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VP1915 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition VP1915维勒帕罗莎,报道。你就是我之后的指挥官吗?请多指教,叫我帕罗莎就好。 VP1915ビラール・ペロサ。これからはあんたが私の指揮官になるのか?どうぞよろしく。私のことは、ペロサと呼んでくれればいい。Play Villar Perosa 1915가 신고합니다. 앞으로는 당신이 내 지휘관인 거지? 잘 부탁해, 나는 페로사라고 부르면 돼. VP1915 Villar Perosa reporting. Will you be my Commander from now on? I'll be in your care then. Feel free to call me Perosa.
Secretary 明天就要进行战术理论知识考核了,大家都收到通知了吧?别对我或者指挥官撒娇,没用的。考不过就自己准备负重越野跑吧,这次我可是认真的。 明日、戦術理論の考査をすることは、皆のもとへ通達済みのはず。私や指揮官に甘えたって無駄だよ。無理なら、今のうちに走り込みの準備をしておくことだね。これは本気で言ってるからな。Play 내일 전술교리 심사가 있는데, 모두 사전통보는 받았지? 나나 지휘관한테 애교 부려도 소용없어, 합격 못하면 군장구보 뛸 준비나 해. 농담 아니야. We'll be having our tactical theory examination tomorrow. Has everyone received the notification? Don't think you can get out of it by acting cute around me or the Commander, it's useless. If you fail, you can prepare yourself for a loaded-pack cross-country run. I'm serious this time.
下棋,最重要的就是运势。棋运不可悖,但棋势可以自己造。对手弱,则以盛克之;对手盛,则以柔化之。这一点,也适用于战场。 チェスにおいて、最も重要である時の運に逆らうことはできない、でも形勢なら自分で作ることが出来る。弱い相手には果敢に攻め、強い相手なら柔軟にいく。この考え方は、戦場にも応用できる。Play 체스에서 가장 중요한 것은 "운"과 "형세". "운"은 거스를 수 없지만, "세"는 스스로 개척할 수 있지. 약한 상대는 밀어붙이고, 강한 상대는 유연하게 대응하라. 이것은 전장에서도 적용돼. The most important things in chess are luck and position. There is nothing you can do about your luck, but you can create a better position for yourself. If your opponent is weak, you can take advantage of them; if your opponent is strong, then you must be yielding. This point can also be applied to the battlefield.
对我来说,这一身衣装不过是帮助我融入人群的铠甲罢了。如果有谁指望从这上面发掘出我的个人品味,那也太天真了吧。 私にとってこの衣装は、群衆に溶け込むための甲冑に過ぎない。この身なりから私のセンスを理解しようと思う奴がいるなら、浅はかにもほどがある。Play 이 옷차림은 그저 사람들 속에 녹아들기 위한 갑옷일 뿐. 이 옷에서 내 개인의 취향을 살피려고 한다면, 너무나도 순진한 생각이야. To me, this clothing is nothing more than a suit of armor to help blend into a crowd. Anyone trying to divine my tastes from it would be terribly naive.
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관, 오늘도 수고했어. 주방에서 야식을 좀 만들었는데, 괜찮아 보여? 맛은 어때? 저번보다 나아졌어?
You've worked hard today, Commander. I made some supper for you in the kitchen. It looks pretty good, doesn't it? How does it taste? Is it better than before?
从战术理论的角度来说,送出这样的礼物往往是为了让对方放松警惕,以便实行自己的下一步计划。 那么指挥官,这一次,你的战略计划是什么呢? ……不管是什么,我都愿意贯彻到底。
戦術理論的な観点から見て、こういった贈り物は、往々にして相手の警戒を解くのに使われるものだ。自分の計画を順調に運ぶためにね。 それで指揮官、今回はどんな計画を企んでるの? ……なんにせよ、徹底的にやり通すまでだけど。
전술적 관점에서, 이런 선물은 상대의 경계심을 늦춰 다음 계획 진행을 용이하게 만드는 것이지. 지휘관의 이번 계획은 무엇이지? ...어떤 계획이든, 끝까지 함께하겠어.
