absolute;z-index:2"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/1/1f/AS_Val_S.png" id=fullart_S style="margin-top:21px;min-width:256px"/>
Full name Avtomat Special'nyj Val "Special Automatic Rifle"[1]
Country of Origin Russian[1]
Manufacturer Tula Arms Plant[2]
Artist 防弹乳牛
Voice actor Sumire Uesaka

AS Val is an obtainable Tactical Doll in the game.

Weapon Background

Character Info

Game Data

Chibi image
66(x1)132(x1) / 660(x5)
20(x1) / 60(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
15 39
7 49
6 46
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
52 75
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.
Affects submachine guns
Increases rate of fire by 10%
Increases damage by 25%

A rather common 4* rarity assault rifle, can be obtained from battle stage 0-2, 3-6, 3-3E, 3-4E, 4-3, 4-1E, 5-1, 5-5, 5-6, 6-1, 6-6, 7-4, 8-1, 8-2, 9-2 and 9-1E.


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我,我是.....唔.....您能听到吗?算了,就这样...... こんにちは、私…あっ?!何でもないです。Play Good afternoon.....I.....Eh.....nothing......
Introduction AS Val微声突击步枪,设计完成后,主要用于侦察和特种部队。顺便,“Val”是“巨浪”的意思,通过特殊的消声器和亚音速子弹,虽然射击声音很小,但是与射程相近的其它微声武器相比,我拥有着更大的破坏力。 AS Val low noise assault rifle, produced mostly for recons and special operatives. "Val" means "Big waves", with the specially designed suppressor and sub-sonic rounds, compare to other low noise weapons of similar range I have more destructive power and even lower noise.
Secretary 诶?我? へ?私ですか?Play Ah? Me?
请让我一个人静一下吧。 そっとして置いてください。Play Please leave me to my solitude for a while.
那孩子已经睡了,小声点…… この子が寝てます、大きな声を出さないで。Play That child is already asleep, keep your voice down...
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander Can I bring my friends here the next holiday? Everybody was happy last time, don't you think so?
诶?您……?我……?小熊……?啊不……那个不算! 总之!感谢您能看重我,我会努力报答您,指挥官!
Ehh? You...? Me...? Teddy...? Ahh no, that doesn't count! Anyway! Thank you for cherishing me like this, I will work hard to pay you back Commander!
Greeting 您好。 こんにちは。Play Hello.
T-Doll Produced 建造好像完成了。 製造が完了したようです。Play Construction is over it seems.
Joining an echelon 请交给我...... 私に任せてください…Play Count on me...
Enhancement 身体变得好热...... 体が、熱い…Play My body feels hot...
Dummy-linking Play
Logistics (start) 我出发了,小熊也一起带上吧。 行ってきます。くまも連れて行きますね。Play I'm off, Teddy can come with me too.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,我有没有稍微长大一些? ただいま、少しは大きくなったかな。Play I'm back, I've grown up a little no?
Autobattle 这里就交给我吧。 ここは私に任せてください。Play Count on me here.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 我选择战斗...... 私…戦います。Play I chose to fight...
Starting a battle 别大意...... 油断しないで。Play Be careful...
Skill activation 尝尝我巨浪的威力! このシャフトの威力、味わうがいいわ。Play I'll show you what Val can do!
确认目标......开火! 狙いを定めて…撃って!Play Target confirmed... Fire!
这种目标,我一个人就足够了! こんなの、私一人で十分です!Play This kind of targets, I can take you by myself!
Heavily damaged 受损严重...... 損傷拡大…Play Critically damage...
Retreat 撤退...... 撤退します…Play Re... Retreating...
MVP 都是小熊的功劳。 クマがいてくれだから。Play All thanks to Teddy
Restoration 呜呜,请把小熊也修一下。 ううん…クマも修理してください。Play Uuu, please fix my Teddy too.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 万圣节……我不是特别喜欢…… ハロウイン……騒がしいのは、私、あまり好きじゃないですPlay Halloween ... I'm not fond of it.
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day



  • Much younger than she looks, takes the Teddy with her wherever she goes, also a good friend with AR 9A-919A-919A-91.
  • Appears to be timid and shy, but she is not afraid of war, she is showing the courage many T-dolls do not possess.
  • With the ability being more effective at night and suffers penalties during day, AS Val is unfortunately one of the lowest dps output AR units in the entire game. Combined with the oddly shaped grid buff, AS Val is often fated with immediate retirement as soon as leaving the production line of Girls Frontline.
  • Since both Vintorez and Vikhr are based on Val, their magazine are also reverse compatible with Val. Spetsnaz operators also have access to the 10-round magazine of Vintorez and the 30-round magazine of Vikhr.
