Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 果然,无数的迹象都在表明……指挥官,我和您的相遇,是命中注定的。 | 数多くの兆しからみると…指揮官さん、やはりこれは運命的な出会いです。 | So it is, as it is proven by countless evidences... Commander, our meeting, was fated. | |
Introduction | (同上) | (ditto) | ||
Secretary | 会议方案已经决定了吧?……呵呵,果然是这样的结论呢,相应的材料我已经准备好了。 | 会議の方針はもう決まったよね?…うふふ、やっぱりこういう結論かぁ。必要な資料は既に準備してきたよ。 | Have you decided on the content of the meeting? ...Heh, as I predicted, I've already prepared the correct materials here. | |
人形的心智再怎么强大,也会有无法演算的未来发生,不过只是占卜明天的天气的话,我还是有点自信的。 | 人形のメンタルがいくら強くても、見抜けない未来がある。でも明日の天気占いぐらいなら、少し自信があるよ。 | No matter how strong the T-doll's digi-mind is, some things are still beyond our predictions. But I'm still confident in predicting tomorrow's weather. | ||
指挥官,有的时候少知道一点才更好哦。 | 指揮官、たまには知らないほうがいいよ。 | Commander, sometimes it is better to know less. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 下次的任务结果,应该会有什么征兆才对……指挥官,最近请多留意一下大家的状态……特别是……我的。
There will be some unexpected outcomes on the next mission's report... Commander, do pay more attention to everyone's condition... Especially... mine.
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OATH | 虽然我已经有所察觉了,但还是一直有些怀疑……因为我不敢相信,自己能如此幸运,能和您如此接近。这样的命运,已经被您的手心抓住,无法逃离了……
I have began to notice, but I was skeptical... Because I'm not willing to believe how lucky I am, to get so close to you. Looks like you have already grasped this fate, in the palm of your hands, there's no escape now...
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Greeting | 良い始まりは、幸運を齎すよ。 | What a good beginning, this will bring good luck. | ||
T-Doll Produced | 出た!新たな可能性が! | It's here! The new possibility! | ||
Joining an echelon | このチームの未来は明るい! | This team's future is bright! | ||
Enhancement | 見えた!私たちの勝利が! | I can see it! Our victory! | ||
Dummy-linking | いらっしゃい、運命の人。 | Welcome, a fated person. | ||
Logistics (start) | その先に、何が待っているのかな? | What will await us in the other side, I wonder. | ||
Logistics (end) | どれだけ少ない物資でも、上手く使いこなせば、結構役に立つよ。 | No matter how limited a supply is, if you can manage it properly, that will be useful. | ||
Autobattle | この戦いの結果は、指揮官も見抜いてくれたでしょう? | This battle's outcome, you too can see it already, don't you? | ||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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