Story/Normal 4-2 (Part2)/Script
< Story | Normal 4-2 (Part2)
- 格里芬休息室。
- Grifon resting area.
- M4A1: ……这是……通讯信号?
- M4A1: ... ... this ... is this communication signal?
- M16A1:……呼叫,呼叫。
- M16A1:... ...come in, come in.
- M4A1:——?!
- M4A1: -- ?!
- M16A1:那个……M4A1,听到了吗?
- M16A1:Uhhh... ... M4A1, do you copy?
- M4A1:……M16……是M16吗!你还好吗!
- M4A1: ... ...M16... this M16?! Are you okay?!
- M16A1:啊……M4你在啊。
- M16A1:Ah... ... M4, you are there.
- M16A1:那么,大家都集合了吗?
- M16A1:Then, has everyone met up yet?
- M4A1:AR-15和SOP-II都在这里,就等你了。
- M4A1: AR-15 and SOP-II are both here, just waiting on you now.
- M16A1:那太好了。
- M16A1:That's great.
- M16A1:放心吧,我这儿没事,暂时也找到了补给点,不过还有点事儿要处理。
- M16A1:Relax, I'm doing alright here, found a temporary resupply point, but I have a bit of a problem to take care of.
- M4A1:还有什么事?你还要多久才能回来!
- M4A1: What other problem?! How long until you come back?!
- M16A1:那个……看情况吧!
- M16A1:Uhh... ... we'll see how it goes!
- M16A1:啊,总之先挂了!
- M16A1:Ah, anyways, I'll hang up for now!
- M4A1:喂?喂!M16!
- M4A1: Hello?! Hello?! M16!