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Saiga 308/Quotes

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Saiga 308 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 你好,指挥官,我是Saiga308,,上面指派我来矫正格里芬的不良风气……我,我是说真的!不是在扮家家酒!不准看不起我的个子! Play Hello, Commander. I'm Saiga-308, and the brass sent me to Griffin to correct the poor discipline in Griffin... I, I'm telling the truth! I'm not playing house! Quit looking down on me!
Secretary 维护纪律是我的工作,就算有时候会因此讨人厌也没办法。无规矩就不成方圆,要是没人扮演讨厌的人,团队很容易就会变得松松散散了……要是指挥官能更严格一点,我也不用这么累了! Play My job is to maintain discipline, so it can't be helped even if people end up resenting me because of it. The organization would get all slack if nobody played the bad guy... Which means I wouldn't be so tired if only you were a little stricter, Commander!
您好呀,指挥官,稍等一会,我马上就过来处理工作……我在烧什么?从Saiga-12宿舍里搜出来的违禁品。 Play Hello, Commander. Give me a while, I'll be right over to handle my tasks... What's that I'm burning? It's contraband I confiscated from Saiga-12's dorm.
……您说上礼拜看到我穿着睡衣出门丢垃圾的样子?咳,休,休假日稍微放松一下也不是坏事吧!我也没有对别人假期里的样子说三道四呀!公私分明就可以了吧! Play ...You saw me taking out the trash in my pajamas last Sunday? Ahem, there's, uh, there's nothing wrong with relaxing on a rest day! It's not like I nag people about what they do on their holidays either, right? I keep my public and private life separate. Isn't that enough?
Secretary (post OATH)
I don't think "taking your work seriously" and "relaxing and enjoying life" conflict in any way. Maintaining a good attitude at work and properly managing yourself is the best way to ensure discipline... Which is why I just can't stand those people who break the rules at work or away from it!
W-what? I won't go easy on you, even if you bribe me, okay... ...Really? You chose me? But I'm the sort of person who's strict and picky during work and sloppy when not on duty. Alright then, I understand. Please take care of me, Commander!
Greeting 指指指挥官你什么时候来的?没,我没有躺在沙发上嗑瓜子!你看错了! Play When did you arrive, Commander? No, I wasn't lying on the sofa and eating semechki! You must have been seeing things!
T-Doll Produced 新人到我这里领取纪律手册,绝对不能违反上面的规定! Play Newbies, come collect the conduct guidebook from me. Make sure you follow it closely!
Joining an echelon 精气神都拿出来!准备出发啦! Play Alright, perk up, everyone! Prepare to move out!
Enhancement 我就知道自律的人总会慢慢进步的! Play I always knew autonomous dolls could slowly improve!
Dummy-linking 让违规行为无所遁形! Play Rulebreakers will have nowhere to hide!
Logistics (start) 我不在的时候不可以违反纪律喔! Play No breaking the rules when I'm not around!
Logistics (end) 我回来了!Saiga-12在哪里!?她肯定又干坏事了吧! Play I'm back! Where's Saiga-12?! I'm sure she's up to no good!
Autobattle 放心交给我吧,要说到自律的话,还有谁比我更擅长呢? Play Relax and leave it to me. After all, who's better at self-direction than I am?
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 纠察队,出击! Play Discipline committee, move out!
Starting a battle 把他们送去挖土豆! Play To the potato farms with them!
Skill activation 垃圾桶不许放垃圾! Play No trash in the bins!
床上不许睡人! Play No sleeping in the beds!
桌子上不能放书! Play No books on the table!
Heavily damaged 纪律……被破坏了…… Play Discipline... Has been flouted...
Retreat ……不要慌张,按次序撤退! Play ...Don't panic, retreat in an orderly manner!
MVP 肃静!欢呼声不能扰民! Play Silence! We mustn't disturb the residents with our cheers!
Restoration 请小心对待我的袖章…… Play Please take care of my armband...
Attack 肃反开始! Play Begin the purge!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 指挥官!万圣节快乐!今天我休假,所以大家不管怎么闹我都不会管的,放心吧……我为什么不假扮?我扮了啊,这个袖章是内务部纠察队的喔,很恐怖吧? Play Commander! Happy Halloween! Relax, I'm on vacation today, so I'm not going to pay attention to whatever everyone gets up to... You want to know why I'm not in costume? But I AM in costume. See this armband? It means I'm from the Ministry of Internal Affairs' disciplinary committee. Scary, right?
Christmas 圣诞节快乐!指挥官。今天就算是我也不会煞风景的,请您随便玩耍,享受圣诞节的气氛好啦——但是绝对,绝对不准骚扰职员哦? Play Merry Christmas, Commander! Even I'm not going to ruin the mood today, so please have as much fun as you'd like and enjoy the Christmas spirit—But in return, you mustn't harass the other employees, okay?
New Year's Day 新年好,指挥官。虽然我理解今天大家都比较开心,但是也不能忘了要遵守纪律。我听说有人绕过格琳娜小姐的采购渠道偷偷买了一批酒送到基地,让我抓到我就……指挥官?你为什么在流汗?


Happy new year, Commander. While I understand everyone's in a festive mood today, we mustn't forget to maintain discipline. I heard that people have used Miss Kalina to have alcoholic beverages secretly sent to the base. If I catch them... Commander? Why are you sweating?
Valentine's day 啊,下午好,不好意思,实在是太忙了没注意到您……我在忙什么?就是说,我理解情人节送巧克力算是一种习俗。但像Saiga-12那样到处跟人讨已经算是骚扰了。所以我正在抓她——啊,这个是给您的,请收下吧。


Ah, good afternoon. Pardon me, I was so busy that I didn't notice you... You want to know what I'm working on? Well, I understand that giving people chocolates is a common practice on Valentine's Day, but going around bothering people for it like Saiga-12 does is harassment. Therefore, I'm going to catch her—Ah, this is yours. Please take it.
Tanabata 指,指挥官!有件事我想麻烦你!请绝对不要跟Saiga-12提起……呃,就是,七夕的时候,大家都会把写着愿望的纸签系到竹子上对吧?——我够不到啦!帮我一下!


C-Commander! I'd like to ask a favor of you! Please don't tell Saiga-12 this, but... er, well, you know how everyone writes wishes on pieces of paper which they tie to a bamboo tree, right? I'm not tall enough! Please help!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 稍微坚持一下! Play Hang in there!
Phrase 扣分! Play That's a demerit!
Tip 如果说违反纪律是罪过,Saiga-12已经可以判处无期徒刑了。 Play If breaking the rules is a crime, then Saiga-12 is in for a life sentence.
Loading 呼呼呼呼……嗯,好困哦…… Play (yawn) Mmmh, so sleepy...