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Type 95/Quotes

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Type 95 Story Quotes Live2D

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 长官您好。国产95式,从今天开始为您效力,承蒙您的关照了。 こんにちわ、指揮官。わたしは95(きゅうじゅうご)式アサルトライフルです。今日から貴方様(あなたさま)の元で尽力いたします。Play Good day, Commander. I'm Type95. Starting from today, I will be putting forth my best effort under your guidance.
Introduction 国产95式突击步枪,提出需求的6年后被正式定型,作为新一代的国产制式突击步枪,被大规模装配。作为自主研发的武器,我们的道路还很长远,只要有完善和改进的机会,我和97式都会积极接受的。 Domestically-produced Type 95 Assault Rifle, officially finalized after 6 years from planning, serving as a new generation of domestically-produced standard issue assault rifles while being equipped en masse. As indigenous-developed weapons, our path ahead is still very long, as long as there are opportunities to perfect and improve, Type 97 and I shall accept them with vigor.
Secretary 要出勤吗长官?还是先休息下呢? 出勤の時間よ。指揮官は十分休憩したでしょ。Play It's time to head out. You've already rested quite well, haven't you?
真是的,97你又坐不住了吗……啊,原来是长官啊。 まったく、97(きゅうじゅうなな)式は本当にじっといられないようね。あっ、指揮官でしたか…。Play Goodness...can you not sit still, 97? Oh, so it was you, Commander.
指挥官,您是不是把我和97搞混了呢?以您的眼光……不可能吧?一定是故意的吧? わたしと97式を間違えないで下さいよ、指揮官。わざとじゃないですか?Play Did you mix me up with 97, Commander? You did it on purpose, right?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, 97 hasn't caused you any trouble these past few days, has she? You really are an outstanding role model...and as a partner as well.
Commander, it's all thanks to your trust that 97 and I are able to make it to this day. Now, I finally have the chance to repay you. Please allow me to follow in your footsteps and head toward the future with you together.
Greeting 早,长官,95式为您服务,今天,有什么我能帮到您的吗? おはようございます。何か指揮官にしてあげられることはありますか?Play Morning, Commander. Type95 at your service. Is there anything I can help you with today?
T-Doll Produced 新的战友,随时可以就位了。 新人さんが待機してますよ。Play Our new comrades are standing by.
Joining an echelon 95式,加入作战! わたしが今回の作戦に加わりますね。Play Type 95, joining this operation.
Enhancement 嗯,那就有劳您了,长官。 手間を取らせてごめんなさい。Play Sorry for making you go to all this trouble, Commander.
Dummy-linking 编制扩充吗?第一眼还以为是新的妹妹呢。 編成拡大ですか?新しい妹が来たのかと思いました。Play Is this a dummy-link? For a moment I thought I had a new little sister.
Logistics (start) 我们出发,97,要跟上啊。 97式、もう出発よ。わたしについてきてね。Play Let's go. Keep up with us, 97.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,97,这次很乖呢。 ただいま戻りましたよ。今回、97式はおとなしくしてましたよ。Play We're back. 97 was a good girl today.
Autobattle 97,没事吧!我来了哦! 97式、わたしがいれば大丈夫よ。Play I'm here, 97, it's alright.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 嗯,收到命令,出发! はい、命令通りに行動開始です。Play Understood. Proceeding as ordered.
Starting a battle 发现敌人,开火! 敵を発見しました。攻撃準備に入りますね。Play Enemy sighted. Prepare to attack.
Skill activation 预备,射击! 敵の急所はそこよ!Play The enemy's weakness is over there!
为了胜利! 勝利を勝ち取るために!Play For victory!
嗯,再瞄准一点吧! 標的をもっと正確的に狙う!Play Take better aim!
Heavily damaged 啊啊…请不要在意我,继续进行作战… あああ…私の事は気にしないで、作戦を続行して出でください。Play Aah! Don't mind me, everyone! Keep on fighting!
Retreat 抱歉,长官,这次没能完成任务,我和97式,会好好反省的。 ごめんなさい、私に諾された任務を、果たせなくて…。Play Sorry, Commander. We could not complete the mission this time. Type97 and I will reflect on our mistakes.
MVP 是不是您期待的结果呢,指挥官……嘻嘻,毕竟我们是为了胜利而诞生的啊。 指揮官が期待していた戦果です!わたしたちは勝利を勝ち取るために生まれたのです!Play These are the results the Commander expected. After all, we were made for victory.
Restoration 抱歉……长官,先道声晚安了。 ごめんなさい…ちょっと休憩をいただきますね。Play Sorry...Commander. I'll be going to sleep first.
Attack 皆さん、進軍です。Play Everyone, advance!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 真是的,97又跑到哪里去了,外面那么多奇怪的装扮,到底哪个才是她呢? ほんとに…97式はまたどこかに行っちゃって…外は奇妙な服装の人ばかりで、どこにいるのか分からないじゃない。Play Goodness... Where did 97 run off to again? All these strange disguises outside, exactly which one is she hiding behind?
Christmas メリクリスマス、指揮官。ウインナーの支度なら私に任せて大丈夫です。代わりに97式をちゃんと見ていてくださいね。Play Merry Christmas, Commander. I can cook something for you, but please check in on 97 first.
New Year's Day 过年好,长官。今年有很多同伴加入,要备不少红包啊,97那份昨晚已经给了呢。 新年ですよ指揮官、今年は仲間が増えたらお年玉も多めに準備しないとね。97式の分は昨日あげたから、大丈夫。


