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Mk48 Strategy Story Quotes Live2D


Sadistic personally featuring a superiority complex, Mk48 is the typical "You are all useless" type character, subsequently she is not a very well liked character in the eyes of other T-dolls. Mk48 is often nicknamed Big Bro of the Mk46, in the designing process SA stated that elements of a "big sister" was added to Mk48's overall appearance. Mk48 is a MMG given to US special forces such as Navy Seal, artist SA would also comment that Mk48 likely picked up a few trades while spending time with the special activity divisions, Mk48 is some what physically fit and a good swimmer.[1]

Quotations of Mk48 reflects upon the fact that she belittles M240 and MG M60M60M60 greatly, her introduction also mentions about her low service lifespan.

Mk48 likes excitement, her favourite hobbies include wrestling and punishment game, a prime candidate for those Commanders who likes having a dangerous character around.

(Or like to have their shoulders dislocated, purposely.)

LWMMG Digimind Upgrade

Mk48 made an appearance during LWMMG's digi-mind upgrade story.

A lot of machinegun T-Dolls shares the same dormitory and trains in combat simulation together, Mk48 is often found with M60, MG M249 SAWM249 SAWM249 SAW and MG LWMMGLWMMGLWMMG. LWMMG is a hard-working and earnest doll, but she is also very solitary and distant. She prefers doing things herself personally, things she can and can't do, things that others can and can't do. Due to this LWMMG can be difficult to get along with for the rest of the MG dolls, M60 being super busy meant the middle sister Mk48 has to look after the group, she occasionally intervene to help and fix relationships, for fun of course. Sensing an imminent rift about to be torn between SAW and LWMMG, Mk48 secretly made a bet with the Commander.

One day LWMMG's lack of self care had finally snapped the relationship between her and M249 SAW, during a combat simulation with the other MGs, a miscalculation between the doll's level and the simulation difficulty preset caused the tide of battle to turn against the doll's favour. LWMMG figured out a plan to end the simulation, but the squad will have to cross a random event node, the chances of artillery strike is high. Being the lazy doll SAW is, and not taking the simulation seriously, a shell headed straight for SAW. Instead of warning her, LWMMG chose to simply take the shell for her. SAW most certainly did not expect to see her friend lying in the shell craters half broken, the system detected the defeat of a doll unit and the simulation ended. Three minutes later at the simulation room SAW snapped at LWMMG, if this was a real battle LWMMG would had been damage beyond repair, LWMMG simply replied saying just copy her digi-mind and replace her with a new model. This greatly angered SAW, she threw a fuming fit and quickly left the room, Mk48 made a snarky comment at LWMMG and went after SAW. "You're really beyond my expectations."

A cold war had began between SAW and LWMMG, actually more of a one-sided ignoring, with Mk48 stuck in the middle. Eventually LWMMG noticed something is wrong between her and her friend, she turned to ask Mk48 for advice, half way through their talk, a knock on the door, M60 returned to the dorm. Having heard what transpired at the combat simulation, she had to step in as the elder sister. After some thorough scolding, M60 talked sense into LWMMG, she really need to consider how other people feel about her, especially those who think of her as a friend. Pondering on what M60 just said a moment ago, LWMMG went in the backyard, where SAW frequently space out in. Mk48 sneaked up on her and sat down, LWMMG still does not know how to make up with her friend, Mk48 enlightened her further, no one likes seeing their friends being hurt, but to avoid being hurt, just become stronger, after all, no one wants to see a brand new doll who isn't the same LWMMG they once knew.

Inspired by her sisters' speech, LWMMG shortly submitted the application forms for digi-mind upgrade... The upgrade process was successful, and relatively fast, the very same evening LWMMG went back to the backyard, there she found SAW spacing out in the same spot again. LWMMG apologised, the two talked and made reconciliation. Around the same time, around a corner of another wall, Commander whispered proudly, "See, I told you they will make up.". Mk48 notioned in disappointment, "Why did this happen... I'm fuming, why do I always lose when I bet with you Commander!", once again, Commander narrowly avoided yet another Mk48's punishment game, phew...
