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FO-12 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition ELID灾难搜救护卫人形——Fostech Origin-12!名字很难记吗?那就叫我FO-12吧!这位是我的战友“闪电杰克”,从今天起,我们就接受您的指挥啦! Play ELID disaster rescue guard doll - Fostech Origin-12! My name is too much of a mouthful? Then just call me FO-12! This is my comrade-in-arms, Lightning Jack! We'll be under your command from now on!
Secretary 搜索和护卫是我曾经的工作,论经验,绝对值得您放心。当然,如果您给我派遣其他任务,我也完全有信心可以完成! Play My old job was all about searching and protecting. You can rest assured that I'm very experienced. Of course, I'm equally confident in my ability to complete whatever mission you give me!
我发现,基地里居然有幽灵!还把您办公室的桌椅文件都搞得乱七八糟的,真可怕……啊,我还有事情要忙,就先走一步了哈……杰克,快撤! Play I believe there are ghosts at the base! Look at the mess they've made on your office desk! So scary...oh, I'd better get back to work, see ya...Jack, let's get outta here!
最近同行们都在抱怨杰克乱咬她们的盾牌?啊哈哈,这、这只是在测试同行们的防御能力啦……诶!?要写检讨吗? Play The others have been complaining about Jack chewing o their shields? Ahaha, sh-she's just testing out their defensive capability...huh?! I need to submit a reflection report?!
Secretary (post OATH)
It's your turn to walk Jack today? Be careful and keep her away from my colleagues, or she'll bolt and drag you along.
It's kinda touching seeing you so sincere and solemn, but...to tell the truth, Jack also has feelings for you...ahahaha, just kidding! Still...she seems happy to be our witness, which means...you have her approval!
Greeting 指挥官,想要护卫的话,就让我来担当吧!我在这方面可是专业的! Play Commander, if you need a guard, just give me a holler! I'm a pro!
T-Doll Produced 是同行来了吗!杰克,上! Play
Joining an echelon 咦!?杰克也算一个位置吗!?没办法,跟我挤一挤吧……行了!不准抱怨! Play Huh?! Jack doesn't get his own seat?! Can't be helped then, we'll have to share one...alright! Stop whining!
Enhancement 杰克也得到了提升吗?可以可以!期待我们今后的表现吧! Play Did Jack also get a power-up? Wonderful! Look forward to our performance from now on!
Dummy-linking 没想到杰克也增加了……等等,哪个才是真的杰克!? Play Jack also got duplicated...hold on, which one is the real Jack?!
Logistics (start) 搜索调查?这可是我们的老本行! Play Search and investigate? That's right up my alley!
Logistics (end) 发现了不少好东西呢,会有我的份吗? Play I found a lot of cool stuff! Can I keep a share?
Autobattle 居然可以随心所欲地行动,嘿嘿,会有什么后果我可不管哦! Play I can do whatever I please throughout this operation? Heheh, don't blame me if anything bad happens!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 侦查工作就交给我好了,全员出发! Play Leave the scouting to me! Let's go, team!
Starting a battle 敌人就在前面,准备迎战! Play The enemy is head! Prepare to engage!
Skill activation 就是现在! Play Now!
休想突破我这里! Play You're not getting past me!
你是逃不掉的! Play There's no escape for you!
Heavily damaged 呜哇——!真是难缠的家伙…… Play Ack! These guys are a pain...
Retreat 这样下去风险太大了,撤退! Play Pressing on is too risky! Retreat!
MVP 好!是时候考虑该要点什么奖品了! Play Alright! Time to think about what reward to ask for!
Restoration 手脚就好像断掉了一样……杰克!?你竟敢模仿我狼狈的样子! Play I think some of my limbs have fallen off...Jack?! Now dare you make fun of me in my sorry state?!
Attack 嘿嘿,被咬一口可是很痛的哦! Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 嘿!要见识一下可怕的怪物吗?当当!这可是额外安装了两个脑袋的“地狱三头犬杰克”!咳……骗你的啦。 Play
Christmas 喂!这份是我的礼物!快——还——给——我!……啊!?居、居然咬成这个样子……杰克!我跟你拼了! Play
New Year's Day 新年快乐呀,指挥官!不知道有没有奖金可以拿?


Valentine's day 指挥官,谢谢您的巧克力……喂喂!杰克!这个可不是你能吃的东西……你还想硬抢不成!?


Tanabata 别看杰克只是仿生犬,要是让她看到月亮,一样会嗷嗷叫呢。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 休想从我们这里通过! Play
Phrase 是杰克干的! Play
Tip 您说找不到自己工作用的终端了?放心吧,它被您无意间放在更衣室的柜子里了……哎?您问我为什么知道?咳咳……是杰克看到的。 Play
Loading 好无聊啊……杰克,咱们来玩接飞盘的游戏好不好? Play I'm bored...Jack, why don't we play frisbee?