From a tactical theory point of view, giving such a present is often intended to lower the other party's guard in order to enact the next step of one's plan. Now then, Commander, what is your strategic plan? ...No matter what it is, I am willing to carry it out to the end.
Greeting 指挥官,今天的任务清单已经更新。 指揮官、今日の任務リスト、更新しておいたから。Play 지휘관, 금일 임무 리스트를 갱신했어. Commander, the list of today's missions has been updated.
T-Doll Produced 新人请先跟着我办理手续,完成考核。 ついて来て、新人。手続きが終わり次第、考査を行うから。Play 신입은 우선 나를 따라와 수속을 밟고, 심사를 받도록. New arrivals, please come with me to fill in the necessary paperwork and complete the entrance assessment.
Joining an echelon 请大家理智一点,不要再往我身上扑了。 どうか理性的にね、また飛びかかられるのごめんだから。Play 모두 정신 차려, 나한테 달라붙지 말고. Everyone, please be rational and stop pouncing on me.
Enhancement 为了换取胜利,付出一点代价是必要的。 勝利のためなら、少しばかりの代償も必要だ。Play 승리를 위해, 약간의 대가는 필요한 법이야. Sometimes, a small price must be paid for victory.
Dummy-linking 好好发挥你的作用吧。 力を存分に発揮してもらうよ。Play 너의 역할을 똑바로 발휘해라. Make full use of your abilities.
Logistics (start) 队员都到齐了吗?出发吧。 全員揃ってる?出発するよ。Play 모두 집합했나? 그럼 출발하자. Is everyone present? Let's move out, then.
Logistics (end) 指挥官,我们回来了,全员到齐,没有需要修理的伤员。 指揮官、ただいま。全員いるし、修理が必要そうなメンバーもいない。Play 지휘관, 전원 복귀했어. 수복이 필요한 인원은 없다. Commander, we're back. Everyone's here and nobody needs repairs.
Autobattle 队员的情况我已经掌握了,放心吧,我会“特别照顾”新人的。 隊員の状況は把握してある。だから安心して。新人のことは私がちゃんと「可愛がって」あげるから。Play 대원의 상황은 파악했으니까 안심해. 신참은 내가 "친절하게" 돌봐줄 테니까. I understand my teammates' situation. Don't worry, I'll take "special care" of the newcomers.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 敌人情报已共享,任务地点坐标锁定,出发! 敵の情報は共有済みだ。任務地点座標をロックオン、出発!Play 적군의 정보는 공유했다. 임무 지점 좌표 고정, 출발한다! The information on the enemy has been shared and the objective area has been designated. Move out!
Starting a battle 优先攻击敌方指挥单位。 敵司令ユニットを優先的に狙うんだ。Play 적의 지휘 유닛을 우선 공격! Prioritize attacking the enemy's command units.
Skill activation 一起上吧! 行くよ皆!Play 다 함께 가자! Let's go together!
记住这恐惧的感觉! 恐怖を味わえ!Play 이 두려움을 기억해라! Remember this feeling of fear!
你们早已无路可退! 退路は無い!Play 너흰 이제 도망칠 곳이 없다! You have nowhere to run!
Heavily damaged 不用在意我,继续攻击! 私のことはいい、攻撃を続けて!Play 나는 신경쓰지 말고 계속 공격해! Don't mind me, keep attacking!
Retreat 向营地撤退!我来掩护你们。 キャンプへ撤退!援護は私がする。Play 영지로 후퇴! 내가 엄호하겠다! Fall back to the base! I'll cover you.
MVP 我们选择的每一条路都将我们指引向胜利。 私たちの選択一つ一つが、勝利へ導いてくれたんだ。Play 우리의 판단 하나하나가 승리로 이끌어줬어. Every path we chose led us toward victory.
Restoration 我一会就回来。 すぐ戻ってくる。Play 금방 돌아올게. I'll be back soon.
