Springfield | Story | Quotes | Live2D |
Mature and gentle in nature, she is very generous with her companions. But no matter in life or on battlefield, one can never find a weakness in her seemingly defenseless posture.[1]
Story Involvement
Although RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield is yet to be involved or mentioned in the main story, she does have an amount of costume story involvements, her costume 'Classic Witch' includes her interactions during the 2016 Weirder Things Halloween, her costume 'O Holy Night' depicts her role during the 2016 Santa Claus Hunt Christmas and her costume 'Queen in Radiance" shows her role in the 2017 Anniversary Party Ball Gown. She also played a minor role during AR G36G36G36's Digimind Upgrade Story.
Costume Story: Classic Witch
Costume Story: O Holy Night
Springfield was assigned to secretly prepare the presents for the festivities and that she would take on the role of Santa Claus.
Around 5pm on 24th of December, the Commander finds Springfield in the store room together with the presents. As the one who will play Santa Claus tonight, she has already put on a crimson hood. The Commander would then inform Springfield about the strange activity found in the wine cellar, of which Springfield had already taken notice, stating that some greedy little ones are planning to sabotage the event and to hoard all the presents for themselves. Agreeing with Springfield, they hatch up a plan to teach the cheeky little ones a lesson, the Commander did however reminded Springfield not to go overboard due to the upcoming missions to be carried out after the festivities.
Springfield assured the Commander that it will only be a little punishment and that she'd be devastated if she ended up hurting them. Being curious, the Commander asked on how she managed to find out the little ones plot, despite being busy on preparing the presents. Springfield replied that: she has her own source(s) and besides the little ones were like open books. It doesn't take much to see what they're thinking. Following that, the Commander asked if she had any countermeasures, to which she replied that she recruited some powerful T-Dolls as allies to make sure the event goes smoothly, and as Santa Claus, she couldn't be fazed by some petty tricks. Making the Commander chuckle, remaking that Springfield is dependable as always.
"I have to live up to everyone's expectations tonight. I will definitely play my part as Santa Clause perfectly." Springfield announced to which the Commander replied: "Then we must protect such an outstanding Santa at all cost", and that a Plan B was prepared to deal with any emergency, not to worry too much, & just enjoy tonight's event. Springfield eases up, stating that she would be counting on the Commander and it was certainly a bit overwhelming to deal with everything on her own.
Two hours later, the plot to sabotaged Christmas was foiled. When order has been restored to the scene, Santa(Springfield) starts giving out the presents to everyone. Shaking out the white sack to make sure nothing's left inside, she then puts it onto her sleigh. The Commander gave thanks to Springfield for all her hard work. Noticing that the Commander has yet make way for the banquet hall she commented, that it was quite cold outside and that while there was a lot to do, seeing everyone so happy makes it all worth it. Wanting to express gratitude, the Commander reveals a small package kept hidden behind and gave to Springfield.
"What's this Commander?" she asked to which the Commander replied:
"You've forgotten about yourself when you were preparing all those presents, haven't you? Everyone at Griffin deserves a present at Christmas, including Santa."
"Commander...Thank you. Then let me be the first to offer you Season's Greetings."
"Merry Christmas, Commander" Springfield said, holding her present, Santa smiles sweetly.
Costume Story: Queen in Radiance
Before the Griffin Anniversary, Springfield was assigned as secretary/assistant for the Commander.
Bringing in stacks of documents to the Commanders office and drafting a mission plan mentioned before. The mission plan is about the secondary party after the upcoming Griffin Anniversary, of which noted by the Commander as very detailed and the responsibilities of all those involved are clearly laid out, Springfield clearly spent a lot of effort on this plan. The Commander remembers the time when Springfield initially proposed the idea...
A day after Griffin announced the company anniversary banquet, the Commander was surprised that another party was to set up. Springfield commented that due to the nature of the event, Griffin T-Dolls with more of a "childlike" disposition wouldn't be invited and that many people from the outside will be joining them. For the sake of the company's image, this approach is probably the safest way. She also mentions that she wouldn't want to see the children arguing and throwing tantrums on one side and have important people looking on with distaste on the other side. Seeing how realistic the situation is, the Commander could only agree but still wishing to celebrate with everybody, as they were very rarely able to celebrate together. Putting up a suggestion, Springfield mentions that Miss Kalina approved of the second party as long as the Commander was to agree with it too. Approving without a doubt and a compliment to Springfield's thoughtfulness, the Commander would then task Springfield to write up a mission plan to look over.
On the day of the anniversary, at the official banquet. The Commander, all being tired and stiff from smiling and toasting, finds a hidden corner to hide only to encounter Springfield playing a tease with on Commander's cheek and laughing like a highschool girl.
"Gotcha,Commander~" she giggled out
"Where did you learn that from..." Springfield would then pull the Commander aside to a corner. Stretching out and looking more animated unlike the other T-Dolls at the banquet. The Commander then got a chance to take good look to Springfield's attire it was a look of elegant and gentle as always.
"Springfield, you are very beautiful today" the Commander remarked.
"R-really...? Do I look that different today" Springfield muttered back. "...Where are you looking at, Commander?" she then asked. The Commander mentions that he didn't think that there would be a moment where even someone like Springfield would be looking so fatigued. Noticing that only the Commander could tell of her current state she whispered: "You're the only one that can...". The Commander would then ask Springfield if she had already gotten a chance to rest this evening yet, of which Springfield replied that she could not relax on such official occasion although she was a bit tired. Springfield receives a suggestion that she should head back and get some rest, of she politely thanks the Commander, stating that she'll stay till the end and if she left the banquet earlier, the other T-Dolls that are here might get concerned. Springfield comments on how quite refreshing it was being able to chat with the Commander, the Commander also returns the sentiment being more relaxed just by being able to talk to Springfield.
"Being able to stay by your side like this is enough for us T-Dolls, Commander."
"Why are you bringing this up out of the blue~?"
"It's-it's not out of the blue at all..." she muttered "We've always wanted to tell you, but we never had the right opportunity."
"Everyone else and I have been very happy this past year, and I hope the upcoming year will be the same as well. Let's continue to do our best, Commander." Spring field smiles brightly to the Commander, of whom felt like the fatigue on that evening has been blown away in that very instance. The Commander unsure of what to say, stared blankly at Springfield causing the latter to blush, face reddened.
"Commander?" Springfield managed to speak out. "Ah? Ah, yes, uh..." her Commander could only reply.
"Well, Commander, I have to get back to entertaining the guests." Springfield excused herself. "Alright, careful not to wear yourself out." the Commander reminded her."I'll be careful." assuring her Commander following her own reminder. "Also, you must not forget about the party later tonight!" The Commander replying to be there as promised.
"I'll see you later then, Commander." Springfield smiles at the Commander and giving a small bow before returning to the banquet. Even within the group of T-Dolls wearing elegant dresses her beauty is distinguishing in a gentle and delicate way. The Commander remembers the words that were failed to be delivered earlier to Springfield:
"I'll be counting on you for the upcoming year as well, Springfield." those were the words the Commander must find opportunity to tell her.
Digi-mind Upgrade Story Involvement: G36