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Story/Slow Shock/1-2A/Script

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Scene 1: Vinyl record and a record player

Dear Blackwell, How I miss those days of sharing sandwiches with you at Hopkins. I was so foolish and innocent back then.
I thought I had all the time in the world, but before I knew it, I already found myself in Beslan.
This is a city with extremely harsh winters, and even the weather is making me mean-spirited. Indeed, you can never imagine what the people here think of me.
Mean-spirited... such a novel word. Also, Sana's allergic reactions are getting more and more severe...
I am starting to lose the will to keep playing the role of "Mother" properly. It cannot be helped. I suppose it is fate.
Still, I do have some interesting news. I met a student. Hm... compared to Sana, she is much more like me...
We have different hair colors and nationalities... but I have a feeling that she might be a kindred spirit...
Meitner, Beslan, 2047.

Scene 2: Beslan streets during winter

In the winder of 2047, the war is the subject of every conversation.
The whole world reeks of steel and blood.
Even the frigid winter in Beslan cannot put out the raging fire in the people's hearts.

Scene 3: High School auditorium

Beslan High School No.1.

Boy in Classroom: For Christ's sake, how can he be so stupid? Do all generals on the frontlines have shit for brains?
Boy in Classroom: A pig would make a better commander than this guy!
Boy in Classroom: I don't get it! How could they screw this up? Did they not do any intelligence work at all?
Boy in Classroom: This is pissing me off so much!
Standing Girl: I hear it's because American spies have infiltrated our ranks...

A few students are huddled over a news report, discussing it in hushed tones and expressing their views.
The girl, who was just saying her piece, spots Xenia walking into the classroom and runs up to her immediately.

Standing Girl: Xenia!
Standing Girl: Come over here! There's been a new development on the frontlines!

Xenia sighs.

Xenia: ...
Xenia: Things must be pretty bad.
Standing Girl: You're spot on...
Standing Girl: How did you know?
Xenia: Well, if it were good news, it'd be broadcast all over the school by now.
Standing Girl: Ugh, I can't wait to grow older.
Standing Girl: Then I'll be able to help out on the frontlines.
Standing Girl: Have you heard? The Command College has established new branches in many places. They even have crash courses...
Xenia: The kind of crash course that will get you prepped and ready for the battlefield in three months?
Xenia: We'll still have to wait until we finish 11th grade, won't we...?
Standing Girl: You're right.
Standing Girl: ...Who knows where the frontline will be.
Standing Girl: It could be right here one day.
Xenia: Uh... Don't be ridiculous. We will be victorious!

The two girls share a smile.

Standing Girl: You're right. We WILL be victorious.
Xenia: Oh, right, have you finished yesterday's homework?
Standing Girl: ...
Standing Girl: Not yet! I'm so dead!
Standing Girl: Mr. Kuzmin is super scary! Anna? Anna, have you finished it? Let me copy yours!
Anna: ...

The girl named Anna lifts her head from her desks and peers groggily at her classmate.

Standing Girl: Hey, wake up! Give me your homework, Anna, Just like last time.
Anna: ...

Anna makes no reply.
Her cold eyes are completely devoid of emotion.
One could easily mistake her for spacing out.
The standing girl reaches into Anna's school bag without asking.

Anna: ...Don't touch my stuff!

Anna smacks the rummaging hand away, but it has already pulled out a book.

Standing Girl: OWW! That hurt!

The girl draws back her hand quickly.
Thud. The book falls onto the floor.
It's not homework...

Xenia: ..."Roadside Picnic"?

The pages are yellowed like old wallpaper, and the corners are wrinkled from being heavily dog-eared.
The glue in the spine is on its last leg, and the pages are threatening to come loose.
Xenia bends down to pick up the sci-fi novel and hands it back to the irate Anna.

Xenia: You like the Strugatsky brothers, Anna?
Xenia: This is a great edition. You really should take better care of it.
Xenia: It will get even more battered if you just leave it tumbling around in your school bag.
Anna: ...
Xenia: I have some chemicals for removing yellow discoloration at home.
Xenia: Why don't you let me give your book a face-lift?
Anna: ...No, thanks.

Anna replies curtly and snatches "Roadside Picnic" out of Xenia's hands. She dusts off the cover lovingly and places it back inside her school bag with great care.
She then buries her head back in her arms on her desk and returns to her snooze.

Standing Girl: ...
Standing Girl: Hey, what's your problem—

Xenia pats her classmate and gives her a smile.

Xenia: You can copy mine. It's on my desk.
Xenia: Anna hasn't been here for long and doesn't know us well, so mind your manners.
Xenia: Don't scare her.
Standing Girl: ...Fine.
Standing Girl: See, you don't have a single mean bone in you.
Standing Girl: That's what makes you class captain material. I'd never be able to do it.

