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SPAS-15 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官?对吧?果然和我想的一样~你身上有一种让我怦然心动的气质……开玩笑啦,我是SPAS-15,请多指教~! Play Commander, yeah? You're exactly as I imagined~ There's something about you that sends my heart a-flutter... Just kidding. I'm SPAS-15, nice to you meet you~!
Secretary 指挥官好奇我在听的音乐?哈哈,这倒是增进彼此了解的好机会!来,这是我收藏的音乐清单,有没有我们都喜欢听的音乐呢? Play You're curious about the music I'm listening to? Haha, now here's a great opportunity for us to get to know each other! Here, this is my personal playlist. Is there anything we both like?
今天也给SPAS-12带了好多零食回来,等到了休息时间,又可以看她开心地吃东西了~!啊!这世上为什么会有这么可爱的存在呢~? Play I've brought loads of snacks for SPAS-12 again today! I can watch her eat happily during break time~! Oh, how could something be so cute~?
后勤上的工作是很有趣,待在基地里也确实安全,但……还是枪林弹雨的环境更适合我,只有身在前线,我才能强烈地感受到自己的存在。 Play Logistics can be quite fun, and it's certainly very safe being at the base, but... having bullets rain down on me is still more my thing. Only on the front lines can I keenly feel my existence.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, let's take an intimate photo together! Don't worry, I'll keep it in my neural cloud forever and won't let anyone else see it... probably~!
I've always been hiding my feelings under the guise of jokes, but you saw through me from the very start... Fine, you won. I accept this Oath... Pffft hahaha, why are you blushing? Haven't you prepared the ring? Here, help me put it on.
Greeting 指挥官,趁其他人还没来,要不要翘班,找个地方去约会呢……开个玩笑~哎呀,脸红了? Play Commander, while the others still haven't shown up, why don't we skip work and sneak out on a date...? Just kidding~ Oh? Is that a blush?
T-Doll Produced 新来的后辈?希望可以是一起享受战斗的同好~! Play A new junior? I hope it's someone whom I can revel in battles with~!
Joining an echelon 期待期待~! Play I'm really hyped~!
Enhancement 要是变得太强,只怕很难享受到激战的乐趣,真难办啊。 Play If I become too strong, battles might stop being fun. What a quandary.
Dummy-linking 嘿嘿,别说是敌人,就算是指挥官也肯定难以招架了~! Play Heheh, not only enemies, but even the Commander will find me a handful now~!
Logistics (start) 不知道路上能不能淘到什么好听的CD唱片~! Play I wonder if I'll come across any good CDs along the way~
Logistics (end) 我回来了~来看看我都找到了什么好东西~! Play I'm back~! Come and have a look at all the good stuff I've found~!
Autobattle 放手一战吗?嘿嘿嘿,是时候来点劲爆的音乐了,先说好,结果会怎么样我可不管哦! Play Going all out? Heheheh, then it's time for some awesome music. Don't say I didn't warn you, but the consequences are none of my business!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 我已经迫不及待地想听到音乐与枪炮共鸣了~! Play I can't wait to hear my music resonate with the sound of gunfire~!
Starting a battle 用摇滚来为这场狂欢助兴吧! Play Let's fire this party up with some rock'n'roll!
Skill activation 渐渐兴奋起来了! Play This is getting exciting!
让战斗再猛烈一些吧! Play Let the battle rage on even more!
这点战斗力可满足不了我哦! Play Such a pathetic attempt doesn't satisfy me!
Heavily damaged 嘿嘿,一个不小心~! Play Heheh, I goofed up~!
Retreat 为了顾全战局?真没办法,那就撤离咯。 Play For the bigger picture? Can't be helped then. Guess we'll retreat.
MVP 总觉得有点意犹未尽啊,附近没有别的敌人了吗? Play I just haven't had enough yet. Are there no more enemies around?
Restoration 你要把我一个人丢在这里吗?再多陪陪我嘛。 Play You're leaving me here all by myself? Stay with me for a bit!
Attack 小意思,这种程度的敌人,砰砰几下就能解决了! Play Piece of cake. A bang-bang-bang is all it takes to sort out enemies of this caliber!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 只是扮鬼也太没有意思了,不如我们两个互换身份吧?当大家看到办公室里坐着的居然是我的时候,绝对会吓一跳的~! Play Just dressing up as monsters is no fun at all. Why don't we switch places as well? I'm sure everyone will get a massive scare when they see me sitting in your office~!
Christmas 指挥官,我的礼物呢?因为基地里人太多,所以还在加急准备?真没办法,那我就勉为其难,取一个现成的礼物好了,不用找了,当然就是你,跟我走~! Play Where's my present, Commander? You're still rushing to put everything together because there are just too many Dolls at the base? Can't be helped then. I guess I'll spare you the trouble and just take a present that's ready-to-do as is—you, of course! Now come with me~!
New Year's Day 说实话,我还挺想在战场上度过新年呢,不过指挥官应该更喜欢和平的环境吧?所以,咱们还是吃点年夜饭,平安地度过今年最后的时光吧~!


To tell the truth, I kinda wanna spend the New Years on the battlefield, but you prefer a more peaceful environment, don't you? So let's just have a New Year's Eve dinner and spend the last few hours of this year in peace~!
Valentine's day 来,这是我特地为你做的巧克力,心怀感激地收下吧~!回礼?那就……一次约会?


Here, I've made this chocolate especially for you. You'd better accept it with gratitude~! A return gift? In that case... How about a date?
Tanabata 希望指挥官能永远和我在一起……很奇怪吗?我的愿望比中个一百万要简单的多吧,只要你点头就行~!


I wish the Commander can be with me forever... Is that a strange wish? It's much more achievable than winning the lottery though, isn't it? All you have to do is say yes~!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 敌人想来硬的?哈哈哈,别让我们失望才好~! Play Doing it the hard way, eh? Hahaha, you'd better not disappoint me~!
Phrase 不要当真就好了~! Play Don't take it seriously~!
Tip 指挥官总是独自一人吗?要不要考虑和我……先别着急拒绝嘛,我只是希望我们之间的关系能够更进一步——开玩笑的啦~!咦?你刚刚是不是认真考虑了一下? Play Are you always on your own, Commander? Why don't we... Don't turn me down so quickly. I was just hoping we could take our relationship further... Just kidding~! Huh? Did you actually give that some serious thought?
Loading 我们就这么干等着,什么都不做吗?真的什么都不做吗? Play Are we just waiting here? Doing nothing? Really, doing nothing at all?