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Supernova Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 开门,有你的外卖!哎呀,又说错了……重来一次,你好啊老板,我是新星,这是我的好搭档玛格丽特! Play Open up, food delivery! Oops, my mistake...let's try this again. Hello, Boss. I'm Nova, and this is my partner Margherita!
Secretary 把食物扔到顾客脸上?那是过去的我做出的蠢事,现在我已经成长了。等等,是谁点了美式披萨?!看招—— Play Throwing food into a customer's face? That's a stupid thing that I did in the past, but I've matured. Hang on, who the hell ordered American pizza!
顶级的披萨需要新鲜的饼皮、优质的芝士、秘制的匹萨酱和上等的馅料,口感清新自然,保留了食材的风味,这哪里是美式披萨能懂的! Play The best pizza needs to have a fresh crust, top-quality cheese, secret pizza sauce, and only the best toppings. It should taste natural and refreshing. No American pizza can compare to this!
老板,我们去玩速降轮滑吧,在山道上感受自由下落的刺激!安心哦,今天的空气能见度很高,就算你滑飞出去我也能找到你的! Play Boss, let's go mountain speed skating! Come and experience the thrill of free-falling down the mountain! Don't worry, visibility is very high today, so even if you fly off into the distance, I'll still be able to find you!
Secretary (post OATH)
Strange, I swear I smell American pizza in here, but it's just you...
Boss, are you really swearing an Oath with me? Then from this day forward...on Hawaiian pizza and pineapple chocolate pizza, on salad pizza and pasta pizza...you must turn your back and choose only Italian pizza!
Greeting 老板,你的快递我都帮你取回来了。 Play Boss, I've collected your parcels for you.
T-Doll Produced 请出示你的通讯码后四位取餐——呃,我是说,欢迎你加入格里芬基地! Play
Joining an echelon 跟不上我的速度也没关系,玛格丽特会保护好大家的! Play It's okay even if you can't keep up with my speed; Margherita will keep you all safe!
Enhancement 这就是风驰电掣的感觉! Play This is how it feels to ride the wind!
Dummy-linking 花样轮滑的队伍又壮大了! Play The figure skating team grows!
Logistics (start) 没收轮滑?不要啊!我保证这一次绝对不会把物资撞飞的…… Play You're confiscating my skates? No! I promise I won't send the supplies flying this time...
Logistics (end) 我们回来了,物资都有好好带回来喔,这点凹痕什么的不影响使用啦…… Play We're back! All the supplies are in one piece. This little dent shouldn't be a problem...
Autobattle 按上次的节奏来就行,大家放轻松。 Play Just follow the same old beat. Relax, we've got this.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 用一首轮舞开启今天的战斗吧! Play Let's start this battle with a roller dance!
Starting a battle 对面的家伙吃披萨一定都只吃美式吧? Play I bet those guys only eat American pizza!
Skill activation 用魔鬼的步伐! Play Well, I got a brand new pair of roller skates~
在你们光滑的脸上摩擦! Play You got a brand new key~
这就是我独一无二的节拍! Play I think that we should get together~ And try them out, you see~
Heavily damaged 呜啊……大家都没事吗…… Play Ugh...is everyone okay...?
Retreat 可恶……我还会回来的! Play Dammit...I'll be back!
MVP 让我用一个后仰飞燕驼转庆祝这场胜利吧! Play Let me celebrate this victory with an inverted camel spin!
Restoration 可以顺便帮我升级下加速装置吗? Play Can you upgrade my accelerator while you're at it?
Attack 跟着我的节拍,冲啊! Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 咻——恶灵来夺命了!你怎么还笑了,老板,难道恶灵就不能踩轮滑出行吗?! Play
Christmas 那个圣诞老人,对,就是你,放弃无畏的挣扎,乖乖被我追上吧——!诶,怎么是你啊,老板…… Play
New Year's Day 哇,这里好多人啊!都是来问年终奖的事吗?对了,我的年终奖是唔唔——诶,这个不能说出来的吗,老板?


Valentine's day 情人节快乐,老板!请收下我的特制披萨,费了我不少功夫呢!这可比巧克力、邪恶美式披萨什么的好吃多了……


Tanabata 要是织女和牛郎会轮滑就好了,这样他们就可以想见面的时候见面,不用一年才能见一次面了!


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 玛格丽特,掩护我们! Play
Phrase 摩擦摩擦! Play
Tip GSH18?确实跟我长得有几分相似呢,有机会的话真想跟她聊聊看。 Play
Loading 我给你再表演一段轮舞打发时间怎么样? Play How about a roller dance to kill some time?