The girl gives Xenia an admiring look and walks off without another word.
Xenia looks at Anna, who appears to be asleep already, and lets out a small sigh.

Xenia: ...
Xenia: Ignore me all you want, but... you still have to hand in your homework.
Anna: ...

Anna keeps her head down.
Xenia doesn't want to give up, but she does not want to say anything out of line either.
While she is deliberating, someone taps her on the shoulder and speaks to her from behind.

???: Excuse me, are you Xenia from Grade 7, Class 1?

Xenia turns around to find a tall boy with hair as bright as sunshine in front of her.

Xenia: You are?
Armin: I am Armin from Grade 10, Class 3. Anna's brother.
Xenia: Oh, nice to meet you.
Xenia: How can I help you?

The boy smiles apologetically.

Armin: Anna forgot her homework, so I've brought it over.
Armin: She put all that effort in doing it at home yesterday, but then forgot to put it into her school bag.

Xenia takes the exercise book and peers at Anna.
She is still sleeping.
Or still feigning sleep, to be more precise.
Armin gives Xenia a sheepish look and tries to make excuses.

Armin: Sorry, she stayed up pretty late last night.
Xenia: ...It's alright.

Armin walks over to Anna and pats her gently on the head.

Armin: Let's go home together today after school. I'll come and pick you up.
Armin: Mama made your favorite borsch and golubtsy. They'll taste bad if they get cold.

Anna makes no response, as if she had not heard him. He pauses a little before adding...

Armin: Ramzan has been going to the Guard Regiment every day recently. I've given him an earful for the stupid joke he made a few days ago.

Anna shrugs off the hand on her head and shifts over to sleep on her other arm.

Armin: I'll come get you later then.

He looks over and smiles warmly at Xenia.

Armin: She just needs some time. Please take care of her.
Xenia: Of course.
Armin: ...She isn't the best at communicating.
Xenia: I get it; it's a new environment for her. Her classmates are all very nice and welcoming. I'm sure Anna will be able to adjust very soon.
Armin: Thank you for being so understanding.

Xenia's eyes follow Armin as he leaves the classroom. She stacks up the exercise books.

Xenia: Phew... that's all of them.


Scene 4: Teachers office

At the teachers' office.
Mr. Kuzmin's usual jovial chatter can always be heard through the door, but the office is unusually quiet today.
Xenia puts down the stack of exercise books on his desk. Even the desk is uncharacteristically tidy. This isn't like him at all.
Xenia scans the office. It is completely empty save for the Russian teacher, who is silently leafing through a copy of the collected works of Dostoevsky.

Xenia: Excuse me, where is Mr. Kuzin? He is usually at the office around this time...
Xenia: We've also been told that his class is to be a self-study session today. What happened?
Russian Teacher: Oh... Hello, Xenia.
Russian Teacher: Just leave the homework there. The new teacher will look through it when she gets here.
Xenia: The new teacher? What about Mr. Kuzmin?
Russian Teacher: Kuzmin... (Sighs)

The Russian teacher is a bespectacled middle-aged woman. She lets out a sigh and takes of her glasses to clean them.

Russian Teacher: ...His elder brother gave his life for the country.
Russian Teacher: He was a decorated hero worthy of respect.
Russian Teacher: Kuzmin has decided to follow in his footsteps and serve our country.
Russian Teacher: Bless the man.
Xenia: ...

This has been a common occurrence since 2045.
But this time, it hits incredibly close to home.

Xenia: I wish him all the best...
Russian Teacher: By the way... More and more foreigners have been moving into the area these days. Tell your classmates to be extra careful on their way home.
Russian Teacher: The Guard Regiment is doing their job, of course, but they can't be on patrol 24/7.
Russian Teacher: Don't loiter on the road, and make sure you stick together.
Xenia: ...Right, I'll tell the others.

Xenia pulls the door shut.
She can't help but take another glance at Mr. Kuzmin's seat, at the empty desk with only a single stack of homework.
This is all too common in these times.
War is inescapable.
It drags everyone along as hostages.


Soon after that, news came about Mr. Kuzmin's death.
The headmaster personally identified the body and held a simple memorial service in a chapel nearby.

Scene 5: Memorial service at the chapel

A casket lies quietly at the feet of a great statue of the Holy Mother.
The priest and a group of students dressed in black stand to the side solemnly.

Priest: You may now put forward items cherished by the deceased.
Student in Black Veil: ...Mr. Kuzmin loved this kind of bread.

She places a Krasnoselsky loaf lightly into the casket.
She trembles slightly as she sprinkles on some salt. She last saw this teacher not even a week ago.

Xenia: ...

Xenia puts an arm around her classmate and gives her a comforting squeeze.

Xenia: Our teacher loved this land more than anything.
Xenia: He has gone to Heaven to watch over his homeland.

