Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 万众期待的P7,正式加入啦!看着我充满诚意的笑容,诸位,我们好好相处吧! | 待望のP7、正式に入隊します~。みなさん、仲良くやりましょう! | At last, P7 has officially joined her friends! Look at me smile, sir, we'll get along fine! | |
Introduction | 怎么,指挥官,现在才对我有兴趣嘛?太迟啦。您要知道,在设计阶段,我可是经历过不小的波折呢。不过作为追求极致的结果,我的优点也是数之不尽啊。指挥官,从此刻开始,快好好珍惜我吧。 | What, Commander, it took you this long to show interest about me? You know, during the design phase, I experienced a lot of ups and downs. But in the pursuit of perfection, I've found out that I have many advantages. From now on, Commander, please take good care of me. | ||
Secretary | 无论怎么捉弄您都不会生气呢,指挥官果然最好啦! | いじっても怒らないよね、指揮官っていい人! | No matter how much you get teased, you don't get angry. Commander, you really are the best! | |
指挥官,接下来想看谁出糗呢?乐意效劳哦。 | 指揮官、次は誰に恥かかせたいの? | Commander, who shall we tease next? Oh, how fun! | ||
别闲着嘛,指挥官,来帮我选方案啦。……什么方案?当然是捉弄人的方案啦。 | そんなに暇だったら手伝ってよ~。何のって?イタズラに決まってるでしょ。 | Don't just stand there, Commander, help me plan my next project. ...What project? The one where we prank somebody, of course. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,门口的陷阱布置完毕,请好好欣赏吧!……先说好,您是我的!英雄救美什么的,想都别想!
Commander, I've finished booby-trapping the doorway, please enjoy! Before anything else, you are mine! Heroism or whatever, don't even think about it!
| ||
OATH | 哎呀,结果您还是落到我的手心呢。放心啦指挥官,我也是认真的,毕竟我和您相识了那么多年……没那么久吗?放心啦,会有那么久的,嘻嘻。
Ah, so you finally fell into the palm of my hand after all. Don't worry Commander, I'm serious as well, after all, we've known each other all these years... It hasn't been that long? Then rest assured, we'll know each other for even longer, hehe.
| |
Greeting | 今天也相安无事啊,指挥官。嘻嘻,毕竟嘛,我还什么都没做呢。 | 今日も平和だな、指揮官。まああたしが何もしてないだけなんだけど。 | You appear to be fine today Commander. Hehe, I mean, I haven't done anything yet after all. | |
T-Doll Produced | 新的朋友来了哦,准备给她个惊喜吧,嘻嘻…… | 新しい仲間だ。サプライスしよう、えへへ~。 | A new friend is here, let's give her a surprise, hehe... | |
Joining an echelon | P7,入队啦!诸位,一定很期待吧? | P7、入隊~。わたしの活躍をたのしみにしてるんでしょ~。 | P7, joining formation! Everyone must have been expecting me right~? | |
Enhancement | 嘻嘻,就是这样……这美妙的味道…… | えへへ、そうだ~、こんな感じだ~。 | Heheh, just like this... This lovely taste... | |
Dummy-linking | 哼哼,让我的傀儡们互相捉弄怎么样,一定很有趣吧! | ふふっ、あたしのダミーをイタズラに使ったら… 面白そうでしょう? | Huhuh, how about I let my dummies prank each other, that will definitely be fun! | |
Logistics (start) | 我出发了,顺便去找找糖果屋吧! | 行ってきます!お菓子屋探しに! | Leaving now! See if I can find the candy house while I'm out! | |
Logistics (end) | 我回来啦,猜猜我找到了什么呢! | ただいま!何を見つけてきたか当ててみて? | I'm back, guess what I found? | |
Autobattle | 作为报答,你们就嫁给城堡中最可爱的我吧! | 報酬として、あたしのお嫁になってよね。 | As for rewards, you're all gonna be married to the lovely me in the castle! |