Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 你好,指挥官。我是M200,希望能用储备的知识帮上您的忙……不,不是精通,只是希望这样…… | お世話になります、M200です。僕の「」が、お役に立てば嬉しいです。あ、いいえ、だと言いなあって。 | Hello, Commander, I am M200. I hope I can be of some help to you with my knowledge… No, I'm not an expert at all. I just hope to help, that's all... | |
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 我曾经学过吉他演奏,您如果觉得无聊,我可以弹给您听。 | 一様ギターをならったことがありますで。もし退屈だったら、弾きましょうか? | I have learned to play the guitar before. If you're bored, I can play a song for you. | |
指挥官,这里的安排我不太懂为什么,可以告诉我吗? | ここの配置がよく分かりません。詳しく教えて頂けないでしょうか? | Commander, I'm not too clear on this arrangement, can you explain why? | ||
……不,就算那样也没必要夸我啊……糟糕……感觉……脑袋好热…… | いいえ、いくら何でも、そこまで褒めなくてもいいのに。だめ、なんか…熱い…頭がくらくらする… | …No, you don't need to praise me for something like this… Oh my, my head feels really hot… | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 感到有些累了吗?请先休息片刻吧,等您醒来,数据都会整理好的。
Feeling tired? Please take a nap. I will have all the data organized for you when you wake up.
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OATH | 指挥官,这次有什么要帮忙的吗?您在说什么啊……这样让人害羞的话,却一点也不想逃开……这样的我太傻了。但是,指挥官,我会努力让您觉得做了最正确的决定……直到我能陪伴您的最后一秒……
Is there anything you need help with this time, Commander? What are you saying… Despite your embarrassing question, I'm not trying to run away at all... I'm such an idiot. Commander, I will do my best to ensure that you've made the best choice in choosing me... All the way until death do us part...
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Greeting | お帰りなさい、報告賞は全部纏めました。合格にお願いします。 | Welcome back, we've compiled all of the mission reward reports. Please approve them. | ||
T-Doll Produced | 新しい仲間、話しが合うといいですね | I hope our new comrades enjoy chatting. | ||
Joining an echelon | こういうの編成仕方も出来るんだ、勉強になりました、流石ですね。 | You could also arrange it in this way. I've seen it in a study, it's true. | ||
Enhancement | もっと遠くに行ける気がします。 | I feel as if I can go even further. | ||
Dummy-linking | 人数が増えれば、「」も広くなる。そうですよね? | |||
Logistics (start) | ご心配なく、全て指揮官のお望むままに。 | Worry not, everything is as the Commander wills it. | ||
Logistics (end) | 後方支援の成果を確認してください。言いましたね、全て指揮官のお望むままにって | Have a look at the results of logistics support. It is as I said, everything is as the Commander wills it. | ||
Autobattle | サイレントキルぐらい、僕だって出来ますよ。 | I can pull off a silent kill. | ||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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