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Revision as of 03:20, 25 February 2024 by Messing with data (talk | contribs) (Messing with data moved page Template:SkillPanel/preload to Template:SkillPanel/skilldata-preload without leaving a redirect: Make it more clear that it is a skilldata preload)
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name Name of the skill.
icon The icon file name without the Icon_Skill_ prefix and the file extension. See Category:Skill_icons for all existing icons.
text The skill's description. You can reference skill parameters here with parenthesis and a dollar sign. The parameters need to match the following table rows' names. For this sample text, the parameters atk1, atk2 and atk3 can be used with ($atk1), ($atk2) and ($atk3) and will show up in the SkillPanel with their value.
atk1 25 27 29 31 33.5 36.5 39.5 42.5 46.2 50
atk2 50 54 58 62 67 73 79 85 92.5 100
atk3 50