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KSVK Story Quotes

Base Voice Lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 被命运选中的指挥官啊,我将会见证你前进的道路,请你做好觉悟吧! 運命に選ばりし者よ。汝の行末、我が見届けやろう。さあ、各号が決めれがいい。Play Fate's Chosen Commander, I shall bear witness to thine advance, please be conscious of it!
Secretary 我会在这里静候你的命令,指挥官啊,做出你的选择吧。 汝の命令を待とう。さあ指揮官、選択の時間だ。Play I await thine orders. Now, Commander, make thy choice.
我们正处在这个世界漩涡的中心,指挥官啊,可不要在其中迷失了自己。 我らは今この混沌渦巻く世界の中心にいる。指揮官よ、精々己を見失なわぬよ、気を付ける事だ。Play We are at the eye of the world's whirlpool, Commander, do not lose thyself here.
我无法回答你所有的问题,有的答案只有靠你自己才能明白。 我は全ての遠いに答えを出す事は出来ぬ。時には答えを己で導く出す必要もあるのだ。Play I can't answer all thy questions. There are answers only thee can understand.
Secretary (post OATH)
I pledge, to cherish the moments I have. Happiness is rare in these times, but I already... cannot be without thee.
Commander, looking into thine eyes, there is no hesitation. The time is ripe, for thou art my heart's truest desire... I swear, by my vows, let us engrave each other's existence in our eternal destiny.
Greeting この世界はひび、我らの力で変わっていく。Play This world is cracked and changes with our power.
T-Doll Produced 仲間は必要不可欠だ。Play Friends are indispensable things.
Joining an echelon みなの活躍を、心から期待している。Play I look forward to witnessing everyone's success.
Enhancement 力を持つものほど、伴う責任も大き。Play With great power comes great responsibility.
Dummy-linking 我らもまた、誰かのダミーではないのだろうか。Play Are we not also somebody's dummies?
Logistics (start) 見える!この旅の執着点が!Play Come forth! The objective of our mission!
Logistics (end) 指揮官、これは汝が受け取るべきものだ!Play Commander, this is what thou shalt receive.
Autobattle 勝利が我らを呼んでいる!Play Victory calls to us!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 前へ進め!その先で、何が待ち受けて異様とも!Play Forward, advance! Whatever awaits us lies beyond!
Starting a battle 我らの行く先を、阻めるものなどいない!Play Nothing shall stop us from reaching our destination!
Skill activation 我の目に映るは、ターゲットのみ!Play Only targets appear before mine eyes!
各号するがいい!Play Prepare thyselves!
我の前に倒れること、光栄に思うがいい!Play Thou hast been given the honor of falling before me!
Heavily damaged ここで、退くわけにはいかない!Play There is now way I can go back!
Retreat 災難の数だけ。我らは強くなる!Play No matter the number of calamities, I will grow stronger!
MVP 指揮官よ、一つ一つの勝利を、気を銘じるといい。Play Commander, thou shouldest pay close attention to each victory.
Restoration 痛み…それは敵が汝を殺し切れなかった証だ!Play Pain...is proof that the enemy couldest not kill thee!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 夜明けの光が地平性を照らすまで、帰り道を見つけられる魂は、ないのではないだろうか。Play Until the light of dawn breaks over the horizon, the souls will never find their way back.
Christmas ひびの勤めを果たしているのであれば、サンタもまた、汝の動力に、答えるであろう。Play
New Year's Day この一年、我らが「…」込んだものは、きっと我らに、良い始まりを齎すであろう。


Valentine's day 甘いのと苦いの混ぜ込んでおいた。次のチョコがどっちが味か。汝には、永遠に分かるまい。


I mixed up sweet and bitter. What flavor will the next chocolate be, I wonder? That answer, thou mayest never know.
Tanabata アルタイルもベガも、「…」全ての星々が、みんな我らと同じく、己の名前を持っているのだ。


Altair and Vega. Even if they are just stars, they too have names just as we do.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

