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AK-74M Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition AK-74M。关于我更多的信息吗?......虽然我认为这属于个人隐私,但——作为我的指挥官,你拥有知晓的权力。 Play AK-74M. Do you have any further information on me? ...I personally see this as private information, but- as my commander, it is your right to know.
Secretary 保持适当的距离,反而可以增加彼此的了解。 Play Keeping a proper distance can increase mutual understanding.
发呆是私人娱乐活动。 Play Daydreaming in itself is private entertainment.
做得太过火了吗?从他们着装的愚蠢程度来说,我还算是手下留情了。 Play Did I go too far? Considering how stupidly they dress, I would be considered merciful.
Secretary (post OATH)
I know that snowflakes will melt along the way, but I can't help but bring one back to show you. It's really not my style... Do you understand? Then, shall we take a closer look?
This moment seems to come a bit faster than I expected, but fortunately I have thought about how to answer countless times. Regardless of whether it is from your future development considerations, or me personally...my answer is ‘good’.
Greeting AK-74M待命中。 Play AK-74M, standing by.
T-Doll Produced 拥有更多并肩作战的伙伴,就拥有更多胜算。 Play The more partners you have to fight side-by-side with, the better your chances of winning.
Joining an echelon 想知道效果如何?实战是最直观的方式了。 Play Want to know how it works? Actual combat is the most intuitive way.
Enhancement 并不值得回味,但具有存在的意义。 Play I could do without the aftertaste, but that's what gives its existence meaning.
Dummy-linking 能够共同成长是我的荣幸。 Play It is an honor to grow together.
Logistics (start) 再会。 Play Till we meet again.
Logistics (end) 是的,AK-74M请求归队,指挥官。 Play Roger, AK-74M returning to squad, Commander.
Autobattle 请保持信心。 Play Please have confidence.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 我欣赏你的决定。 Play I respect your discretion.
Starting a battle 不要颤抖了,抓紧时间说遗言吧。 Play Do not worry, hurry up and say your last.
Skill activation 专心。 Play Concentrate.
效率第一。 Play Efficiency comes first.
要逃到哪里去?这可是我的回合…… Play Where do you think you're going? It's my turn now...
Heavily damaged 紧张什么,笑一笑吧,快看到胜利的曙光了。 Play What are you so nervous about? Smile. You're about to see the dawn of victory.
Retreat 先撤退!这些卑鄙的家伙…… Play Retreat first! Those bastards...
MVP 值得庆祝的胜利。拥抱?……好吧。三秒钟是人类最普遍的拥抱时长了,那么,我开始计时了。 Play A victory worth celebrating. A hug? ...Fine. Three seconds is a common duration for human hugs, so I'll be timing it.
Restoration 用可以修复的伤口换来胜利,我并不介意。 Play I don't mind trading a repairable wound for victory.
Attack 胜利的号角已经交到了我们手上。 Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 换掉夸张的面具会更适合你今天的女巫装扮。 Play
Christmas 偶尔的狂欢对神经紧绷的人形来说是种必需品,要是能够注意时长就更好了。 Play
New Year's Day 愿望吗?能和指挥官待在宿舍就够了,不用看到那个满身红色的新年老人是原因之一,另一个,指挥官应该猜得到吧?


Valentine's day 不需要玫瑰和狂热的誓言,保持理智的指挥官已经具备充足的魅力了。


Tanabata 请不要拿我的私人生活开玩笑了,就算是摆出那种奇怪的笑容也……


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 保存实力,等待时机。 Play
Phrase 冷静。 Play
Tip 现在是休息时间,但如果指挥官下达命令,我当然放在第一位考虑。 Play
Loading 耐心是一种不可多得的美德。 Play