Xenia takes out a small bottle filled with dark brown granules.
She pours them into the casket.

Xenia: This is soil dug from the schoolyard.
Xenia: You will be our most beloved teacher, forever and always.

When the priest puts the lid on the casket, the tears surge forth like water from a broken dam.
Low singing is accompanied by heart-wrenching sobs.
It is the national anthem that has been played countless times.
It is the best tribute that could be paid to such a warrior.

Tall Boy: ...I just can't accept it.
Short Boy: They say when the teacher was found, his charred body was still clutching our school emblem.
Tall Boy: ...It was all because of those sons of bitches. They... they sold us out.
Tall Boy: That's what got Mr. Kuzmin killed...
Student in Black Veil: I... I can't... (sobs) I can't believe it either...
Student in Black Veil: It all happened... so quickly...
Tall Boy: I... I'm gonna avenge Mr. Kuzmin...
Short Boy: Of course! We've got to avenge him!
Tall Boy: Mr. Kuzmin died on the frontlines as a hero! How can we hide behind his back and do nothing?!
Xenia: But what can we do?
Tall Boy: Dammit!!!
Short Boy: Those bastards had better not die before we graduate!
Tall Boy: No! There are things we can do without graduating school!
Short Boy: You don't mean...
Tall Boy: Yes! Have they sent you an invitation as well?
Short Boy: ...Yeah, I'm still trying to think it through...
Xenia: Let's head back first. We still have class in the afternoon.
Xenia: Mr. Kuzmin had said many times that his biggest wish was for us to study hard and graduate.
Tall Boy: ...(Sighs)

Xenia also lets out a sigh.

The Next day, Beslan High School No. 1.

Scene 6: High school auditorium

The morning bell rings. In the gloomy classroom, the students are still grieving after the funeral yesterday. Many of them are still wearing their black veils.
Mr. Kuzmin was supposed to be teaching this lesson.
A series of footsteps comes through the door.
Everyone's attention is focused on the person who has just entered the classroom.
It is a tall, slender woman with naturally curly black hair. She looks decidedly unenthusiastic and lethargic in her casual boiler suit.

???: ...Let me introduce myself. I'm your substitute teacher...

The woman looks around the classroom. She yawns and rakes her fingers through her hair.

???: Martha Meitner.

Her introduction is met with silence.
She does not speak Russian very well.
One can just make out her native accent.

Student in Black Veil: An American?
Student in Black Veil: Why an amerikos, of all people?!
Burly Student: You'd better really be a teacher to come here at a time like this!
Student in Black Veil: She's not a spy, is she?

The protests grow louder and louder until they cannot be ignored.
Martha rolls her eyes.

Martha: What, not happy with my Russian?
Martha: I'm here to teach physics, not basic Russian.

An arm shoots up.

Martha: Go on.

The student jumps angrily to his feet. He is as big as a full-grown bear.

Burly Student: ...What gives you the right to steal Mr. Kuzmin's place, amerikos?!
Martha: Good question.
Martha: "To steal" means to take something without permission. The word does not apply in this scenario.
Martha: Your Russian could use some work.
Standing Student: Why, you!!!
Martha: By the way, I'm on a three-month probation.
Martha: If you have any complaints, do file them soon. Your school really isn't paying me much.

Martha adds coldly.
Another lean boy is also on his feet.

Lean Boy: Who are you to trash talk us? Screw off back to America!
Martha: I'm your physics teacher because of my intellect and knowledge of the subject.
Martha: What does my nationality have to do with this?

The lean boy slams his hands on his desk.
He shoves the classroom door open and storms off.
Martha glances at the door.

Martha: Who is the class captain here?

ALl eyes are on Xenia.
She has no choice but to stand up.

Martha: Put down his name. Deduct his term credit for truancy.
Xenia: ...
Martha: Any more questions?
Standing Student: You can deduct mine too.

The student slings his school bag onto his shoulder and leaves the classroom.

Martha: Anyone wants to join them?

The classroom is so quiet one can hear a pin drop.

Martha: You are seeking knowledge from me, not the other way round.
Martha: Cherish the opportunity, You don't usually get a physics teacher of my caliber.

Still standing, Xenia stares at the empty seats in a daze. Instead of sitting down, she raises her hand.
Martha nods.

Xenia: Miss Meitner, yes?
Xenia: You probably haven't heard, but the Mr. Kuzmin that you are substituting for wasn't just a teacher of physics to us, but also of personal conduct.
Xenia: He fought and gave his life for our country.
Xenia: What about you? Would you fight for your country?
Martha: Ha, my life is very precious. I have better things to do than playing lackey to a bunch of filthy opportunists.
Xenia: ...

The bell rings again, signaling the end of class.
At the same time, a comms notification pops up.
Xenia turns on her communicator.

Unknown Sender: The Eternal Flame will soon be lit. Will you fight with us?