Attack 加强火力输出! 火力を強めて!Play 화력 투사를 강화해라! Increase firepower output!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 以为套上妖魔鬼怪的表皮就可以为所欲为了?我这双眼睛可是看得很清楚,就是你,偷走了我的棋子。在我发怒之前,赶快给我吐出来! 魑魅魍魎の格好をすれば、何をしても許されるとでも?私は、お前が駒を奪っていくのを確かに見たんだ。さっさと渡せ!私の堪忍袋の緒が切れる前に!Play 귀신 껍데기를 쓰고 있으면 마음대로 할 수 있을 줄 알았냐? 이 눈으로 훤히 다 보여. 거기 너, 내 체스말 훔쳐갔지? 화내기 전에 당장 내놔! Do you think you can do what you want just because you're wearing the skin of a monster? My eyes can see very well, it was YOU who stole my chess pieces. Now cough them up before I get angry!
Christmas 虽然我确实是不在意衣装,但这不代表我愿意在圣诞节扮作圣诞老人……还有,我说过很多次了,你们不要往我身上扑! 見た目は気にしないと確かに言ったけど、だからってサンタクロースになってもいいわけでは……それと、私に飛びかかるなと何度言ったら分かるんだ!Play 내가 옷차림에 신경 안 쓰는 건 맞지만, 성탄절에 산타 차림을 입어도 상관없단 뜻은 아닌데... 그리고, 그만 좀 떨어지라고 몇 번을 말해! While it's true that I don't care about what I wear, that doesn't mean I'm willing to play Santa Claus on Christmas... And I've also told you countless times, stop pouncing me!
New Year's Day 不管是什么样的节日,都不能放松警惕心,这应该算是常识吧?不过看她们笑得这么开心,今天就算了,让大家好好休息一下吧。 どんな日だろうと油断しちゃいけないのが常識の筈だけど。まあ、皆楽しそうに笑ってるし、今日くらいはしっかり休んでもらうか。


어떤 명절이든 결코 방심할 수 없는 게 상식이지만, 그래도 다들 즐겁게 웃는 것을 봐서, 오늘은 넘어가지. 모두 푹 쉬게 해줄게. One must not lower one's guard no matter what the occasion is. That much should be common knowledge, right? But after seeing them laugh so happily, I'm inclined to forget that just for today and let everyone have a good rest.
Valentine's day 你这期待的眼神,该不会是在等待我的巧克力吧?抱歉了,指挥官,我不是过这种无聊节日的类型。巧克力没有,任务报告倒是一大堆。 期待の眼差しを送ってくるけど、まさかチョコレートを待ってるわけじゃないよね?ごめん、指揮官。私、こういうイベントを楽しむタイプじゃないんだ。チョコレートは無いけど、任務報告なら山ほどあるよ。


그 눈빛은 설마, 내게 초콜릿을 기대하는 건가? 미안하지만, 난 이런 시시한 명절을 지내는 타입이 아니야. 초콜릿 대신 임무 보고서는 잔뜩 있지만. Does that expectant look in your eyes mean that you're waiting for chocolate from me? I'm sorry, Commander, but I'm not the sort of person who celebrates pointless occasions like this one. So no, I don't have chocolate, but I do have a big stack of mission reports.
Tanabata ……果然啊,今天翘掉值班的人形都躲在这里看星星,正好可以一网打尽,全部关起来给我好好反思一下。 ……やっぱりね。今日の当直をサボってた人形が皆ここで星を見てる。ちょうどいいから一網打尽にして、ちゃんと反省してもらうとするか。


역시... 오늘 근무를 짼 인형들 모두, 여기서 별을 보고 있었구나. 오히려 잘 됐다, 한꺼번에 잡아 가둬서 눈물 쏙 빠지게 만들겠어. ...As I thought, all the Dolls who skipped their shifts are hiding here to watch the stars, just nice for me to catch you all at once. You're all going into confinement where you can think about what you've done.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 前锋注意防御! 前衛は防御に努めて!Play 선봉은 수비에 주의해라! Vanguard, mind your defense!
Phrase 保持理智。 理知的にね。Play 침착함을 유지해. Remain rational.
Tip 难得没有任务,不如一起下一局棋? 任務もないわけだし、一局どう?Play 모처럼 임무도 없으니, 체스 한 판 어때? It's not often that we have no missions. How about a game of chess?
Loading 急躁可是战场上的大忌。 戦場において、焦りは禁物だ。Play 조급함은 전장에서 금기야. Being impatient is taboo on the battlefield.