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< K31
Revision as of 04:10, 24 September 2019 by Ralence (talk | contribs) (~ official ~ EN. also hm. biological clock is already a term in English so uh. let's not use that because I'm 99.99999% sure she does not refer to it.)
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K31 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 很好,就如预计的一样,在这个时间遇上我,这可是指挥官您最幸运的一刻哦。 Play Very good, this is just as planned. Meeting me now is the luckiest moment of your life, Commander.
Secretary 我闲下来的时候就会看看别人在干什么,不过看着指挥官也挺无聊的。 Play Usually when I'm bored, I'll go see what other people are doing, but it seems you're actually quite boring, Commander.
气息好像和内置时钟有些不同步呢,呼……哈……呼……嗯,没问题了。 Play My breathing seems to be out of sync with my internal clock...In...out...in... Hm, seems like it's alright now.
指挥官,您已经浪费我不少时间了,今天的晚餐您就好好期待一下吧。 Play Commander, you’ve wasted quite a lot of my time already, so enjoy waiting for dinner tonight.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, has your internal clock deviated recently? No worries, I’ll help you adjust it back to normal.
Commander, us two are completely prepared… right? Were today’s events made possible by your careful arrangements, or was it just a fluke? I don’t know… but what I do know is that this moment was destined to occur.
Greeting Play
T-Doll Produced Play
Joining an echelon Play
Enhancement Play
Dummy-linking Play
Logistics (start) Play
Logistics (end) Play
Autobattle Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission Play
Starting a battle Play
Skill activation Play
Heavily damaged Play
Retreat Play
MVP Play
Restoration Play
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play