Story/Normal 1-6 (Part1)/Script
< Story | Normal 1-6 (Part1)
Scene 1-6-1
- Helian: Final combat is about to start commander.
- Helian: The objective for this combat is this T-doll.
- Helian: Please keep the intelligence of this SANGVIS FERRI leader in mind.
- Helian: Model SP65, call sign “Scarecrow”.
- Helian: According to intelligence from rescued T-doll, it knows the specific objective of SANGVIS FERRI attack.
- Helian: The goal of the operation is to capture and obtain her memory module.
- Helian: Different from previous small scale combat, this time your echelon will be facing an advanced T-doll.
- Helian: However, since you have made it all the way here, I believe you are capable of handling the situation.
- Helian: Mission is a go, commander, good luck.