Happy New Year, Commander. Many comrades are participating this year, so many red packets have to be prepared. 97 already received hers last night, so you don't need to worry about her.
Valentine's day 指揮官、これまで97式共々お世話になったお礼です。素朴なものですが、感謝の気持ちを込めましたね。


Commander, this is a thank-you gift for always taking care of me and 97. It might be a little plain, but it's filled with my gratitude.
Tanabata えっ、七夕のお願い?そうですね、97式がお家で大人しくしていてくれればうれしんですけどね。


Hm? My Tanabata wish? In that case, I wish that 97 would stay at home and be good...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 皆さん、ちょっと休憩です。Play Let's take a break, everyone.
Phrase 指揮官、ご命令を。Play Awaiting your order, Commander.
Tip 指揮官、私が教えて差し上げますね。Play Let me explain, Commander.
Loading 指揮官、少しは休んだ方がいいと思います。Play Please take a break, Commander.

Children's Day Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 长官您好。95式,从今天开始为您效力,承蒙您的关照了。 Play Greetings, Commander. I am Type 95, here to serve you from today onward. I will be in your care.
Secretary “折竹装泥燕,添丝放纸鸢”……长官,午睡时间结束啦,准备好和我一起玩,不对,工作了吗? Play "How bright on the blue is a kite when it's new" ...Commander, naptime is over, are you ready to play, I mean, work with me?
只有它不能给你玩哦,97,那是长官送给我的纸鸢……啊,是长官!被您听见了吗? Play This is the one thing I can't let you play with, 97. The Commander gave me this kite... Ah, Commander! Did you hear that just now?
长官,您不能再给97糖果了,会长蛀牙的……真没办法,我帮她吃掉吧。 Play Commander, you can't give 97 any more candy, she'll get cavities... Oh well, I'll just have to help her finish them.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, you're really good at flying kites. Could you teach me how to do it? You can do your work later... right?
Commander, are you really going to give this to me? Such a precious gift... Can I think of it as your promise to accompany myself and 97 as we grow up? Even if I'm a little selfish at times... You won't leave me, right?
Greeting 早,长官,95式为您服务,今天,有什么我能帮到您的吗? Play Good morning, Commander. Type 95 is here to serve you. Is there anything I can help you with?
T-Doll Produced 新的战友,随时可以就位了。 Play Our new comrade is ready to take her place.
Joining an echelon 咻~纸鸢飞过来咯! Play Whoosh~ here comes the kite!
Enhancement 抱歉,那就有劳您了,长官。 Play Thank you, Commander. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Dummy-linking 编制扩充吗?第一眼还以为是新的妹妹呢。 Play Is this dummy-linking? I thought I was getting a new sister.
Logistics (start) 我们出发,97,要跟上啊。 Play Let's go. Keep up with me, 97.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,这次的97很乖哦。 Play I'm back. 97 was a good girl today.
Autobattle 97,有我在,没事了哦。 Play I'm here, 97. It'll be okay.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 明白,按照命令开始行动。 Play Understood. I'll begin the attack as ordered.
Starting a battle 发现敌人,准备攻击了哦。 Play Enemy sighted, prepare to attack.
Skill activation 这一局我赢啦! Play I win!
不许逃! Play Come back here!
抓住你了! Play Got you!
Heavily damaged 呜哇哇啊,纸鸢破了……不可原谅! Play Uwaaahhh, my kite broke... I won't forgive you for this!
Retreat 抱歉,长官,这次没能完成任务,我和97式,会好好反省的。 Play Forgive me, Commander, I couldn't complete the mission. 97 and I will reflect on our actions.
MVP 是长官期待的战果呢,毕竟我们是为了胜利而诞生的。 Play This is the result you were looking forward to, is it not, Commander? We were made to win, after all.
Restoration 我没关系的,请多检查一下纸鸢有没有坏…… Play I'm alright, please make sure my kite's okay...
Attack 各位,前进! Play Everyone, advance!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 真是的,97又跑到哪里去了,外面那么多奇怪的装扮,到底哪个才是她呢? Honestly, where did 97 run off to now? There are so many people in strange outfits outside; which of them is her?
Christmas 长官,圣诞快乐。要做饭的话,交给我就好了,不过要请长官先看住97哦。 Merry Christmas, Commander. If you'd like dinner, I can handle it, but I hope you can mind 97 for me.
New Year's Day 过年好,长官。今年有很多同伴加入,要备不少红包啊,97那份昨晚已经给了呢。 Happy new year, Commander. Many friends joined us this year, so there are many red packets to give out. I gave 97 hers last night.
Valentine's day 长官,这是一直以来照顾我和97的谢礼,虽然朴素了一点,不过充满了我感谢的心意哦。 Commander, this is a thank-you gift from 97 and I. it might be a little plain, but it's filled with our gratitude.
Tanabata 诶?七夕的愿望吗?那么,就希望97在家里乖乖的吧…… Hm? My wish for Tanabata? Hmm, I'd like 97 to be a good girl and stay at home, I guess...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 各位,休息一下。 Play Everyone, take a break.
Phrase 听候调遣,长官。 Play At your service, Commander.
Tip Play
Loading Play