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PNC Story/Livestreaming Part 1/Script

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[Welcome to the Cyber Media research questionnaire!]
[The research data collected during this questionnaire will be used as a reference for the latest Cyber Media livestream project. Thank you for your support!]

1) What are your stream-watching habits?

  • I watch them frequently.
    ??: Oooh~ I didn't know you were into this sort of thing, Professor!
  • I watch them occasionally.
    ??: Oi, just "occasionally"? Are you sure you don't spend all night secretly watching them? If you lie, you'll be flamed to hell and back on the anonymous boards, you know?
  • I don't watch them at all.
    ??: You don't watch them at all!? Alright, after this I'll introduce you to the wonderful world of streaming!

2) Which of the following stream types do you like best?

  • Game streams.
    ??: You've got good taste! Game streams are a test of both your technical skills and your talent; not just any host can handle them!
  • Gag streams.
    ??: I didn't think you'd actually like this sort of thing… Alright, I can do gags too!
  • Chat streams.
    ??: While I don't do these often, I'm good at chat streams too! Did you pick that because you realised that's my forte? Hehe~

3) Which of the following streamer projects do you like best?

  • HY Media's Z-Spirit
  • Yoshida Kosan's ICHISANJI
  • Finalidea's Hammer Project

??: Humph, these are all no match for me, the great Kuro!

4) If a new project were to come online this year, what would you like it to feature?

  • Cute girls are a must!
    ??: Cute~ girls~ are~ a~ must~
    ??: Heehee, so these are the true colors of the Oasis' Professor! No problem, no problem, I totally get you!
  • Just make sure you come up with new shenanigans!
    ??: Hehe, I won't disappoint you!
  • Super skilled pro gamers!
    ??: Hehe, I'm a super badass gamer, you know!

  • Submit.

I finish the questionnaire under Kuro's expectant gaze.

??: So, how was it? Did that shed some light on livestreaming for you?

  • This questionnaire was actually pretty interesting.
    ??: Hehe, you've got a good eye. After all, back in the day, this questionnaire was the thing that resulted in the birth of a phenomenal livestreaming project, which is to say—
  • Those questions were all over the place.
    ??: Looks like you still don't understand the historical significance of this questionnaire. In that case, allow me, Kuro, the super popular streamer, to personally explain it to you!

  • ??: What kind of look is that!? Do you even know where this questionnaire came from?

Professor: Yes, yes, this questionnaire was used to conduct market research for Project Streaming. You've told me this more than three times already.

Kuro: As long as you remember it! While that project was pretty much garbage, the fact that it birthed a superstar like me means that I'll grudgingly give it my approval!
Kuro: Now then, are you interested in becoming the leader of my fan club? I'm making an exception to give you special permission here, as long as you sign off on setting up a dedicated streaming channel for me in the Oasis…

Professor: Provided you watch your language.

Kuro: But I'll lose fans if I don't trash-talk people while gaming!

Professor: I heard you were kicked out of Cyber Media because you let your mouth run, though.

Kuro: Gah— But that's just LAME, Professor! How could you poke at my sore spot like that!

Kuro grumbles to herself as she sits cross-legged on a chair and picks up a bag of snacks.

Kuro: Nanaka got the Oasis' signal and came over, so I had no choice but to come along too, but it turned out to be such a boring place.
Kuro: There are no streaming channels, no boost gifts; the sector intranet can hardly be considered lively, even the potato chips taste–
Kuro: …How come these potato chips are locked!?

Professor: These are Antonina's chips. She locked them after Croque took a few.

Kuro: This is abuse! there's no cola, no chips, and no livestreams; how can this place be any different from a prison!?

Professor: We can negotiate on the things you want, but first, you have to complete your neural cloud examination.

Kuro: Oh? So you're that eager to get into my Tertiary Level and do this and that to me? Kuro: How scary! I'm going to put together a clip exposing you and post it anonymously to Oasis' anonymous message boards–speaking of which, the Oasis has something like that, right? Don't tell me you don't even have that?

  • Oasis forums have an anonymous posting section.
    Kuro: Looks like the Oasis isn't that bad after all!
    Kuro: I'll go for a walk after the examination and see if there's anything fun to do.
  • I believe Nanaka's waiting for you outside.
    Kuro: (Groans) To think you're using Nanaka as leverage to make me do a neural cloud examination!
    Kuro: We'll talk about it later, then. Bring it on!
  • The Oasis won't look through your backed-up memories without your permission or a very good reason.
    Kuro: Oh, I see… Tsk, see you later then!

Kuro lies down on the mechanical chair.