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SVT-38 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition SVT-38入列。指挥官,请下达指示。 トカレフM1938参上、指揮官、ご指示を。Play SVT-38 reporting. Commander, your orders?
Introduction SVT-38出自托卡列夫同志之手,定型完成后并没有立即生产。即使击败了竞争对手,依然要靠上级的干预才被全面生产。虽然在本国没有获得重视,但被敌国缴获后却受到重用。也许除了性能,如何正确使用也是重要的一环吧……
Secretary 啊,真是抱歉,不小心睡着了…… おっと、済まない、寝っていた。Play Ah, my apologies, I fell asleep.
我的词典上没有【失败】这个词。 私の辞書に、敗北の文字はない。Play My dictionary doesn't contain the word "defeat".
怎么了,找我……有什么事吗? どうした?私に何が用か?Play What, you're looking for me... Is there something wrong?
Secretary (post OATH)
Today's arrangement seems to be sound as always... Goodness, after being with you for some time, I've become quite lazy...
W-What are you saying all of a sudden, Commander?! I-Is this also a conquest, or... Ah, no, whatever. It's nice to enjoy oneself occasionally. Anyway, this time is precious.
Greeting 待っていたぞ。Play I've been waiting.
T-Doll Produced 製造が完了したぞ。Play Production is complete.
Joining an echelon 必ず勝って見せる!Play I'll be sure to win!
Enhancement ほ、力が参った来たぞ!Play Oh, resources are here!
Dummy-linking 編成拡大か?それなら奴らに負けないだろ。Play Dummy-linking? Then we shall not lose.
Logistics (start) そろそろ出発だ。遅れるなよ。Play It's time to go. Don't be late.
Logistics (end) 無事、帰還した。今回は特に問題はなかったぞ。Play I've safely returned. There are no problems in particular worth reporting.
Autobattle モシンナガン、私に任せてくれ。こんなところで負けるわけは行かない。Play Just leave it to me, Mosin-Nagant. I won't lose in such a place
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission さぁ、行くぞ!Play Let's go
Starting a battle 油断するな!Play Don't get reckless.
Skill activation 良い、撃て!Play Ready, fire!
私は間に合わせ代替品ではない!Play This time I will not be a replacement!
モシンナガン、どっちらが強いか、ここで決着つけよ!Play Mosin-Nagant. as for who's stronger, I will settle it
Heavily damaged く、下がるぞ!Play Ngh, get down!
Retreat そんな… 私が負けたのか…Play Impossible...I lost...?
MVP ん、大したことないさ。Play Hmph, it's not a big deal.
Restoration ん… こんなことが… なぜだ…Play Ugh...this is...why...?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 本想打扮成幽灵吓唬人的,没想到平时的我更吓人吗…… 幽霊に扮して嚇かそうと思ったのだが、普段の私の方が怖いか?そうか……Play I though I'd be a ghost to spook people. but am I normally that scary? I see...
Christmas 今回のクリスマスイベント負けは許されない。指揮官他の相識に「…」を付ける綿密な計画を立ててくれ。Play
New Year's Day 新しい一年でも気をいるめていけない。指揮官、私にも新年の計画を見せてくれ。


Don't worry about the new year. Commander, show me your plans for the New Year.
Valentine's day こんな日だからこそお礼しないと行けないな。これ、私からのお礼だ。


Because it is such a day, I can't go without being grateful. Here, these are my thanks.
Tanabata 七夕か、私も短冊を飾ろう。除くなよ。穿鑿する奴は嫌いだ。


Tanabata, huh? Then I'll decorate a tanzaku as well. Don't remove it. I dislike things that pierce.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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