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PzB 39/Quotes

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PzB 39 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,是我PzB39,今天开始就是您的部下了……怎么了?放松点,不用那么紧张。 パンツァービュクセ(Panzerbüchse)、今日からあんたの部下になるわ。どうしたの?そんなに緊張して。Play CN: Commander, I'm PzB39, I will be your subordinate as of now... What's wrong? Relax a little, no need to be so tense.

JP: Panzerbüchse, I will be your subordinate as of now. What's wrong? No need to be so tense.

Introduction 我是PzB39反坦克枪,是从PzB38中改进过来的型号……说是改进,其实也只是减轻重量,加了两个能放子弹的小盒子而已。虽然现在面对敌人已经不是坦克了,不过即便是这个时代,我的力量也是必不可少的呢。 I'm PzB39 Anti-tank rifle, an improved model based on PzB38... Well, improvements, mostly just reduced weight and added two box to put bullets in. Though our enemies are no longer tanks this time round, my strengths are still quite good to have.
Secretary 问我作战意见?……随便写写就行了,到时候我知道该怎么做。 作戦計画の報告?……適当に書けばいいじゃない、やり方は分かってるわ。Play Asking me about the combat advice? ...Just write whatever, I'll know what to do.
有大目标就交给我吧,这孩子胃口可大着呢。 でかいターゲットがあったら私に任せて、この子は食いしん坊だからね。Play Leave the large targets to me, this kid is a hungry one.
指挥官,我这衣服可不比枪支便宜,小心别碰坏了。 指揮官、私の服は銃なんかより高いわよ。汚さないでね。Play Commander, My clothes are not cheaper than the gun, please be careful with them.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander I've worked so hard today, shouldn't you praise me a little... Don't make me teach you this kind of things!
Commander what's going on? Why you acting so mysterious... Wait what, this is?! ...Woah have you gone insane? Please I have to check your heart rates... Don't move around ok, keep this pose...❤
Greeting 稍微有点迟,不过没事啦,请快点就座。 少し遅れたけど、まあ大丈夫よ、位置に着いて。Play A bit late, but it's fine, please hurry and take a seat.
T-Doll Produced 为了被记住名字要加油喔,新人。 名前を覚えてもらえるよう頑張ってね、新人さん。Play You have to work hard to have your name remember, new girl.
Joining an echelon 不用打招呼,大家做好份内的事就好。 挨拶(あいさつ)は結構よ、みんなしっかりやりなさい。Play No for formal greetings, just play your part.
Enhancement 真令人期待呢。 ふふ、これは見ものね。Play Looking forward to this.
Dummy-linking 连衣服都一模一样,该不会是山寨货吧? 服までそっくりだなんて、まさか、パチモンじゃないでしょうねえ。Play Even the clothes are the same, it's not a rip-off brand is it?
Logistics (start) 快点解决完回家去。 さっさと済ませて帰ろうっと。Play Faster it gets done, faster we go home.
Logistics (end) 能让我休息一下吗?太繁忙我会发牢骚哦。 少し休(やす)ませてくれる?あんまり忙しすぎると、文句言っちゃうからね。Play Can I rest for a bit? Too much work I'll be irritated alright?
Autobattle 确定胜利之战,有点让人提不起劲呢。 勝利が約束された戦いは、あんまり盛り上がらないのよね。Play Fighting a guaranteed winning war, does feel a little boring.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 到我活跃的场子了! さあ、大暴れ(おおあばれ)するわよ。Play Time for me to shine!
Starting a battle 能满足这孩子的胃口吗? この子を満足させられるかしら。Play Can you sate this kid's appetites?
Skill activation 痛吗?那再叫大声一点! 痛い?ならもっといい声を聞かせて!Play Did that hurt? Scream louder then!
这不就是你们期望的吗? これがお望みなんでしょう?Play Wasn't this what you wanted?
别想从我的手心逃开。 私からは逃げられないわよ。Play Don't even think about escaping from my grasp.
Heavily damaged 可恶...!居然把我的衣服...! この…!よくも、よくも私の服を…!Play Curse you...! How dare you damage my outfit...!
Retreat 果然太乱来了,我会好好反省。 無茶(むちゃ)しすぎたわ、ちゃんと反省しないと。Play I've overdone it, I'll reconsider this.
MVP 这次赢了下次也能赢。跟你约好请放心。 今回勝ったら次も勝てる。約束するから安心しなさい。Play I can win again next time too, I promise.
Restoration 比起我的伤势,先确认我的衣服有没有损伤。 私の怪我より、服が傷(いた)んでないかチェックして。Play Before checking my woulds, check if my clothes are damaged.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play