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Stevens M620/Quotes

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Stevens M620 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 您下达命令,我推进战线,愿我们能达成完美无瑕的合作——史蒂文斯620,向您报道,长官。 You issue the orders, and I push the frontline forward. May we reach a seamless cooperation - Stevens 620, at your service, sir.
Secretary 人形是战士和兵器,所以下达命令的时候一定要干脆果断,过分的担心和温柔只会带来不必要的损失,希望我们之间能达成这一共识。 T-Dolls are soldiers. Weapons. Hence, it's imperative for you to be decisive when issuing orders; excessive compassion and concern will only to [sic] unnecessary harm. I hope we can both reach such consensus.
与其徒劳于我和“那个人形”之间的事情,不如把精力放在军事,还有您的下属身上,与之相比,后两者拥有更多关注的价值。 Instead of wasting your energy on whatever happened between me and "that doll", you should focus on your subordinates and the operations at hand. The latter are far more deserving of your time.
在担任副官时携带足量的军备弹药很奇怪吗?我们总会遇到需要立刻出击的突发状况,而我只不过是为那一刻做好准备而已。 Is it that uncommon to carry a full load of ammunition as an adjutant? We are bound to run into circumstances that demand immediate actions, and I'm simply getting ready for that moment.
Secretary (post OATH)
Please refrain from pouncing at me like that, unless you want to accidentally pull out a grenade pin.
Greeting 早上好,长官,如果您还睁得开眼睛,就来看看战报怎么样? Good morning, sir. If you can keep your eyes open, let's have a look at the combat report, shall we?
T-Doll Produced 新面孔到了,让我来好好训练一番。
Joining an echelon 新的战事?那就别拖拖拉拉的,立刻出发。 A new battle coming up? Stop slacking off then. Let's head out now.
Enhancement 具体变得有多强,等上了战场就知道了。 As to how useful these enhancements are, we'll find out on the battlefield.
Dummy-linking ……如果是“你”,那时会有什么不一样吗? ...would it have been any different, if it was "you" at the time?
Logistics (start) 翻越那些山脉,征服未见的风景……的确是一场值得期待的旅行。 To scale those mountains and conquer unseen landscapes...is indeed a journey to be reckoned with.
Logistics (end) 您在这里等待很久了吗?那我就为您献上足以值得等待的硕果吧。 You've been waiting for a long time, haven't you? In that case, let me present you results worthy of your patience.
Autobattle 无需为我担心,战场的风会指引我到该去的地方。 No need to worry for me, the breezes on the battlefield will guide me towards my destination.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 列队完毕,向战场进发! Formation complete, marching towards the battlefield!
Starting a battle 让敌人知道我们无所畏惧,推进! Let the enemies know that we shall know no fear. Advance!
Skill activation 破坏一切。 Destroy everything.
终结降临。 The end is nigh.
接受你的死亡。 Embrace your demise.
Heavily damaged ……这点小伤不值一提。 ...this is but a scratch.
Retreat 静待时机,一定要把战线夺回来……! Wait for the right opportunity. We must take the front back...!
MVP 稀疏平常的战果,但的确值得庆祝。 An unremarkable outcome, but certainly worth celebrating.
Restoration 作为军人,这点程度的损伤还不值得担心…… As a soldier, this level of damage is nothing to fret over...
Attack 很好,跟我上!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 我不擅长扮演魔鬼,但若是让心怀鬼胎之人付出惨烈的代价,我倒有的是办法……只管享受去吧,我会看好岗位的。
Christmas 圣诞节的温馨与否,对我而言并不重要,但您所赠予的礼物的确合我心意,这下不得不好好考虑一下回礼了——在圣诞夜来一场军事进攻怎么样?
New Year's Day 原来您也会和其他人类一样感叹时间的流逝……不过,作为一个阶段的结束,我们的确应该回顾一下过往。坐下吧,今夜还很漫长。
Valentine's day 不知您对我抱以何种感情,但我必须提醒您:建立理智且牢固的信赖关系,更能拉近我们之间的距离,明白的话,就用实际行动来证明吧。
Tanabata 许愿?哼,这不过是一厢情愿的行为罢了。如果您有什么目标,我可以尽己所能地为您达成,这难道不比默默祈愿更有实际意义?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 最外层防线交给我!
Phrase 服从命令。
Tip 您听过一些关于我的传闻?嗯,如果是出于工作的需要,我会把我所知道的有关信息详实报告给您,但若只是为了满足好奇心,还请恕我私事繁忙,不予奉陪。
Loading 我们又不是朝生夕死的蜉蝣,耐心等待吧。 We don't have the lifespan of mayflies, so let's wait patiently.