Story/Normal 4-2 (Part1)/Script
< Story | Normal 4-2 (Part1)
Chapter 4-2-1
- 赫丽安:这次的铁血袭击非同小可,指挥官,战况不容乐观。
- Helian: The SF attack this time is not be taken lightly, commander, the tide of the battle leaves no room for optimism.
- 赫丽安:据小队的情报,当地的铁血头目——“干扰者”。
- Helian: According to intel from the squad, the local SF leader -- "Intruder".
- 赫丽安:她似乎是一款新式铁血人形,在目前遗留的产品目录中没有她的其他情报。
- Helian: She seem to be a new model of SF T-doll, there are no information on her in the current product catalog.
- 赫丽安:不过根据调查,和之前擅长单打独斗的人形不同,这是个专注于指挥的人形。
- Helian: but, according to our investigation, she's different from the other T-dolls that specialize in one on one combat, a command specialization type.
- 赫丽安:堵住侧面的通道,必须尽可能封锁它的防御手段。
- Helian: Block the flank corridor, deny her defense strategy as much as possible.
- 赫丽安:指挥官,这样才能阻截铁血的增援部队,防止它们涌入战场。
- Helian: Commander, only then can you intercept SF reinforcements, preventing them from flooding the combat area.