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K31 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 很好,就如预计的一样,在这个时间遇上我,这可是指挥官您最幸运的一刻哦。 よし、予想どうりこの時間に会えったね。指揮官、あたしとここでで会えったこと、幸運に思うべきよ。Play Very good, this is just as planned. Meeting me now is the luckiest moment of your life, Commander.
Secretary 我闲下来的时候就会看看别人在干什么,不过看着指挥官也挺无聊的。 あたし暇な時は人間観察をするんだけど、指揮官を見ていてもあまり面白くないね。Play Usually when I'm bored, I'll go see what other people are doing, but it seems you're actually quite boring, Commander.
气息好像和内置时钟有些不同步呢,呼……哈……呼……嗯,没问题了。 なんだか、呼吸と体内時計がずれてるような気がする、ふぅ…はぁ…ふぅ…はぁ…、うん、もう大丈夫。Play My breathing seems to be out of sync with my internal clock...In...out...in... Hm, seems like it's alright now.
指挥官,您已经浪费我不少时间了,今天的晚餐您就好好期待一下吧。 指揮官、あたしの貴重な時間を随分と無駄にしてくれたじゃない? 今夜の食事は精々に楽しみしてくるね。Play Commander, you’ve wasted quite a lot of my time already, so enjoy waiting for dinner tonight.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, has your internal clock deviated recently? No worries, I’ll help you adjust it back to normal.
指揮官、もうお互い準備はできてるでしょう? 今のこの状況は果たして指揮官が仕組んだのかそれとも偶然なのか、正直あたしにはわからない。でもこの時はいつかきっと来るとずっと前から思っていたわ。
Commander, us two are completely prepared… right? Were today’s events made possible by your careful arrangements, or was it just a fluke? I don’t know… but what I do know is that this moment was destined to occur.
Greeting 指揮官、時間は有限なんだから、無駄にしっちゃだめよ。Play Commander, time is precious. Be sure you don't waste it.
T-Doll Produced こんな時に、一体誰のかしら?Play Who could it be at a time like this?
Joining an echelon タイミング合わせる練習、きちんとやらないとね。Play Looks like I'll have to practice readjusting the timing.
Enhancement 任務のタイム記録を更新できそうな気がする。Play I feel like updating my mission time record.
Dummy-linking ほら、全員あたしと時計の時間は合わせてよね。一フェムト秒のずれでも許さないから。Play Listen closely, everyone here should be synced up to my watch. I won't allow even a femtosecond's difference.
Logistics (start) 時間通りに撤収させてね。忘れないように。Play So that I won't forget, notice me to withdrawing on time.
Logistics (end) 時間をかけた分だけ収穫を得られるわPlay At least let me withdraw on time. That way I won't forget.
Autobattle こういう任務なら、多少リラックスして迎えても大丈夫よね。Play For a mission like this, it's okay to take it easy, isn't it.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 時間よ。行きましょう。Play It's time. Let's move.
Starting a battle まずは向こうの出方を見てみるわ。Play First, let's see how things are over there.
Skill activation 残り時間あと一点35秒、遺言はどうぞ。Play You got 35 seconds left, what's your final wish?
さっさと片付けましょう!Play Let's get this quick!
あなたの時計はここで止まるのよ!Play Your time will stop here!
Heavily damaged テンポが完全に乱れちゃった!早く直さないと…!Play
Retreat 諦めて。過ぎた時間は元に戻れないは。Play Give it up. You can't turn back time.
MVP 今回のタイムは?もっと早くできるはずです!Play What's the time record this time? I could do it faster!
Restoration この時間を他のことに利用できないか…考えてみるわ。Play I can't do anything during this time... I'll think about something
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 「…」零時を過ぎると…かぼちゃに隠れたお化けたちが本当の姿は現すんだよね?いやあ、違う?「…」ちゃったかな?Play
Christmas プレゼントが欲しいのならちゃんと寝なさい!サンタさんは時間通りに寝ない悪い子が嫌いなんだから!Play If you want a christmas present, go to bed on time! Santa dislikes bad girl who don't go to bed on time!
New Year's Day 毎年この日になると、時間はスタート「…」に戻る!けれど、あたし達たちは泊まることなく、包み続けるのよ!


Valentine's day 指揮官、あたしの作った金パックチョコ見なかった?この当たりに置いたはずなのに…。それ…何食べてるの?


Commander, did you see my gold paper-wrapped chocolate? I'm sure I put it around here... That... what did you just eat?
Tanabata 今晩はどこも「」も賑やかね!どこに目やればいいか迷っちゃうよ!


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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