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< M21
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M21 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition Hello!M21报到!我们……啊不,我真的是狙击武器啊!不过,性格活跃点也没问题吧? ハロー!M21だよ!狙撃武器(そげきぶき)だってみんな暗い人じゃないんだよ!Play Hello! It's M21! Just because I'm a sniper rifle, doesn't mean I have to have a gloomy personality, right?!
Introduction M21狙击步枪,在M14步枪的基础上加以改进,作为真正的狙击武器被正式定型。不过在那之前,我就获得过出色战绩哦,甚至不少人认为是运用了激光制导的缘故。先说好,这可是真正的无声狙击战术啊。
Secretary 什么事,指挥官,要我……讲个笑话给你听嘛? なんだよ指揮官、暗い顔して…私のギャグで盛り上げようか?Play What's the matter, Commander? Do you want me to... tell you a joke?
我的话……还是喜欢热闹些的环境啊。 やっぱり私…賑やかな方がいいと思う。Play As for me... I like busy environments after all.
真是头疼,您一点都没变过吗……不过,就是这样的您,才能一直带领我们吧。 困ったな、指揮官表情全然変わらないね…でもだからこそあなたが指揮官なのよね。Play Ugh, you really haven't changed a bit, have you? Although, it's only because you're like this that you've been able to lead us all this time.
Secretary (post OATH)
So...that's the end. What do you think of this story, Commander? Will they like it? I only trust your taste.
Now of all times...I can't come up with any puns. Funny isn't it? In the end, one can't picture the future if they keep clinging to the past, right? But thank you very much, Commander.
Greeting 新しい一日。指揮官、私のギャグ見る?えっ?嫌なの?!Play It's a new day, Commander, did you see my gag? Eh? Didn't like it?!
T-Doll Produced 新人が入ってきた!歓迎しよう。Play A newcomer has arrived! Welcome.
Joining an echelon M21、ギャグやります!…ってやめとくか…Play M21, I do gags! ...I quit...
Enhancement このままじゃ対物(たいぶつ)ライフルになっちゃうよ… なんちゃって。Play If you keep this up, you'll become an objective rifle...just kidding.
Dummy-linking ハハハっ、盛り上がるよっ!Play Ahaha, how exciting!
Logistics (start) はい!指揮官待っててね!Play Got it! Wait for me, Commander!
Logistics (end) ただいま!作戦は順調だよ。Play I'm home! The strategy is going well.
Autobattle 邪魔者は私が排除してやる!Play I'll eliminate those interrupters.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 静まりな!Play Pipe down!
Starting a battle 敵発見、射撃用意。Play Enemy spotted, ready to shoot.
Skill activation 見つけた。Play Found you.
今だ!当たれ!Play Now! Hit it!
狙撃武器の力、みせてやる!Play Let me show you the power of sniper rifles!
Heavily damaged これだけやっても・・・敵にバレているのか。Play
Retreat え~と…やっぱ笑えないな…すみません…。Play Ummm...yeah, there's nothing to laugh about here...sorry...
MVP あっ…声出していいの?作戦は順調だよ。Play Oh...am I okay to speak now? The strategy's going well.
Restoration なんか… 恥ずかしいね…やっぱり。寝よ…。Play This is...rather embarrassing...after all. Naptime...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 万圣节吗?我…其实不太擅长啊,毕竟恶作剧,和我的笑话还是差别挺大的吧? ハロウィン?私… 実は苦手なんだよね。悪ふざけと笑い話って結構大き違いがあるよね。Play Halloween? I'm...not very good at it. There's a big difference between pranking and making jokes, you know?
Christmas 圣诞快乐,指挥官!虽然被邀请去狩猎圣诞老人,不过我还是呆在家里比较暖和呢! メリークリスマス指揮官!サンタクラウス狩りにでも行く?でも実は家で温かくしてる方が好きなんだからね。Play Merry Christmas, Commander ! Even though I was invited to hunt for Santa, I think I'll stay at home and keep warm.
New Year's Day 指揮官明けましゅ手おめでとうございます!今年は今まで以上に笑い舞台して行くよ!え?別にいいって?


Happy New Year Commander! This year we're going to laugh more than ever! Eh? That's okay?
Valentine's day 指揮官、あなたが落としたのはこの金のチョコ?それとも銀のチョコ?どっちも違うって?そんな正直ものには私のチョコをあげちゃうわ!


Commander, did you happen to drop this gold chocolate? Or perhaps this silver chocolate? What's the difference? I'll give you one if you can answer honestly!
Tanabata 七夕ってどんな話だったっけ?私はもうちょっとハッピーエンドな物語の方が好きかな…それじゃあこれほどみんなと一緒は残らないか。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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