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Mk46 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 是新的指挥官啊……虽然我不喜欢给刚认识的人卖命,不过工作的话就另当别论了,大家互相将就下吧。 新しい指揮官か?会ったばかりのやつに命を預けたくはねが、仕事なら仕方ない。そこは互いに折り合いを付けよう。Play New commander huh? I don't want to entrust my life to someone I just met but since it's work, it can't be helped. Let's seal the deal.
Secretary 好想偷懒啊……别那样看着我,放心吧,我只是想想。 サボりてなぁ~。って…そんな目で見るなよ!言ってみたらだけだ!Play I want to skip work~ What, don't look at me with those eyes! I didn't meant for real!
249的这批文件根本没做完嘛……算了,只能我来想办法处理了。 SAWのやつ…仕事全然終わってねじゃねか!まあ…俺が何とかするしかねな…。Play That damn SAW, her work is nowhere near done! Well, I'll manage it somehow...
没想到指挥官的手意外的软啊,让我再多摸几下。 指揮官の手って、意外と柔らかいんだな。もうちょっと触らせてくれ!Play Your hands are unexpectedly soft. Let me touch it a little more!
Secretary (post OATH)
There's still work left? Well, fine by me, I won't run away or anything. I'll give you a hand...
Commander, this kind of thing... it should be me? Geez, I just can't make you completely satisfied. I got it, if this will make you happy, I'll do anything!
Greeting 仕事か?まあ、やるしかねな…。Play Work? Well, it can't be helped...
T-Doll Produced 新入りに仕事を振ってもいいか?Play Can I dump my work to the new recruit?
Joining an echelon 俺一人に任せるわけじゃないよな?Play You are not planning to make me do all the work, don't you?
Enhancement どうやら、もっと重要な任務あるだな。Play Looks like there are more important mission.
Dummy-linking 俺の肌って結構もちもちしてんだな!一日中触ってらそうだ!Play Didn't think my skin is this soft! I can touch it all day long!
Logistics (start) 俺じゃないとダメなのか?Play It must be me?
Logistics (end) とっくに面白いものがなさそうだが、これで我慢してくれ。Play There's no particularly interesting stuff, bear with this.
Autobattle そういう任務はSAWに任せてもいいんじゃないか?Play Can't you just give this kind of mission to SAW?
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 自分の面倒は自分で見ろ。市外を抱えて帰るのは簡便だ。Play
Starting a battle 俺にどれだけ迷惑罹ってるか分かってんのか?!Play
Skill activation お前ら弱っち所、俺は結構気に入ってんだぜ。Play
そのままやられた方が楽だぜ!Play It would be easy if you keep doing it!
Heavily damaged 調子悪いな…。どうにか頑張るしかねか…。Play I'm feeling bad... But I can't do anything except to keep holding on...
Retreat こんな状況…どうすりゃいいんだよ。Play This situation... what should I do.
MVP 俺、意外とやれるんじゃねか~?!Play Whoa, did I do better than expected?!
Restoration 傷跡は残さないでくれよ…。歴戦の証とかは簡便だぜ…。Play Please don't leave any scar... Spare me from long service mark...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 指揮官!お菓子が残ってると聞いてたんだが…。ああ、グミだけでいい。ありがとうな!Play Commander! I heard there still some sweets left... Aah, that gummy will do. Thank you!
Christmas SAWは?全く、また仕事サボりあがって。あいつのプレゼントは準備しなくていいぞ。Play Where's SAW? Damn it, she's skipping work again. You don't have to prepare any present for her.
New Year's Day 今年も楽ではなさそうだな。まあ、せめて今日ぐらいはのんびり過ごすか。


This year turned to be easy. Well, at least I can spend this day at leisure.
Valentine's day 俺特性チョコ味のガムだ!このしなやかな触感は、本物のチョコには真似出来ないぜ!


This is my special chocolate flavoured gummy! This one has a sensation that the real one doesn't!
Tanabata やっぱ、この短冊はいいや。禁煙に取っておく。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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