Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken[2] , Imperial Arsenals of Erfurt and Spandau, Simpson and Co., H. Krieghoff Waffenfabrick, Mauser - Obendorf[3], Vickers-Armstrong Ltd, Waffenfabrik Bern[1]
The Pistole Parabellum 1908—or Parabellum-Pistole (Pistol Parabellum) is a toggle-locked recoil-operated semi-automatic pistol. The design was patented by Georg J. Luger in 1898 and produced by German arms manufacturer Deutsche Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken (DWM) starting in 1900 with other manufacturers such as W+F Bern, Krieghoff, Simson, Mauser, and Vickers; it was an evolution of the 1893 Hugo Borchardt–designed C-93. The first Parabellum pistol was adopted by the Swiss army in May 1900. In German Army service, it was succeeded and partly replaced by the Walther P38 in caliber 9×19mm Parabellum.
The Luger is well known from its use by Germans during World War I and World War II, along with the interwar Weimar Republic and the postwar East German Volkspolizei. Although the P.08 was introduced in 7.65mm Parabellum, it is notable for being the pistol for which the 9×19mm Parabellum (also known as the 9×19mm Luger) cartridge was developed. Because of its association with Nazi Germany, the pistol has been used in fictional works by many villainous characters over the past several decades.[1]
인류 역사상 최초의 군용 반자동권총인 루거 P08은, 그 시절을 가장 대표하는 권총중 하나예요. 루거란 이름은 신화속의 빛의 신의 이름에서 비롯되었으며, 저도 이러한 영예와 저 자신의 장점을 믿고 군대에서 30여 년간 복무했어요. 비록 나중에 P38에게 대체당하지만, 루거라 붙여진 권총 탄이, 오늘날까지도 여전히 폭넓게 사용되고 있어요.
지휘관, 어째서 이런 저를 인정해주시는 겁니까? 함께...영광을 쟁취하실 건가요? ...네. 저는 앞으로 계속 당신을 위해 싸우고... 당신의 힘이 되겠습니다!
Commander, why did you acknowledge someone like me? Would you want to achieve glorious victory together? ...Umm, I'll fight for your cause, I'll be your strength!