Children's Day Voice Lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 被命运选中的指挥官啊,我将会见证你前进的道路,请你做好觉悟吧! 命に選ばりし者よ。汝の行末、我が見届けあげる。さあ、各号が決めるがいい。Play Fate's Chosen Commander, I shall bear witness to your advance, please be conscious of it!
Secretary 心灵的强度与体型没有关系,即使是小孩子也……呜……编不下去了…… 心の強さは身体の大きさとは関係ない。例え子供でも…。え…えっと…その…うぐうう…!Play The strength of our bodies pale to the strength of our spirits, even children such as us can.... Uwu... I can't improvise anymore...
不管了啦!这个世界怎么会有那么多道理?简单一点不好吗! もう!なんでこの世界は理屈だらけなの?!もっとシンプルでいいじゃん!Play I've had enough! There are far too many rules and reasons in this world! Why can't things be simpler!
指挥官你看!这幅画已经快画好了!……诶?这作品创作背后的理念?为什么会需要那种东西? ね指揮官、この絵もうすぐ完成するんだ!え?この「…」を作る理由?そんなもの必要なの?Play Behold, Commander! This painting is almost complete! ...Hm? The meaning behind it? Why would it need such a thing?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander! I got some inspiration from watching you sleep yesterday and I came up with some new quotes! Wanna hear?
There are things that I realized only after I've become a child... People differentiate little between "love" and "admiration," and sometimes even use the two interchangeably. I believe that for love you have to make your feelings known. If not by words, then by your actions... What do you think? Commander?
Greeting この世界はひび、我らの力で変わっていくんだよ。Play This world is cracked and changes with our power.
T-Doll Produced 仲間は必要不可欠だよ。Play Friends are indispensable things.
Joining an echelon みなの活躍を、心から期待しているよ。Play I look forward to witnessing everyone's success.
Enhancement 年を重ねるほど、伴う責任も大きくなるよね。Play With each year passing by, the accompanying responsibility is getting bigger as well.
Dummy-linking 我らも、誰かのダミーではないのだろうか。Play Are we not also somebody's dummies?
Logistics (start) 見える!この旅の執着点が!Play Come forth! The objective of our mission!
Logistics (end) 指揮官、これは汝が受け取るべきものだ!Play Commander, this is what thou shalt receive.
Autobattle 勝利が我らを呼んでいる!Play Victory calls to us!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 前へ進むんだ!その先で、何が待ち受けて異様とも!Play Forward, advance! Whatever awaits us lies beyond!
Starting a battle 我らの行く先を、阻めるものなんていない!Play Nothing shall stop us from reaching our destination!
Skill activation うふふ、見つけたよ、悪い奴らを!Play Ufufu, I have found you, the bad guys!
急いで!急いで!Play Hurry up! Hurry up!
Heavily damaged うわあ!怖いものは怖いんだよ!Play Uwaah! Scary thing is scary!
Retreat 我が意志を殺すような事なく生きる事、己を強靭にするものなり?そんなの…誰が信じるもんか?!Play
MVP あ、やった!もうこれ以上言うことはないよ!Play
Restoration 痛みは…敵が指揮官を殺し切れなかった証だね。Play Pain...is proof that the enemy could not kill thee isn't it.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 许久不见了,被命运选中的指挥官。这双崭新的眼睛,将一如过去那样见证你的道路! Play Long time no see, Fate's Chosen Commander. These brand new eyes shalt bear witness to thy journey once more!
Secretary 怎么了?你一直在看我呢。素体变小不会影响任何事,除了我们的心。 Play What is it? Thine eyes have been on me this whole time. This small body will not affect anything, save our heart.
爱与守护是最柔软也最坚韧的感情,这与素体的强度无关。 Play Love and protection are the softest yet strongest feelings, which are unrelated to physical strength.
弱小不能成为犹豫不前的理由,同样的,强大也不会成为冷酷的原因。 Play Weakness is not an excuse for hesitancy. Similarly, strength should not be an excuse for aloofness.
Secretary (post OATH)
Keeper of this oath, I have heard thy wish. What thou works towards, I shall do my upmost.
Commander, looking into thine eyes, there is no hesitation. The time is ripe, for thou art my heart's truest desire... I swear, by my vows, let us engrave each other's existence in our eternal destiny.
Greeting Play
T-Doll Produced Play
Joining an echelon Play
Enhancement Play
Dummy-linking Play
Logistics (start) Play
Logistics (end) Play
Autobattle Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission
Starting a battle
Skill activation
Heavily damaged

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English