Welcome to my humble page.
GFL1 and NC Player since their respective Global launch. Theater Top100 Ranker since Season 11 (just let me have this one please?) and Top5% since Singularity just trying to give back to the community. Software Developer full-time with the usual language experience (JS/TS, Java, and the C variations) and an affinity for Tac-50Tac-50Tac-50 and DorothyDorothyDorothy.
Game UIDs
Global/EU in call casses as applicable.
Game | UID | Status |
GFL | 77191 | Alive |
NC | 37911 | Alive |
GFL2 | soonTM | Waiting |
BA | 55573 | Semi |
Nikke | WiP | Dead |
GI | 701150706 | Semi |
ZZZ | 1500928565 | Alive |
HSR | 703134978 | Semi |
WW | WiP | Dead |
S:CZ | WiP | Dead |