Welcome to IOPWiki, Commander.
We are searching for new editors to keep track of Girls' Frontline 2 content, as well as veteran players to complete the data of Girls' Frontline and Project Neural Cloud characters.
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Guideline Comments

Welcome to IOP Wiki. This website is maintained by the Girls' Frontline community and is free to edit by anyone.
Revision as of 23:33, 13 December 2020 by Messing with data (talk | contribs) (Added ruleset)
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A brief guideline for the comment section of the wiki

Who may comment

Everyone is allowed to comment on articles.

Please be aware that users without registration will be listed with their IP address.

Wiki code

Wiki code in comments is allowed. Please refer to the official MediaWiki documentation for details.

Handling images

For images, please use the proper syntax to display a thumbnail of the image. Big images will brake the page layout and disturb the general flow of the comment section.

Comments containing images without thumbnail will be deleted.

Common etiquette

Don’t be rude

We do not tolerate harassment of users or trolling. Joking is fine but don’t take things too far. Racism, sexism and any other form of prejudice or discrimination will not be tolerated and can result in an immediate ban without warning.

Respect other users

A lot of users in the comment section are there to help or seek help. Do not criticise or belittle anyone who needs assistance or lacks knowledge of the game. Do not be antisocial towards other players you disagree with.

Refrain from posting explicit content or pornographic images

Images and links to explicit content will be deleted.

Try not to spoil the game for others

The EN game region does not yet have the full story or all game features available to them. Please make sure you don't spoil the game for others.

Excessive and meaningless spam is not welcome

Please use common sense when it comes to drawing a line between fun and annoying. This also applies to posting images such as memes and reaction images.

Why did my comment get removed?

Sadly there is no mechanic to show a commentor the reason for a deletion. If you feel the deletion has been unjustified please contact us on our Discord server.

How to set up an avatar image

Only registered users can set up an avatar. Please see your preferences for more details.