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< K5
Revision as of 18:41, 6 September 2019 by American Ronin (talk | contribs) (Valentine JP: Kanji fixed for "omen of good luck" / Valentine EN: translation added: Note: If "depression" is too striking, it can be replaced with "lows". Mod's choice.)
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K5 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 果然,无数的迹象都在表明……指挥官,我和您的相遇,是命中注定的。 数多くの兆しからみると…指揮官さん、やはりこれは運命的な出会いです。Play So it is, as it is proven by countless evidences... Commander, our meeting, was fated.
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 会议方案已经决定了吧?……呵呵,果然是这样的结论呢,相应的材料我已经准备好了。 会議の方針はもう決まったよね?…うふふ、やっぱりこういう結論かぁ。必要な資料は既に準備してきたよ。Play Have you decided on the content of the meeting? ...Heh, as I predicted, I've already prepared the correct materials here.
人形的心智再怎么强大,也会有无法演算的未来发生,不过只是占卜明天的天气的话,我还是有点自信的。 人形のメンタルがいくら強くても、見抜けない未来がある。でも明日の天気占いぐらいなら、少し自信があるよ。Play No matter how strong the T-doll's digi-mind is, some things are still beyond our predictions. But I'm still confident in predicting tomorrow's weather.
指挥官,有的时候少知道一点才更好哦。 指揮官、たまには知らないほうがいいよ。Play Commander, sometimes it is better to know less.
Secretary (post OATH)
There will be some unexpected outcomes on the next mission's report... Commander, do pay more attention to everyone's condition... Especially... mine.
I have began to notice, but I was skeptical... Because I'm not willing to believe how lucky I am, to get so close to you. Looks like you have already grasped this fate, in the palm of your hands, there's no escape now...
Greeting 良い始まりは、幸運を齎すよ。Play What a good beginning, this will bring good luck.
T-Doll Produced 出た!新たな可能性が!Play It's here! The new possibility!
Joining an echelon このチームの未来は明るい!Play This team's future is bright!
Enhancement 見えた!私たちの勝利が!Play I can see it! Our victory!
Dummy-linking いらっしゃい、運命の人。Play Welcome, a fated person.
Logistics (start) その先に、何が待っているのかな?Play What will await us in the other side, I wonder.
Logistics (end) どれだけ少ない物資でも、上手く使いこなせば、結構役に立つよ。Play No matter how limited a supply is, if you can manage it properly, that will be useful.
Autobattle この戦いの結果は、指揮官も見抜いてくれたでしょう?Play This battle's outcome, you too can see it already, don't you?
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 運命の導きに従)いなさい!Play Follow the destiny's guidance!
Starting a battle 全ては、思った通りに進んでいく!Play All will proceed just as expected!
Skill activation 私たちは、勝利に恵まれている!Play We will be blessed with victory!
運命は、私たちの手の中にある!Play Destiny is within our grasp!
みんな!もうひと踏ん張り!Play Everyone. Once more, stand firm!
Heavily damaged ああ……私の予測が間違ってたの?Play Aah... was my prediction wrong?
Retreat 一体……何を見逃したの?Play What exactly did I overlook?
MVP やっぱり、思った通りの勝利だね。Play As expected, that victory went just as I'd thought.
Restoration この傷は…私たちが勝利に一歩近づいた証。Play This scratch is the proof that we are one step closer to victory.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 巫女の占いは血を使うらしいよ。うふふ、私の場合はそんな怖い事をしおない。ちょっとお菓子をくられば十分だよ。Play From this shrine maiden's fortune-telling, looks like you'll be drained of your blood. *giggles* In my case, there's nothing so scary. It'll be enough to just give me a bit of candy.
Christmas 指揮官、メリークリスマス。私へのプレゼントの準備はどうなったのかな?Play Commander, Merry Christmas. I'm wondering what you've prepared as a present for me?
New Year's Day 今日は新年の運勢を占なってもらう為に沢山の人が私の所へ来たよ。どう?指揮官も占って見る?


Today, lots of people are coming to me to get their fortune told for the new year. So, how about it? Would Commander like to see what his fortune holds?
Valentine's day 指揮官、これは縁起のいいチョコだよ。でも、食べたら幸せを招く降下がなくなっちゃうよ。


Commander, this chocolate is an omen of good fortune. But, if you eat it, it'll invite happiness and make your depression go away.
Tanabata 指揮官の願いはまだ決めてないの?そんなにぐずぐずしてると運命は付いて来ないよ。


Haven't you decide on your wish yet, Commander? If you're keep hesitating, destiny will leave you in the dust.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play